Affected by this, communication has also become intermittent.

If it were in Chaldea,

You can jump to any time and space to send communications...

Master, are you okay? "

Guguda: "I can barely hold on!"

Patsy expressed admiration that even he, a Yaga, felt uncomfortable in such weather, but as a human Master, he could persevere.

At this moment, another bullet suddenly shot at Ta Miao.

Guda and others who were suddenly attacked immediately became vigilant...

Ta Miao asked who it was?

? ? ? : “This is what I should be asking!

You come to this kind of border within a border,

What's the point of an abandoned village?

What a coincidence, in this blizzard environment,

I can only shoot casually! "

who? !

Looking at the shadow moving in the blizzard, the figure holding two guns looked more like a familiar human being than Yaga... no... a heroic spirit.

Everyone: It looks so familiar!

And then...realizing that he was probably in the right place, Ta Miao gave his real name and expressed that he wanted to talk to the leader of the other party, but was rejected.

And Ta Miao forced the attack, and in the end the other party reluctantly reported his real name - Billy the Kid! !

Bang bang~! ! Boom boom! !

Gunshots kept ringing out, and after a fight, the two sides finally managed to calm down and have a good conversation.

At this time, Guda and others came closer, and people could see each other's figure clearly...

“It’s really Billy the Kid!!!”

"?! Why is it him again! How many times has this been seen at a singularity?"

Everyone suddenly looked weird.

Although Ta Miao is also an old acquaintance,

But Ta Miao finally changed his form and reappeared in Alter costume.

But Billy the Kid really hasn’t changed at all!

After the conversation, people soon discovered that the other party had no memory of being with Guda and others, and was not the Billy the Kid they knew and knew who had appeared in North America.

And about this——

Lao Fu: "He must be a servant summoned by this land.

There is obviously no Holy Grail, yet it still possesses such magical power——"

Lao Fu: (No, wait a minute. I think there is no Holy Grail

The very idea is absurd.

Now that the servants without their master have actually appeared in the world,

There must be something equivalent to the Holy Grail.

If the Holy Grail does not fall into human hands, it will respond to the "world's way of existence" and become a neutral magic resource. In this case,

Will respond to the last cry of human history,

There’s nothing incredible about summoning servants for counterattack...)

When people heard Lao Fu's guess, they all showed surprised expressions.

Actually... is there still such a possibility? !

There is the Holy Grail stirring it up again. Compared with these recurring heroic spirits, it seems that the Holy Grail is the real model worker.

Thinking of this, people's faces look a little strange...

And on the other side——

Guda reveals that they were cared for by another Billy the Kid.

In response, Billy the Kid here says he is who he is,

Then call berserker...

Originally, people thought that Billy Boy was the only heroic spirit here. The heroic spirit from the third party force that Ta Miao mentioned before was probably Billy Boy.


To what people didn't expect, another voice came,

? ? ? : “Ah, is that that guy?

Well, let me and Billy take care of it here! "



I think we and you should have no contact with each other. "A shirtless muscular man suddenly walked out,

Even in this blizzard, the road was so rough that I didn't feel any discomfort at all.

The moment everyone saw the figure, their eyes widened, and they subconsciously read his real name: "Beowulf!"

Matthew also read out his real name in the epic at the same time, attracting the attention of the berserker.

And because the Master and others looked human, Beoruf and the others immediately became nervous and regarded them as magicians under Ivan the Terrible.

A group of Yaga followed closely behind Beoruf, ready to fight at any time.

Guda hurriedly explained... that he was the master of Chaldea.

Surprisingly, this Beoruf seemed to be impressed...

That kind of familiarity... but it doesn't seem to be there.

Showing some familiarity with Chaldea's name, Stargazing Chaldea?

"Ah, damn it. The memory has been a mess since I was summoned.

I even remember my own affairs vaguely. "

Guda: "We have met in the beautiful country!"

But Beoruf said he couldn't remember it and had no impression.

I'm sorry, but if you don't have memories, you can't trust Guda and others.

It's impossible, not impossible...

People who notice the different meanings of the words realize...

This is just like Ta Miao at that time. It is probably a sign of being responsible for the lives of the Yaga people he is protecting behind him.

Maybe they actually still have some impressions,

But you can't blindly trust the Master just because of some unfounded feeling...

Although people are a little disappointed with this, they are more understanding...

Loki Familia...Finn nodded when he saw this: "As a leader, you must not be emotional..."

It's okay to even do some dirty tricks when necessary.

People who are too naive and rely only on their feelings to act impulsively are not good commanders.

If he were in such a difficult position, he would probably be more vigilant... He might even be willing to kill someone by mistake in order to avoid danger...

And here, Beoruf also said...

‘Now that they are here, they must be ready to wake up. ’

“Let’s fight first.

In Russia, the law of the jungle is law.

Prove to me whether you are the strongest. "

Everyone:! ! !

Are we going to fight again?

I don’t know why I subconsciously used the word ‘again’.


They were clearly not enemies, but they couldn't even sit down and talk. The arrogant and unreasonable laws of this world once again opened people's eyes.

Chapter 142: Pure Yaga...I don’t believe in the leader, but I believe in the power that I see with my own eyes!

Those simple and kind-hearted elves and goddesses couldn’t help but frown when they saw this...

They couldn't understand why things that could clearly be communicated through words had to be solved with force.

Obviously they are all people who are oppressed by the emperor...

Why can't we have a good talk and join forces?

Have a common enemy...

Can't we still trust each other?

Ta Miao: "...I see, that's it.

I see. Then let the battle begin. "

She seems to be very adaptable to this rule...

Guda: "Atalanta?"

Ta Miao half-closed one eye and showed a smile to the Master,

Inner communication channel...

(Just do as I say, Master, Mashu.

That guy is not a simple fighting maniac.

He must have his own ideas. )

Facing the playful Ta Miao, everyone: "...! Hiss~!"

awsl! !

Of course I believe her!

The favorability level for Ta Miao is rising rapidly...and,

People gradually understood that at this time, fighting was unavoidable.

Even if I despise this twisted world,

But if you want to defeat it, you have to go deep into it,

Guda: "...I understand!"

Beoruf: "Okay, since you have two over there...

Hey, Billy! "

Beowulf calls Billy the Kid,

A 2v2 heroic battle soon followed...

After a fierce battle,

Halfway through the fight, both sides suddenly stopped fighting with a tacit understanding.

Just as the strength of Guda and others has been recognized by Beowulf, they finally gave up...

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