By selling at a high price, the price is so high that they will crowd out the neighbors and seize their property to buy it.

"Isn't that an induced crime? What a woman with a bad temperament." Hermes, as the god of business, does not despise various means in business.

After all, business competition has many disgraceful aspects.

If you do a good job, this god will not be stingy in praising you... Not only will you not be ashamed, but you will be proud of it.

But this is just for fun! Hahaha, interesting woman!

Although the means are not pure, Hermes does not only have commercial authority.

He is also half a fun-loving person by nature, but at least he is restrained.

On the other hand, Kadoc also sneered at this...

“...I’m really speechless.

Do you want to bully the weak in a place like this? "

As he spoke, he suddenly turned to Mapo and said something that left people speechless.

"Father. Even though I don't like you, I know your true face.

I also believe in your will to protect this Russian realm.

But that woman——

I had no idea what she was thinking or doing.

Unlike you, she can be transferred to other Lost Belts.

So why not let her go to other more civilized Lost Belts?

There is no need to stay in this barren world. "

Wait, wait! !

Regardless of why Goyanskaya can travel between the Lost Belts at will.

Everyone felt a little weird that Mapo was actually trusted by others.

That pleasure criminal who killed his master and almost killed his disciple, is he worthy of trust? What kind of joke are you kidding the world? !

People were a little confused.

Chapter 109: Group A is suspected to have also saved human beings? !

Mapo: "No. No matter which country you are in,

Her position will not change.

In a sense, that guy loves humans.

Persecuting, ridiculing, and trampling on the weak are also part of it.

We will not be hostile to you.

Just think of us as troublesome mercenaries who will work as long as they make money.

...Having said that.

She does take a little too much freedom. "

Afterwards, Mapo said that she would remind Goyanskaya to be driven by her.

And Caddoc gladly accepted...

And informed of an important piece of information.

When the Thunder Emperor was dreaming, the Killing Hunters could not be killed no matter how hard they killed.

He asked Mapo to tell the story on his behalf and deal with the remaining Chaldean forces.

"Is it actually related to the dream? The source of the unkillable monster... is the emperor." In the re world, Kurxiu and the others were a little surprised.

Visible power compared to direct performance.

This weird ability is actually the most troublesome...

This reminded Crusch and others of the white whale they had been preparing to attack.

People killed by beluga whales will gradually be forgotten in the memories of relatives and friends.

But that pain cannot go away...

Compared with the beluga, the unbeatable enemy like the Killer Hunter is more difficult to deal with.


Dreams are meaningless, so naturally they cannot be killed.

Is it possible that the Killing Hunters all ran away from the emperor's dream, so they couldn't be killed?

Everyone frowned when they saw this...

Obviously the power is not very strong, but facing a group of unkillable and invincible troops, it is only a matter of time before the world falls.

Should they be lucky that that thing won't invade their world? !

And here Kadok reminded Mapo,

It is predicted that Chaldea may look for and hide in the town.

This divine prediction also shocked people again, making them a little nervous for the safety of Guda and others.

Mapo even said that he was really cruel to his former companion - Kadoc Zemlupus.

Then he faced a series of seemingly "concerned" verbal taunts from Mapo.

Kadoc firmly expressed his position as the Lostbelt Master.

At the same time, he said something like this - "What the Master of pan-human history cannot do,

Just let me do it.

No, it must be done. "

It should have sounded extremely handsome, like a savior or a hero's speech.

This moment made people a little stunned.

He was obviously playing the role of an intruder, but after Guda saved the world, he shamelessly destroyed all peace.

Why are you still talking nonsense?

Is there really a hidden secret, or...

What did he say that the Master of Pan-Human History could not do?

If there was something that could involve the two masters, it would be the only one, right? ! People are reminded of the previous seven singularity corrections.

But Guda has obviously completed the physical rehabilitation!

Could it have been done by a member of Group A?

That sentence should have been said the other way around, right? People were a little aggrieved.

"What the Master of the Lostbelt cannot do, I, the Metahuman Master, can do it!!" Someone couldn't help but bring in the character of 'Guda' and said.

Eat shit! Group A!

Not only the singularity, but the Lost Belt will also be restored for you to see! Don't underestimate the will and courage of humanity's last master!

On the other side, Mapo verbally supported Kadoc,

But he suddenly said——

“But please remember one thing.

Those who cannot love themselves will never be able to save the world.

Where does this hostility in your heart come from.

I hope you can think carefully about it again. "

Caddoc: “…hostility.

Does it mean that I recognize them as strong enemies?

snort. Who would admit those guys as strong enemies?

Aren’t they just a little luckier——”

Everyone:! ! !

It makes me even more angry!

They don't know whether the Master of Group A is strong or not.

But they know very well that Guda and others worked really, really hard and went through a lot along the way to become the heroes and saviors of the world!

Those touching memories,

It’s definitely more than just luck. You can’t say grapes are sour if you can’t eat them!

Princess: "No, Kadoc. You can't say such insincere words.

Even if you try to be strong, these lies will only make you weaker. "

Kadok: "…………"

Princess: "Kadok. You failed to do it. This is a fact.

Don't deceive yourself.

They did it. And you failed to do it.


You must take this opportunity to show your strength. "

The princess's words suddenly revealed shocking information.

The people who were originally filled with righteous indignation were slightly stunned.

I don’t know if I misunderstood it... Wait,

Why does this tone seem to say that Kadok also saved humanity once, but failed?

Even if we use this internal recommendation, are the other members of Group A also...

No, that's not right.

Among the seven singular points, there is no existence of Group A at all!

If there were still so many Masters in Chaldea, the work of repairing the singularity would not have become so difficult.

For a moment, everyone and the gods were confused!

But when the scene changed, it suddenly returned to Guda and Mashu.

In the snowstorm——

The two were attracted by hearing a special sound.

Guda said it would be better not to act rashly...

Matthew: "Although it is true...

The Master is only cautiously observing the situation secretly,

Isn’t that possible too? "

After receiving the affirmation, Matthew finally showed the happy and satisfied expression of a child who has received a favorite toy or candy.

He whispered excitedly: "Then let's walk over quietly."

Then the two of them saw Goyanskaya wearing a dark military uniform and rationing food to Yaga with a smile.

Everyone:! ! ! !

woc, appeared! Bad woman!

No, it’s not!

Although I heard from Mapo that the other party was rationing food, I never expected that they would go to such a remote town, which happened to be where Guda and others were hiding.

What kind of luck is this? !

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