Hearing Homura's explanation, Hidi's inner doubts were dispelled.

They are all ‘academic’ names that I have never heard of.

If what the other party said is true - then there are a lot of 'unknowns' waiting for you!

Subconsciously, I wiped the corners of my mouth to make sure no saliva dripped out.

The girl's eyes sharpened.

"Interesting. Let's first tell you what type of game it is! I'm deciding whether to bet with you or not." The girl did not deny that the 'value' of Homura itself was equivalent to that of this library.

This made Yan slightly surprised, so he didn't have to say anything.

He doesn't know——

The more a magician pursues the truth, the more he has a strong understanding of the priceless truth of 'life'.

Whether it's a small one or a great one.

Their lives are extremely precious.

In the magical world, doing something at the cost of one's own life is a very serious and sacred matter.

So after Hidi said these words, she didn't refute immediately.

What's more -

She also didn't think she would lose to a ten-year-old child.

"You just said that 'knowledge' is the life of a magician - then let's play a game of 'knowledge'!" Thinking of the happy time when he was still following the "Game of Life" series before time travel, The corners of Yan's mouth couldn't help but curve at this time.

"Knowledge. How do you compare with that!?" Hitty showed a surprised expression.

"Are you really the owner of this vast library of 'knowledge'? Aren't you a monkey who only knows [talking skills]?" Flame chuckled, without any malice in his tone.

But the words were incredibly bad.

Homura, who already had a pretty good understanding of Hidi's character, seemed to be letting go now.

This seventh-step holy magic user has absolutely no majesty in front of him.

"Ah! That's too much! You actually said that to a beautiful lady!" The girl put her hands on her cheeks and said with her eyes forming a crescent moon smile, and she was not angry at all.

However, Yan seemed to feel a faint murderous aura.

He immediately continued:

"Let me ask, according to what you said before, even magic that can rewrite 'reality' exists!"

"That's right!"

"So, can you do this by simply grafting a 'consciousness' space?"

"!? Do you want to connect with my consciousness?" Hitty looked at Homura in surprise and suddenly opened her eyes.

"If you are in the 'conscious' space, no matter what you imagine, it will not affect reality."

"It is indeed true. This kind of magic is very simple and does not require the magic in the forbidden book at all. As long as you spend some time, you can master it." Hidi's eyes, which vaguely understood what Yan was going to say, became brighter and began to change. Gotta get hot.

"Then, the method of competition is positioned as [Word Solitaire]... When one person speaks a word, it must be connected from beginning to end. But - it must be something that really exists in the other party's cognition as a 'real' thing."

"Does it have to be real? Then we need to add a few more laws to the consciousness space." Hitty just frowned slightly, but didn't find it too troublesome.

"When both parties speak words to each other, things that already 'exist' will disappear, and things that 'do not exist' will appear in this space. If the other party cannot connect within 30 seconds, then it is considered a loss."

"Similarly, if you die first in the consciousness space, you will be considered a loser. But this power cannot directly interfere with the opponent itself." Every time Yanmei said a word, he raised a finger and spoke.

"Fantasy materialization?! No, it's not that things that actually exist cannot be materialized, that is to say -" Hidi looked at Homura with brilliant eyes.

It’s a competition of ‘knowledge’! The embodiment of ‘knowledge’.

If you cannot accurately find the 'word' that can connect the other party's words in a short period of time, you will lose.

If in this process, because of the things embodied by the other party's 'words', one falls into a life crisis and ends up dying, it is also a loss.

Only by surviving to the end, or simply making the other party unable to answer, can you become the final winner.

This is a game that not only tests the 'knowledge' reserve in the mind, but also requires extremely strong 'reaction' abilities.

"Sounds interesting! I agree! But if you die in the conscious space, I won't have much impact. With your current mental strength, you may be weak for a long time."

"No problem. But you, don't you have to think about it? I only have 40,000 books here, but you have a total of 170 million. If I win, you will suffer a big loss!" Yan smiled with a smile on his face. He said casually.

"No need, that's impossible anyway, even if you add some conditions."

"——It sounds like you have already won." Homura responded with a smile.

"Uh-huh!" Hidi showed a confident smile.

She is a knowledgeable ‘magician’! How could it be possible to lose? ! In Hidi's opinion, even if Homura uses "words" in the "conscious space", he can imagine having the same strength as her.

With her rich magic experience, she can easily defeat the opponent.

And I have seen many ‘fantasy creatures’! If you manifest any one of them, you can defeat Homura and end the game early.

With the knowledge of Saigo Homura, a 10-year-old child, how could he possibly ‘manifest’ something powerful!

The game explains it clearly from the beginning! Only in one's own cognition can things that really exist be realized!

Even if the other party wants to imagine a 'Devil King' out of thin air, this is not true!

You must first meet the real ‘Devil King’!

(Yan: I have actually seen it.

Restia:...! ? What do you want to see me for? Why fantasize about ‘me’? )

Chapter 24 Then... let’s pay tribute to the two strongest humans!

‘The two sides bet on the knowledge and wisdom of the two worlds and compete. ’

There shouldn't be too many things that can be taken into consideration, but the coverage will be very broad.

The key to the game depends on who can react faster.

It is theoretically difficult for two people who also have a lot of 'knowledge' to be 'poor for words'.

That is to say——

If you are not prepared for a long war of attrition, you must make arrangements in the 'game' and kill the opponent in advance to knock the opponent out.

This is the surest way to win.

After a long period of mental exertion, both consciousness and reaction ability will become sluggish, which will lead to a very bad situation for both parties.

Compared with Hidi, who is a holy magician, Yan's mental power is obviously not comparable to her opponent. If she does not use the power of 'cosmology', she must try to avoid a war of attrition.

"We were in a disadvantageous position from the beginning!" Yan muttered.

With a burst of white light that enveloped the retina, everyone's consciousness sensed a 'virtual space', and then several people's figures appeared in this 'new world'.

When he opened his eyes again, he was still in the 'library'.

But in the center of the tea table where everyone was sitting, there was a crystal-like virtual starry sky map.

This is the core of the construction of this ‘temporary spiritual space’.

Even though everything around you looks extremely real, this is indeed no longer the ‘real world’;

Satisfying Homura's request, Hidi built such a space that can be used as a 'game'.

"It's not too late to regret and give up now." The girl looked at Homura gently and smiled. She never thought that Homura could beat her.

Agreeing to the duel with the other party was just in a state of mind that felt 'interesting'.

That's not equal respect, it's just fun!

Homura shook his head lightly.

He won't give up...

Relying on the analytical ability of [Simulated Star Creation Chart], he can quickly find the person who needs 'knowledge' in his mind. If he doesn't even dare to accept this challenge, it would be too bad.

"Gege——" Ji Zelu hugged her brother's arm tightly with some worry.

A gentle smile broke out on Homura's face, and then he looked at Hidi.

Feeling Homura's gaze, Hidi said:

"Don't worry, I have already adjusted the rules of this 'world' in advance. No matter what we do later, the two of them will not be affected. They are invincible here."

Yan nodded and said nothing more.

Restia on the other side showed no reaction at all.

It's just a false 'spiritual world' magic, and the girl who was once the 'Demon King' would not have any fear of it.

"Then - let the game begin!" Homura.

"Ah! Why don't you attack first! Please don't be polite, you can choose any words you like." Hitty looked at Homura with a hint of pity, and at the same time, there was a hint of a sinister smile on the corner of her mouth.

Don’t end it too early!

Such a fun game…

It makes Hiti feel a little regretful. It would be great if it were someone else who is also a 'magician' as an opponent!

It must be very interesting!

In order to prevent the game from ending so quickly, Hidi, who still planned to experience this 'novel' and 'wisdom' competition method, has decided to give in first.

"Should I go first?" Flame suddenly took a deep look at Hidi.

This look made Hidi feel a little confused...

Just when she thought of 'letting go', the other party looked at her like this. Could it be that she was discovered?

"From the beginning... let's pay tribute to the two 'strongest' humans... Then [Hydrogen Bomb]!" Using a language unique to this 'world', he said something that Hitty had never heard before. word eye'.

In Homura's mind, he recalled the scene where Blank played a game with Jibril.

It's a pity that I can't continue to [imitate] the tactics of the brother and sister in the future.

Although he also has a sister, the method Blank used to defeat 'Jibril' in the original work was not suitable for him!

After all, there is a process of mouth-to-mouth exchange of oxygen——

Looking at the cuteness of his five-year-old self, Homura felt that if he really did that, he would be on the road to becoming a 'pervert'.

In the original work, Bai is also 11 years old!

"Hydrogen bomb!?" Hitty was stunned for a moment, and she didn't even have time to think about what Homura meant by paying homage to the two strongest human beings.

The next moment, because the world created by Hitty was completely based on the model of the 'original world'.

In Hitty's knowledge, there is no such thing as a 'hydrogen bomb'.

Therefore, according to the rules of the game: [Things that do not exist] (surroundings), if spoken, will appear out of thin air.

The moment Yan blurted out, the 'rules' of this world recognized the 'knowledge' in Yan's mind, analyzed it, and formed it.

An iron block weighing [27 tons] appeared above everyone and materialized.

The object in the sky, whether it was Jizaru or Hiti, or even Restia, who had once been on the ceiling of the continent, couldn't identify what it was.

After all, that was the biggest and worst mistake made by humans in Flame's world.

Because it was indeed a mass murder weapon.

Flame's mouth curled up with an evil arc.

'Eh... what would you do? '

When Hitie looked up at that thing blankly.

The high-altitude fuse had already taken effect, and the first spark caused by the nuclear fission reaction - detonation.

The nuclear heat generated by the detonation. The lithium deuteride on it was fused, emitting a strong light.

—— Hitie didn't know what it was.

But that was the magician's perception of the world, breaking through the limits of the human body - her instinct told her:

That was - [The storm of light that can burn everything is coming! ] .

"Wall of Sighs!" Finally, Hitie couldn't sit still, and she composed that word like a shout.

Speaking in the "Age of Gods" language, the beginning of "Wall of Sighs" just echoed the last word of "hydrogen bomb" in the continental language.

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