Even the smallest miracle may be born...

But if it were this woman,

Humanity might be like a frog in boiling water, and perish silently.

Many people who realized this immediately raised the danger of Gao Yanskaya to a higher level in their hearts.

But what also confused them was...

Why did she do this?

Is it really so fun to play with others, play with feelings, and play with human nature? !

Chapter 115 No one wants to disobey the Thunder Emperor unless forced!

Gao Yanskaya: "Using brutal violence to destroy something,

Isn't it stupid enough to rival humans?

You are asking for it, and you are destroying yourself.

I don't want to fall to the same level as you."


Hermes remembered the world he learned from the gods of another world that day,

and the sadness that humans will be destroyed by their own hands. The existence called the final trial of humans is mostly caused by humans.

It is enough to make people reflect...

The world is like a mirror. If you show violence to it, it will be equally violent, and even want to destroy everything.

The so-called trial is the judgment of ugly things.

Although there are occasional shining things in the world, compared with the majority of ugly things, there are too few;

If human beliefs are firm and united enough,

even if a woman like Gao Yanskaya instigates secretly, it is difficult for real riots to occur.

And Gao Yanskaya once again said that she would not take action here.

Mashu gritted her teeth: "Because we have nothing,

they will let us go...!"

Gao Yanskaya: "Yes, that's right, Mashu.

You actually have the courage to say this reality that you don't want to admit the most?

For your earnestness and honesty,

I might as well let you go this time.

Hehe. In fact, I plan to take advantage of your relief,

open my mouth and swallow you in one bite?"

Everyone felt a chill in their hearts...

Is it really like this? ! For the first time, they felt the meaning of the word "capricious" directly.

Even the gods have never seen through this disguise.

It can only be said that everything about Gao Yanskaya is too casual and natural, as if all actions are improvised.

You can never guess what she wants to do next...

As an enemy, this kind of person is very difficult and scary.

Gao Yanskaya pretended to leave...

Mashu subconsciously wanted to call her, but the words were stuck in her throat...

This scene made Gao Yanskaya smile happily and praise her restraint.

Because once the hostility is exposed, you will die!

'Don't resist an opponent you can't defeat.

This is an appreciation for animals.

For you who are so smart and sensible,

I will make a promise to you.

If you can survive in Russia, I will come to see you again.

As a woman, I will listen to your hatred.

So-before that time comes,

you have to run around like a street rat, okay?

I am the advisor of the Hidden Ones.

As long as you continue to travel, I will definitely show up as an enemy. ’ After saying that, Gao Yanskaya and her men disappeared in the blizzard.

Only Mashu and others were left unwillingly...

Just as Guda comforted Mashu, they heard screams.

! ! !

Has the killing begun? !

Thinking of the previous incident where Gao Yanskaya induced the Yagas to kill each other.

People quickly speculated, could it be... that someone has already started to act? !

Even ordinary people would think of this question,

Old Fu naturally knew it, and immediately reminded Guda and others to return to Patzisi's home first.

The situation is unclear now, and it is too dangerous to continue staying outside.


On the other side, the scene changed, and people saw a town covered in heavy snow.

Yaga citizens: "Please forgive me!

Please forgive me, Emperor's Light!

The residents of this city are all pious subjects of the Emperor,

No one will disobey the Emperor of Thunder!

...My brother was indeed killed by you, the Killing Hunters, because he tried to join the rebels.

But, this has nothing to do with me!

Not to mention the magician!"

Facing the excited words of this Yaga citizen,

Killing Hunter: "The glory of the Emperor will last forever.

The glory of the Emperor will last forever.

The buds of rebellion must be quickly strangled and crushed.

Sentenced to confiscate property and burn down houses.

This is the fate of those who disobey [Extraordinary Power]."

Yaga citizens: "How could it be..."

The Killing Hunters continued to ask: "We ask, question,

Where is the magician?"

Many people's pupils shrank slightly when they saw this scene,

Magician? ! Are you looking for Guda and all the members of Chaldea?

Damn it, didn't Koyanskaya let Guda and the others go for the time being?

Is this another lie? !

And thinking that Guda and Mashudo haven't summoned a single Heroic Spirit yet, everyone is a little anxious.

Originally, things should have gone smoothly...

But since Koyanskaya came over, the situation has suddenly become urgent!

At this time, the Yaga citizen who was interrogated insisted that he didn't know those guys...

Killhunter: “…This is proof that you still don’t understand the majesty of the Emperor.

Destroy, kill. "

Seeing the loaded and approaching killing hunters, Yaga citizens were so frightened that they trembled like crazy: "Ah, ah... stop... please stop!


In the blizzard, the killing hunters wearing crow-like white masks did not waver at all and raised their weapons ruthlessly.

Matthew couldn't bear it any longer——


It turned out that they were hiding aside again and saw everything.

And finally——

In a life-and-death crisis, the Yaga citizen couldn't stand it anymore: "Please wait a moment!

I know! I know!

I know who is disobeying the emperor!

That Yaga’s name——

Called Patsy! "

Matthew: "!"

Everyone: "!!!"

The air suddenly became quiet!

It’s over…! Because most of the Yaga citizens look similar, people who originally didn’t recognize who this Yaga was,

Suddenly realized,

Is this... could it be the Yaga who was threatened when Patsi took Guda and others to sneak across?

No wonder I didn’t dare to say Patsy’s name until the last minute.

He is also afraid of being bitten by Patsy and becomes a companion.

But now is obviously no longer the time to keep things secret.

If you don’t keep it secret, you may die, but if you continue to keep it secret, you will die immediately!

Of course, it is also possible that Patsy himself has problems and was discovered by his compatriots.

People have already discovered this,

He is indeed very different from other Yaga, and he is gentler and kinder at heart.

Lefiya and the other girls became a little anxious when they saw this...

If Patsy comes back at this time, wouldn't it be for nothing?

And this will also cause Guda and others who are hiding in Patsy's house to lose their temporary base soon and be exposed!

Guda: "Patsy...!?"

Holmes: "So,

There was something strange about the way he was treated in this town. "

And everyone who is thinking, as well as Lao Fu and others in the epic,

Suddenly I heard that Yaga shouting again: "That Yaga is very suspicious!

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