They don’t know where to start, which is really a headache.

In this regard, you are favored by God.

Thank the Lord. "

Patsy: "...bang...

Let me state in advance that I just joined them not long ago.

Don't remember any important information at all. "

Survived for now...

Seeing the confrontation between Mapo and Patsy, people's hearts were in their throats, but they couldn't let go.

Everyone frowned slightly...

They were so impressed by Mapo's pleasant personality.

So much so that I now doubt whether Patsy will be stabbed in the back after he finishes asking questions.

He is not like a guy who just asks questions and will kindly let the werewolf guy go after asking.

And in a place like this, meeting Mapo,

Should I call it lucky or unfortunate?

But now Patsy's life should be temporarily saved.

Priest: "That's it. I don't have confidence in my memory.

Thank you for explaining this to us in advance.

After all, you are very tenacious.

If you interrogate them one by one, the sun will set. "

Patsy: "What did you say...?"

Priest: “I mean you are very strong.

Yaga's sense of pain is very dull. Not to mention Yaga who was determined to die.

It can even withstand pulling out nails and breaking hands and feet,

Or being locked up in an enclosed space for a month.

Torture by Killhunters will only result in killing.

What a waste of time. "

Patsy: "That's right. If you want to kill, just kill!"

Priest: "This cannot be done. Young Yaga.

As you can see, I am a person who conveys divine principles.

I don't want to take other people's lives easily.

And - I remembered something.

I have a trial that I've always wanted to try.

Kill the Jaegers. When you transport him away, you must be respectful and courteous, right? "

Killer Hunter: "Yes."

Everyone: Trial? !

What is that...!

A chill arose in people's hearts, and they always felt that it would not be a good thing.

Even Mapo said that the pain of pulling out nails and breaking hands and feet was not a problem for the strong Yaga.

That existence that can be called a trial——! !

How terrifying is it?

Patsy: "...What on earth...are you going to do..."

Priest: “Be happy.

Didn't you say you don't have confidence in your memory?

I want to think about this kind of man's mind,

It caused a strong impact. "

As he spoke, a familiar and pleasant smile came into people's eyes.

...The picture went completely dark at this point.

Pat...ts...xi...! !

The screen turned and came to Guda and others.

Because they were on the road at high speed, it took a lot of time for Mashu to restore communication.

Someone suggested that after traveling for so long, find a place to rest, refresh, and catch your breath.


The group of people hid in a cave again.

There are so many caves in the Russian Lost Belt!

People can't help but sigh...

In the airtight interior surrounded by golems, it was rare that there was no coldness from the blizzard.

It looks like it’s easy to use and can be used as a wall puppet.

Billy the Kid asked Avisbron if anything could be made into a golem.

Rocks, wood... all kinds of things, it's really convenient!

After getting a positive reply.

Billy the Kid asked again what about the snowstorm outside?

Can't Blizzard be made into a golem?

And Avisbron really started to think about the feasibility of such a thing.

Although the strength may not be ideal, in this environment, the energy source is constantly replenished and consumed from the outside world.

The endurance of this kind of doll made of ice and snow is absolutely outstanding!

Is there such a good thing? ! Wonderful!

Everyone also cheered up...

Although I have imagined the academic discipline of alchemy to be very magical.

But he still couldn't imagine how he could capture the tangible and seemingly invisible snowstorm and make it into a golem.

Will this thing really not fall apart? !

Avisbron said that it is difficult for a cheap magic furnace core to do this kind of thing, at least it must use a better high-end furnace core.

And it’s not easy to find materials.

He asked the Master what he thought?

Guda: "Magic is too difficult, I don't understand it very well..."

Would it be better to freeze it? "

Avisbron: “It’s true that at these temperatures, most things freeze instantly.

Although lacking in variety, this approach is certainly good. "

Matthew: "Mr. Avisbronn really likes golems."

Avisbronn: "No, I just hate humans."

Matthew: "Hey."

Guda: "Hey."

Avisbronn: "...Ah, it's not that I hate it.

Yes, this statement can indeed be misunderstood.

I find it too troublesome to deal with people.

Or maybe I want to avoid dealing with other people.

That's the kind of character I have. "

Guda: "But aren't we having a good chat now...?"

Avisbronn: "Because after becoming a Servant,

I think this is a point that should be reflected on.

I believe that no matter how bored you are, you should continue talking. "

Matthew: "No, if you feel unhappy,

We will remain silent—"

Avisbron: “No, that’s not good.

This is very bad, Matthew.

I hate humans.

However, I also strive to save humanity.

Whether before life or after death.

...We cannot let this reason remain unclear. "

At this time, no one could understand the extent of this disgust.

If they understood terms like social fear, they would probably have a clear look on their face!


Later, I watched FA in the future, and Avisbronn made his master into the Magic Heart Queen.

EMMM, you can't afford to offend, you can't afford to offend...

Being able to live peacefully with this big brother, and even with more dangerous heroic spirits, Guda never died,

In a sense, it is simply a miracle! !

Who dares to say that Fujimaru Ritsuka is just an 'ordinary person' and an 'ordinary magician'? ! How ordinary is this!

There is no doubt that, apart from the great achievements of human salvation, this ability to live in harmony with heroic spirits can be upgraded to an EX level Noble Phantasm!

Avisbronn continued: “The giant who is supposed to be immortal cannot be defeated.

If I can't and I get knocked down, it's my fault. "

His ideal was to create Adam (human), the immortal giant.

But he hates humans...

So, do you hate or love humans?

When this contradiction appears in a person at the same time.

Matthew: “Mr. Avisbron?

……Feel sorry. It was me who panicked.

Anyway, I'm still a little closer to figuring something out.

To do this, I must communicate with you.

So don't worry about how I feel.

I just want a normal conversation. "

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