...Besides, just with the food I gave her in the end,

It can’t last very long...)”

After hearing this, people have understood,

Patsy...is she here to find her mother? !

Sure enough, he was still worried about his mother's condition.

When Lefia and other women saw this, their emotions were overflowing, and they couldn't help but feel worried for him.

After the brutal war scene just now...

The girls also realized it,

Considering Patsi's mother's aging and frail condition, the chance of something happening was not that high.

Maybe you have to be mentally prepared for the worst.

‘No! ’

Patsi continued running, and on the way he stopped a Yaga citizen who was trembling with fear and running for his life.

After being identified...

The other party suddenly said, "You... aren't you Patsy!"

You traitor! Sure enough, he joined the rebellion——"

Patsi: "This kind of thing is not important!

Where is my mother! Is my mother okay? "

Citizen Yaga: "Your mother!?"


The citizens of Yaga began to laugh wantonly: "Hee, hee hee hee... hee hee hee hee!"

This disgusting laughter,

It makes people feel a thump in their hearts, feeling repulsed, and having bad thoughts arise in their hearts...

Sure enough - something happened? !

Yaga Citizen: “Are you an idiot!

Because you joined the rebels,

Your mother has been killed!

We threw all the stones at her,

Kill her!

You, it’s all you! It's all your fault!

It's all because of you, a coward!

I’m going to kill you too—”

The air suddenly became dead--fearful, depressing, even the sound of breathing was stagnant,

? ? ? ? ?

Even though he thought that his mother might not be doing well after Patsy left,

You might even be bullied, have your food taken away from you, and starve to death. This possibility...

People thought about it too.

But I never expected that people who still murmured about the lower limit of Yaga (humanity),


...! ! !

One second, two seconds...it seems like a day is like a year.

People didn't even turn their attention to Patsy, but they could feel that for the werewolf boy at this moment,

What a terrifying psychological impact those words of Yaga citizens caused!


Breaking the blizzard that had never stopped four hundred and fifty years ago, like a fire that has been completely extinguished,

The world plunged into complete darkness and despair.

Bang~! ! !

A violent gunshot that shook the air and shook people's hearts suddenly exploded in their ears!

And then—people saw it!

Blood splattered everywhere! The most vicious, simple, direct and brutal revenge was born at that moment!

Yaga citizens: "Gah poof..."

The bodies of Yaga citizens fell heavily to the ground.

But Patsy said crazily: "How...is it possible...

That's right...lying...you lied..."

Werewolf...little brother?

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them and fell into silence.

Even a man with bad breath like werewolf Bert was hesitant to speak at this time.

People's joys and sorrows are not the same...

But as long as it is not the kind of existence where the spiritual world has been distorted.

In such a tragic atmosphere,

They won’t say anything out of place anymore…

Just when many people looked at Patsy's back worriedly.

‘—No, that’s not a lie.

I'd known this would happen. ’ Patsy’s heartbeat gradually sounded.

A melodious lament sounded in the background...

'This town will never forgive the traitors and their families.

When I abandoned this town,

My mother is destined to die...! ’

Mother……! !

This word deeply hurts the hearts of many people.

Whether it is the wrong world or the re world,

Those characters who have important roles,

More or less, they have lost their mother or maternal love.

That is something they (she) have longed for countless times. They can only envy and ask for it, but it is no longer available.

I can only wake up every morning, feeling emptiness and loneliness with tears in my eyes...

Emilia, who doesn’t know who her parents are,

Ais, whose parents were killed by a black dragon,

Even Bell, who had never met his parents, got the feeling of maternal love from a certain woman.

Such a sacred, yet very distant word...

It is an existence worth protecting with all your strength.

Chapter 160 A miserable childhood! Wrong world!

Patsi continued running in the snow——

'wrong! No, no, no!

It's not my fault, it's not my fault! ! ’

No matter how hard he tried to show off, he said countless times that Yaga should follow the law of the weak and the strong.

But conscience and emotion will still drive him to spend countless days in the past.

Just like secretly waiting for his mother!

He can't deceive his inner emotions, is he regretful? Angry? Sad? Heartbreaking pain?

He told himself——

‘This resistance is justified!

Those guys are sinners! Who let them live in this town!

I have been afraid of this city since I was a child!

Fear this town where the weak will be quickly eliminated!

Dad used to be the town's captain of the guard...he represented the town,

When he petitioned the Killing Hunters for food issues, he was killed without explanation!

This town is a piece of shit!

Why doesn't mother abandon this place...! ’

In the sad background melody,

For the first time, people heard about Patsy's past, that miserable childhood.

For a moment, many people's eyes widened.

Patsy's father was killed just for petitioning.

Killing the Hunter...

In the end... what an unreasonable existence!

A kind of anger also arose in their hearts,

The sensual girl covered her mouth and couldn't believe it.

No matter what means are used to rule the country,

But that kind of brutal and unreasonable way full of killing,

It’s definitely wrong!

That is simply not a place where people can survive.

Or rather...

Only those who have suppressed their nature and freedom, and are willing to be kept in captivity like slaves and pets,

Killing each other for food...

If you are worthy of living in this way, you are called a human being (yaga).

For the world on both sides of them,

Normal people would be completely unable to accept such a thing.

And at this time——

Patsy had fallen into a state of sorrow.

(It was me who killed my mother...it was me who caused it...

No...no, no, no! )

Until the trumpet sound of the rebels retreating awakened Patsy.

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