The village chief also promised that their village would fully provide material assistance in the future.

And Guda also said goodbye to the village chief and headed to the next village...


When the group of people arrived at the second village,

There was a lament in the air, a sad background music melody.

The Master and others did not find the village marked on the map.

What appeared before them was ruins.

"Is anyone still here~!" Guda kept calling,

This scene is like the beginning of the epic of five wars, and like the end of the fourth war, when Emiya Kiritsugu desperately called out in the sea of ​​fire, asking for...even if there is only one person,

There is still a feeble hope that life will be good.

After that, people looked at Guda and shouted as they approached the village.

This is too heavy a scene,

Many emotional people covered their mouths to prevent themselves from crying.

Probably...all of them are dead!

Did a monster attack the village? Or... was it done by members of the Guards? !

The traces are almost buried by the snowstorm, and even the last traces of living in this world are almost disappearing. Life is so humble and humble in the face of disaster.


A faint cry for help came from the ruins.

Yaga: "Oh..."

The background music also stopped for a moment.

Just like when time stops,

Matthew: "Master!"

Wow~! ! The world is moving again.

Guda and others immediately ran towards the place where the sound came from!

"Are you okay!?"

A Yaga covered in blood struggled to get up: "Well... I just fainted..."

Patsy: "Hey, what happened?"

Yaga: "It's a thief..."

Although we fought hard...

But it was still captured in four days... damn.

Is there anyone else alive besides me? "

Thief? ! !

Chapter 130: Have other people from Chaldea come?


Hearing this, everyone looked a little ugly.

Even if they are not personal guards or monsters,

But the so-called thieves...

In other words, is it also Yaga?

Could it be those Yaga who attacked their compatriots just to collect enough money to buy supplies?

Maybe it was also the predator that Ta Miao mentioned in the conversation at that time?

To actually commit such a tragic act——!

Compared with natural disasters can also be divided into external invasions and internal fratricidal wars.

And from the perspective of the identity of the same race,

It's the latter...

At this time, people also remembered what Yaga who was following Ta Miao once said.

Obviously everyone is helping each other, relying on each other, and struggling to survive together.

Everyone has difficult times...

But this is no reason to point the butcher knife at the compatriots around you.

And here, the surviving Yaga, makes his final inquiry...

Are there anyone else alive?

Girls with simpler and kinder personalities, such as Lefiya, Emilia, and even the Amazon twins who are used to life and death,

Seeing this, everyone fell silent.

Should they be lucky that they don't need to answer this question themselves?

Such a difficult question, even if it is Guda...

There is only one person left alive in the whole village. Who can bear to say such a cruel answer?

And Avisbron, who has always shown high emotional intelligence, took the initiative to take over the topic this time,

He gave the cruel answer, "Unfortunately."

Just three words, as heavy as a thousand pieces.

It seemed like he had said it, but it seemed like he didn't say anything at all.

But the Yaga survivors on the opposite side understood instantly and gritted their teeth with hatred: "Damn it!"

The hatred that crawls out of the dead, like the demons of hell,

But it did not make people feel scared, but fell into endless silence and mourning.

Those thieves - indeed...

Damn it!

Patsy: "Then which direction did the thieves go?"

Yaga: "I don't know, but probably...

It was probably heading to a nearby village. "

Matthew: "One is probably the village we just visited.

In other words, it should be heading to the last remaining village, right? "

Patsy: “It’s on the map.

Hurry up! "

Avisbronn: "Sorry, it seems I can't take you away.

But on the contrary, I will keep some medicine and food. "

Yaga just urged them to go over quickly and not to let those people make the same mistakes as their own village.

You don’t even need to show that you will find food and medicine.

Such will and character make people moved.

Yaga: "...Ah, no, ours isn't really a village anymore..."

Everyone's hearts trembled for a while! He opened his mouth but stopped talking!

Guda: "Sorry, let's go then!"

Stay away from the depressing ruins of the village.

Under the advance perception of Avisbronn's demon,

I found the next village, and the red smoke for help was rising.

Guda and others hurried forward,

On the way, I encountered a group of thieves. I didn't have time to think about how the thieves appeared here when they were not in the village.

The two sides started fighting...

After the thief was defeated and escaped,

Some even ran away without even being beaten.

Guda and others can't figure it out. If you can't figure it out, just move on.

And before and after arriving at the new village,

Matthew: "This...

What exactly happened...? "

Village Chief Yaga: “Oh, oh, oh.

Are you from Chaldea? "

That's what it said.

Don't talk about Guda and others.

From God's perspective, everyone and the gods were immediately confused.

ha? ! !

"He...he, he! He knows Chaldea?!" An adventurer lost his voice.

What's going on? !

Obviously Guda and others haven't introduced themselves yet.

And this is obviously the first time we have met! Everyone was dumbfounded! Extraordinary gaffe!

Guda: "Hey...!?"

Mash: "Chaldea...!?"

The village chief asked, "Isn't it?"

That familiar attitude made everyone stunned.

What's going on, is this?

As the background music gradually became cheerful, Ma Xiu’s face turned red and she said sheepishly: “No, no.

We are indeed from Chaldea..."

Village Chief Yaga: “Ah, I’m really grateful for your help.

I couldn't say thank you at that time, I'm really sorry.

Ah, it must be that the smoke of a distress signal is still rising.

Hey~, who can quickly go and put that one out~! "

Guda: “No…I’m sorry!

Please tell us the situation! "

Village chief Yaga: "?

Didn't they come after seeing our distress signal? "

Patsy: “Sorry.

We are also a little confused about the situation.

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