hateful! !

How unhappy!

Could the body lose control so easily?

The adventurers did not admit that the fool who had just laughed was themselves.

On the other side, under the guidance of Leonardo da Vinci and others, Guda and Matthew began to make kites.

"Ah~, no, no! It's not over there, it's over here!

Cut this side! What a mistake! Really~! "

Matthew: "Dear Da Vinci, it's hard to understand what you say!"

Goldruff: "I told you it's not here anymore!

If you cut this side off, the kite won't be able to fly! "

Everyone: "..."

So which way is this...? !

Not to mention that even normal people can’t understand it.

Even the gods were speechless when they looked at the scene in front of them.

Put it here and put it here!

Lao Fu: “No, it’s right to cut this side.

Next, you should cut in the opposite direction. "

Goldruff: "Really?...Kite is really a profound thing.

It’s not just a tent that can fly in the sky..."


Why not just draw a design drawing and forget it.

To make a simple kite, so many great heroes in human history were used.

To a certain extent, it is really...

Freya (Ciel): "Interesting——!"

It looked like she wanted to make a kite with Master Homura. If she invites you next time, she won't be rejected, right?

Chapter 107 The emperor, the princess, and the musician, an old acquaintance!

In order to complete this kite that saves the world... Guda and Mashuqi work together.

If this experience could be recorded in human history and the Hall of Valor,

I'm afraid it can also become a kind of Noble Phantasm.

What’s interesting is that in the middle, Mashu said that the twisting part of the steel bars should be left to her, a sub-servant.

But little Da Vinci complained that Mashu's physical strength was not as good as the Master's.

And after a while, there was lightning and thunder in the sky,

Lao Fu hurriedly reminded Guda and others to prepare for the test flight, and there was no extra time for them to prepare.

If you miss this time, you don’t know how long you have to wait...

Obviously in such an urgent time,

But Holmes, Leonardo da Vinci and others were still in the mood to let Guda and Matthew do the final painting work.

Let the two of them draw something on the kite.

Little Leonardo da Vinci wanted to draw a human body.

The fat director said that just writing a few words would be enough.

In the end, Ma Xiu overcame everyone's objections and drew the painting named Guda according to his heart, which is actually the appearance of the ancient god.

And was sincerely praised by Lao Fu and others...

This can probably be used to exorcise demons.

"Pfft! Hahahahaha! You're laughing so hard!!!" Seeing this, people who were a little nervous and looking forward to who the heroic spirit would be first to respond couldn't help laughing like crazy.

Later, after leaving a note for Patsy,

The two of them set off.

Step out of the house and enter a world of blizzards and thunder.

Matthew: “...I don’t know if I’m too worried.

I always feel that the people here are... wrong, there are a lot of Yaga. "

At this moment, a special sound came...

Attracting the attention of Matthew and others,

What is that?

Then the scene changed, and people saw another space.

When he came back to his senses, he had appeared in a palace with spiral stairs.

? ? ? : "Anastasia...

Anastasia...where are you...? "

Princess: "Yes, I am here, Emperor (Tsar)."

The next moment, a beautiful silver-haired woman who was very familiar to everyone slowly appeared in front of them.

‘Is it her? ! ! The woman who froze the celestial body of Chaldeas! ’

When people looked at this elegant silver-haired princess and heard the word 'emperor' in her mouth, their hearts tightened.

Could this be the lair of the King of the Lostbelt?

Is this the enemy’s base camp? ?

But before people could subconsciously look around, the previously unknown voice came to their ears again... a voice suspected to be that of the emperor himself.

? ? ? : "Oh, my princess. My beloved wife.

Is Russia... still at peace? "

To people's surprise,

Because of the previous experience of weak people like Patsy struggling to save lives, the overbearing law that only the strong can survive, and the existence of the resistance.

People thought the emperor would be a tyrant,

Unexpectedly, I am now caring about my country.


Woohoo, wait a minute, the princess is not the emperor's daughter, but a concubine? !

Look at this beautiful figure,

Even if he knew that he was one of the culprits who attacked Chaldea.

A heroic spirit from the Lost Belt...!


lsps can’t help but be envious!

Princess: “Of course it’s very peaceful.

In order to let the emperor's majesty spread throughout the world, the Killing Hunters

Fighting everywhere.

Please sleep peacefully. "

With a smile on her face, her green pupils stared at Wang Di quietly. The girl's cheeks were slightly red, as if she would always be so peaceful and beautiful. Even her enemies would be attracted to her involuntarily.

No one would question such angelic words, right?

But for people who knew about the existence of the rebels, many question marks suddenly rose above their heads.

? ? ? : "Well, Russia is very peaceful...

For these two hundred years, Russia has maintained peace.

How's it going outside?

For Yu, outside of Russia too

A place where the emperor's majesty must shine. "

The emperor continued to ask...

"The foreign humans who are still shivering from the cold, waiting for their demise...

What's going on in Europe and the Far East now...? "

Princess: "...of course, it's also very peaceful."

At this time, the smile on the princess's face had gradually disappeared, but she still chose to reply like this.

But people who know the truth...

"!!! Where is the outside!

The world has been bleached! "Werewolf Burt complained.

——This woman is not deceiving her emperor!

But why do this?

People discovered that things seemed not simple.

The princess continued: "Europe is respectfully willing to obey the emperor's wishes.

Negotiations with the Far East are ongoing.

The war is over,

They will probably obey quickly. "

? ? ? : "That's it..."

Very good……


Peace alone should not be enough.

It is necessary to become stronger and expand Yu's controlled territory more broadly...

We must unify the world and bring happiness...! "

Princess: "...Amadeus."

As the princess shouted loudly, a very familiar heroic spirit suddenly appeared in front of people.

Wearing a mask, Alter-like Mozart: "...I understand."


? ? ? : "...so sleepy...I...are you dreaming..."

The princess smiled gently and said: "Good night, Emperor.

May you also have a good dream today. "

But everyone still doesn’t understand what these people are doing! !


No, was it the musician who used the lullaby to the emperor? !

Everyone was a little confused and their eyes widened at the same time.

So what is the situation now!

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