It was still the familiar blizzard sky in the Lostbelt.

Looking at the heavy snow above my head...

A voice sounded in people's ears.

‘——Ahh. What I can recall now,

All that was left was the dark sky. ’

His vision changed and he came to the palace.

The princess looked at Kadoc: "...Are you asleep?"

Kadoc: "I didn't fall asleep, it was just a dream."


Sure enough, it was Kadoc who dreamed just now, and what was in the dream was the princess’s last memory before she was born!

I didn't expect it would be such a tragic ending...

The soldiers who killed the princess don't know what happened to them in the end.

Was her revenge successful?

People were lost in thought.

On the other side, the princess asked Kadoc: " there any difference?"

Caddock: "Consciousness Interruption and Consciousness Replacement

But there is a big difference.

I don't dream when I sleep.

And now there is no need to sleep anymore. "

Princess: "Just like a servant."

Kadoc: "...Speaking of which, what happened?"

Princess: "The killing hunters sent to the border have sent back a report.

Although it’s not something important——

Burnt down the rebel storage depots. "

Kadoc: "Well, we finally cornered them."

Princess: "There is also something about the Servants other than the rebels.

If we do not consider countermeasures, it will damage the emperor's prestige. "

Kadok: "We can solve this on our own.

In the meantime, leave everything to the Cardinal. "

Princess: "...that is to say, we are about to go out.

I'm going to get ready. "

Kadoc: "I don't think it's necessary to prepare anything..."

Princess: "You are not very good at dealing with servants.

At this time, you should watch me leave happily. "

Kadok: "I want you to take care of it.

I just pursue efficiency.

If not, mediocrity will never be able to catch up with genius.

If you want to fight against someone who can understand efficiency through body sense,

Only by using theory can we improve efficiency. "

Princess: "...That's it. Then come and help me prepare.

This would be more efficient. "

Kadok: "...I know."

Princess: “Don’t answer like a lazy soldier.

Makes me want to curse you. "

Kadoc: "I understand, Anastasia.

So what do you want me to help you with? "

Princess: "I want you to help me pick out a coat for going out."

Kadok: "............Alas......"

The naughty and willful lovely princess, and the helpless master...

They said they disliked each other, but they seemed to care about each other.


To be honest, seeing this scene alone, I really don’t think the two of them are bad people.

And if you think about it carefully, the tragic ending of the princess,

In addition, in order to prove himself, Caddock, as a mediocre person, wants to catch up with the genius.

In essence, they don't look like bad people.

But we are standing on the opposite side of pan-human history...

If you think about it carefully, it was also the case in the past...

Are any of the villain bosses in each level that cause the incineration of humanity and the formation of singularities to be purely evil?

They are also quite charming...

If you change your position, people will be completely impressed by those charisma and bow their heads.

The gods will also sigh and take pity on him: every villain has the potential to become a hero, seems to have a more glorious and shining soul.

In the past they only liked heroes;

Now I feel like saying that I only like heroes may be a bit too arbitrary and hasty!

What they like is a soul with strong will, courage, and dreams!

So, sure enough - heroes are accidents, villains are true love! ? !

And just on the other side,

Goyanskaya and the priest, who also witnessed everything,

Goyanskaya: “It’s such a smiling scene.

On the edge of falling into the abyss at any time,

As innocent as dancing a waltz on thin ice.

hehe. It should be said that the timid Kadok and the princess are a good match, right? "

Priest: “The young man who is weak because he does not want to give up everything,

With a girl who is strong because she gave up everything?

A good combination of form indeed.

They make up for each other's shortcomings.

In my opinion, they are an ideal pair of servant and master.

——So, Goyanskaya.

Just stop messing with them half-jokingly.

As the emperor's assistant, I can't turn a blind eye. "

Goyanskaya: “Oh, I didn’t expect you to be so patriotic.

Do you hate it when your hometown is in a mess?

But, in that case,

Then it's almost time for me to get out. "

Everyone:? ? ? !

Although it is just a simple communication...

But people seemed to hear incredible information from it.

What, what, what?

When did Mapo’s hometown become Russia?

Or is it the world of the Lostbelt? !

People who were originally doubtful as to why Mapo became a heroic spirit,

Especially knowing that the other party was supposed to die in the Fifth Holy Grail War.

This is true no matter which world line...

Why is he still alive...

Could it be—a sub-server? !

"Is it the same situation as Matthew?

No, that's not right...

Maybe the Servant's consciousness occupies more. "Hermes also started thinking.

Matthew's situation is very special...

It was the heroic spirit Galahad who voluntarily gave up the right to fight for his body, just to let Mashu survive.

Other heroic spirits may not have such noble and holy qualities.

Even if we are both heroes...

The arrogance and pride of heroes are also different.

It is impossible to allow people you do not recognize to be active in the outside world under your own name and power.


The question arises, is the current Mapo Mapo...or a 'who' that people don't know yet?

Goyanskaya: “I’ve said hello to everyone in Chaldea.

The emperor's condition has also been confirmed.

There is no more work for me to do.

I'm heading to my next dispatch location. "

Chapter 148 The gods pray to themselves! Let that moment of sublimation come quickly!

Goyanskaya: "Lord Wodem seems to have sent out that arrogant Katniss."

Priest: “Well, let’s do it.

After all, your favorite entertainment doesn't exist in Russia.

There is no human figure fighting against destruction here.

There is no hope that you would want to ravage me.

Because of this Lostbelt,

It is a world where there is no future no matter what. "

Goyanskaya: "...Well, it seems so.

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