"What's there to hesitate about?

If you hesitate, we'll all die together!

Fighting an undead monster with low combat power is a deadly situation!

Can't you see that?!"

Someone seemed to have suddenly thought of something...

"Could it be... are you worried about your mother?" An adventurer murmured, and just after he finished speaking, he was stunned and fell into silence.

When Lao Fu and others persuaded him, Goldruf scolded him,

They were all regarded as troublesome people by the citizens,

What is there to be nostalgic about now? !


What is there to be nostalgic about now?

Anyone who is not a fool knows that what makes Patssi nostalgic is definitely not the killing hunters, who turn around and betray themselves, and even he hates those companions (Yaga citizens) who follow the law of the jungle.

So, is it because of his mother? !

Under this empathy, as long as there are important people around,

even adventurers who are blinded by hatred cannot deceive their hearts at this moment,

this Yaga is really different...he has a heart.

'Important people...'

Patsi, who does not think that his mother is a burden or a burden, is indeed...very different from other Yaga.

And even so——

Patsi was still hesitant, but after hearing the other side, the Royal Guard claimed to have received the execution communication.


Patsi's last thought was cut off.

The Royal Guard will really kill him now!

"Ah, damn it...!

Got it, I'll go with you! I'll accompany you to the end!

Hey, lead the way quickly, Fujimaru Ritsuka!

You don't want to be shot in the back!"

Fufu: "Fuwu~!"

After that, several people and a little beast ran wildly in the snow.


Following the shortest route guided by Lao Fu and others, the last few people escaped very smoothly.

This made people feel surprised, relieved, and a little disappointed.

I thought a great battle would break out.

I didn't expect that the Killing Hunters didn't catch up? !

The great opportunity to destroy Chaldea was missed.

Although Guda and others kept pushing down the goods to block them on the road, the Killing Hunters didn't shoot.

This is the biggest reason why they were able to escape smoothly.

When Da Vinci reviewed this, he claimed that there was probably something wrong with the Killing Hunters' command system.

'Could it be that woman? 'Hermes and other gods immediately thought of Gao Yanskaya.

She is the only one who can interfere with the will of the Killing Hunters,

and she did let Guda go once before.

I really don't understand what she wants to do.

After that, Lao Fu gave the mountain bird's-eye view to Patzisi, hoping that he could lead Guda and others.

Patzisi, who is familiar with the terrain and the distribution of monsters here, will obviously be a good guide, and can also get rid of the pursuers.

At this time, people also remembered that Guda and others were originally going to summon the Heroic Spirit at the spiritual vein point.

It must be there...

But I didn't expect so many things to happen in the middle, and the Heroic Spirit has not been summoned for so long!

Patssi, who was already on a pirate ship, agreed to this request,

but also expressed his dislike for Lao Fu,

always felt that all this was in his calculations.

Then, with Lao Fu's hearty laughter, several people set off on the journey.

After finally feeling the chill on his back disappear,

Patssi said that he should get rid of all the pursuers.

Damn, why did he suffer such a crime... while complaining.

When Mashu and others apologized for taking him in and causing Patssi to fall into this situation.

Patssi said that this was the fate of a fool who only cared about petty profits.

While shouting to stop talking nonsense, he said that he was also responsible and had reasons, so it was fair.

Although a little arrogant...

But after going through so many things, he was able to accept the current reality so magnanimously and open-mindedly,

still surprising many people, and some looked at him with new eyes...

Is there a kind human heart hidden under the appearance of a beast?

This time, gradually, not only the gods with excellent eyesight and wisdom, but even ordinary people began to discover this and began to recognize the existence of Patssi.

In the re world, the acceptance of Patssi's appearance is even higher.

After all, there are many sub-human races with completely non-human appearances.

While on the way, Patssi couldn't help asking the question buried in his heart: "...Compared to this.

Why don't you use me as bait?"

Guda: "Because we can't just sit back and watch you."

Mashu: "That's right."

And Patssi just kept saying that normal people and ordinary people would not make such a choice.

And his death obviously has nothing to do with the life and death of Guda and others.

Even the fat director got involved again at this time, expressing his confusion about Guda and others' previous bold actions, and obviously still could not accept this style of adventure! !

"Humph! This is why you can't become Fujimaru Ritsuka!" The adventurers said disdainfully, and at the same time they were touched.

Because they all know themselves and know that they can't become Fujimaru Ritsuka.

That courage and kindness,

Even the prejudices and hatreds in the hearts of adventurers have been resolved.

Are they really wrong?

In the final analysis, they are just timid, fearful, and angry. Their companions were once swallowed by the Great Labyrinth and killed by monsters.

So they are angry at many inhuman beings.

They don't think about whether those beings are evil or not.

Do all of them deserve to die!

Because they see a different kind and pure side in Guda,

people who are very familiar with Guda and would never classify Guda as an evil person,

even the unreasonable excuse of "people who associate with monsters must be evil" in the past can't be found.

The celebrity effect is just like this-

It really began to make many people regain a lot of rationality and began to think whether their previous behavior was too much.

Chapter 118 On the risk of the master being struck by lightning!

On the other side——

Under Patzisi's questioning,

Guda stopped midway and finally gave this reply: "I'm sorry about this.

But the body acted instinctively."

Patzisi: "You are really a weirdo.

Or are all so-called magicians like this?

The rule of Yaga is 'the strong eats'.

That is, only the strong can eat."

Laofu: "Oh, is it missing the 'weak' in the law of the jungle?"

Patzisi: "The weak are not even meat."

This sentence made the gods raise their eyebrows in surprise,

making people's hearts slightly shaken that the cruelty of the environment in that abnormal zone is still far beyond their imagination.

The weak——

Not even meat? How ironic! How humble! No one would want to be born in such a cruel world!

It's fortunate that there are many battles in their worlds,

but compared to the twisted world of the strong where even being alive is a kind of happiness,

isn't it already as good as it can be? !

Patssi: "We were taught this way.

...Really, magicians don't play by the rules."

Laofu: "No, no, it's just because the magician over there is a heretic.

Ordinary magicians must have made the same choice as you.

That boy (girl) believes that it's not a simple gain or loss,

but his own feelings."

Patssi: "...

Ah, really, bastard.

Before the Killing Hunters settle down,

Is it possible to hide in other towns...

Why not just go and join the rebels."

Laofu: "Rebels...you mentioned it before.

Are you referring to the people who are resisting the Thunder Emperor who rules Russia?"

Patssi: "Yes, but then again, in these 450 years,

there has never been a time when there were no rebels.

Among them are nobles, and farmers who can hardly make a living.

Although each time they end up being slaughtered by the Killing Hunters,

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