People would never think of it even if they think about it.

‘Is there any possibility…

The beloved Ivan the Terrible mentioned was not the princess at all, but just another person with the same name? ’

...Just when people are confused, on the other side,

The priest continued to respond to the Thunder Emperor: "No, the Yagas all know the existence of the Emperor.

I admire you all.

This is probably all thanks to the strict patrols of the Guards.

However, there seems to be a shortage of manpower. "

Ivan the Terrible: "...Really?

Then increase the number of killing hunters.

Additional personnel will also be sent to cities far away from here.

That's all, Marcellus. "

Priest: "Well, in this way, the Yagas can also get the emperor's great favor."

Ivan the Terrible: "...

...Ah, forgive me, Marcellus.

Yu was scared. "

Priest: "What."

Mapo's expression was a little stunned and surprised...

Fear? That expression,

As if it is impossible to understand what such a great emperor would be afraid of...

Ivan the Terrible responded: "I have lived for four hundred and fifty years.

I will live forever from now on.

However, Yu's strength is still not enough.

The emperor's power was still not enough.

The light that shines on the whole world must be brought to light,

And the love that is not afraid of the wind and snow can be conveyed to the Yaga people.

to this end--

All evil people must be driven away.

Yu heard a revelation from the gods.

He is a god from another world, the same existence as the god we know.

The god said so.

Let’s expand dissent and impeach a world that didn’t become like this.

The correct human philosophy that has not saved us is filth.

Go ahead and exclude those hateful stargazers (Chaldea)! "

Seeing this - suddenly,

Everyone:! ! !

This is provocation!

Because I failed to save the world in time, I think that the originally correct human principles are filthy...

Totally unreasonable!

And from the emperor’s words,

People can feel that he seems to be a good emperor who is dedicated to the country and the people?

Suddenly, people's eyes widened.

So... does the emperor... know that countless of his beloved Yaga were forced to rebel by the killing hunters and even fell into despair?

Chapter 155: Thunder Emperor wants to chop down trees? !

The behavior of the priest, the princess, and others always made people feel as if they were deceiving the Holy Spirit.

If Ivan the Terrible really loved his people,

If he knew the truth,

So whether it can make the lives of the Yaga people living in the water-generated fire a little better.

At least he won't be pushed out and become the target of hatred by the Yayugas.

That would be too sad...

Ivan the Terrible: "...However, I cannot act rashly.

Driven by anger, I committed a foolish act.

Eventually, a village was destroyed. "

But the priest advised: "Those are all betraying the faith.

Yaga no longer respected the emperor. "


They thought in their hearts that if the Yaga mentioned by Mapo looked like the rebels.

Yaga was so unjust!

Such a group of refugees...

If they are not desperate, who would be willing to raise the flag of rebellion and challenge the undead army that is more terrifying than any army - the Killing Hunters.

If in order to be loyal to the emperor, he would even risk his own life and that of his family...

How many Yaga can do this?

Everyone is very suspicious...

Priest: “They will eventually be unable to resist the temptation to do evil,

Buried under a blizzard. No need to be merciful to them. "

Ivan the Terrible: "Maybe...but...

This is also because of insufficient spare capacity, which leads to this kind of thing..."

Ivan the Terrible: “[The Alien God] has brought salvation to this land.

Granted Yu the power he needed to fight the other Lostbelts...

The tree of fantasy. receive its favor,

Everywhere in the world becomes indistinguishable from Russia…

...Yu...Yu doesn't like this kind of power.

Although it is Yu who should rule the world...

But everything in the world is frozen, so what can I do to rule?

Yu is the great emperor...

The emperor makes no mistakes...The emperor makes no mistakes...

This time I will definitely...

Become the emperor who makes the great country Russia rock solid...

That's what Killer Hunters are for...

The black dog stalking my dream road...

Marcellus... Is Yu right?

Yu’s journey…is not…over yet…”

Priest: "That's right.

However, it's not time to wake up from the nap yet.

Please wait for the injury to heal and for your eyes to really open.

That day was the day when the gorgeous feast was held.

This is the day when spring blooms in New Russia.

For now, please sleep peacefully. "

Under the priest's persuasion, the emperor fell into a deep sleep despite the absence of piano music.

Then the priest withdrew,

The emperor fell asleep to the side, and the Russian Lostbelt once again ushered in a brief period of peace.

"Now there is no need to worry about the Utopia Tree being knocked down by the Thunder Emperor.

Are you satisfied with this, witch from an alien planet? "

Everyone:! ! !

What's the meaning? !

The next moment, a somewhat familiar figure appeared in front of people's eyes.

Those who appeared when Chaldea was attacked and after the meeting of the Masters of Group A...

A girl with a mask all over her body in silver and scantily clad.

! ! ! This thing turns out to be a witch from an alien planet? !

Ah Alien Star, does it mean the Alien Star God?

And then...

People noticed the message revealed in Mapo's words and couldn't help but think about it.

"!!!Wait a minute, why are you worried that the Thunder Emperor will knock down the Fantasy Tree!

Could it be that he had done this kind of thing before, so he was alerted? "

He is clearly the king of the Lostbelt——

According to people's original thinking, these guys have already surrendered to the Alien God, so there is no reason to take action against the fantasy tree given by the Alien God.

But now the situation seems a bit unexpected...

It's better to think more boldly,

The Thunder Emperor seemed to be injured, so he fell into a deep sleep...

This, this couldn't be like this because of attacking the Utopia Tree and suffering counterattacks and backlash, right? !

And the Thunder Emperor...

That is to say, you want to make your country eternal, but you don’t want the outside world to become a blank slate.

Just because he is the emperor,

Even if he wants to rule the world, the prerequisite is a world where his people are still alive. Only conquering such a world is what he wants.

Conquer the enemy physically and mentally and become your own people,

Conquer the country, conquer the world...

People really feel the courage of being an emperor and a king.

Such a proud person,

People have also seen many...

Just like Gilgamesh... If it were him, with his pride, he would never accept this method of destroying the world and leaving only his own country.

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