
It is a burden that should not be shouldered by him or her, a burden that the entire history of mankind and the future of all mankind must take back.

In countless despairs, overcoming hardships and defeating countless powerful enemies, he completed his salvation feat.

"If someone stronger could stand up, who would be willing to bear such a heavy burden?!" Seeing this, people were filled with anger again, and some of their superiority and rationality were gradually lost.


It’s not like the masters (players) like them planted bombs under the feet of Group A!

Everyone in Group A ‘sacrificed’, resulting in no chance to play.

You should resent Leif for this kind of thing! Go find trouble with the Demon God King and the Demon God Pillar!

It turned out to be weird! It’s so unreasonable!


The screen turned,

People see other memories,

That was in the imprisoned employee lounge,

When being met alone by Father Mapo,

Priest: “You actually asked me what I regretted, and I was so calm and relaxed.

Don't you understand yet? "

A familiar pleasant smile appears,

Mapo: "Of course it refers to the miracle you achieved,

The reality (everything) that will be trampled upon and destroyed by mortals. "

Negation, negation again,

A story of adventure that should be worthy of admiration and respect from any human being.

But he was repeatedly belittled...disliked...

Gods: "Damn it!! I can't stand it anymore!"

Almost every capita has a hero fan, and the gods who control heroes are more excited than ordinary people when they see this!

This is like the feeling of wanting to draw a sword when the protagonist you like is belittled by others.

Even Freya couldn't help frowning and said softly: "The child's light... except for that light, it is unique, and it is difficult to find another one...

The gods will be amazed. "

In their world, he might become the last hero of mankind.

No, I should say, except for Guda...

No one else is qualified to compete with him.

Although Freya only loves one person now, her appreciation for those with radiant souls will not change.

Chapter 170: Amadeus is not Amadeus? I am confused!

She and the other gods only know one thing...

It was Fujimaru Ritsuka who saved Renri, not the so-called A-Team.

This alone is enough...

If Group A has more admirable talents and shining souls, then show them to them.

Otherwise it is just the resentment of the so-called incompetent...

There shouldn’t be too many adventurers like this in this world!

Jealousy, resentment, unwillingness,

Original sin and virtue always appear together.

It is precisely because of the foil of these souls that the souls of the heroes shine even more.

However, I didn't expect that those guys' words would make Guda care so much.

And just when Guda was having a nightmare.

in the dark——

Matthew: "...Lord, Master!"

Guda woke up from his sleep when he heard a familiar voice,

Reality is still in the chapel pews.

Matthew: "Are you okay, Master?

You seem to be possessed by a nightmare..."

Guda: "No... nothing happened."

Listening to Guda's somewhat uncomfortable tone, people looked at Guda's performance at this time with some surprise.

Could it be that he or she is shaken?

Be more confident and proud of yourself.


The arrogant Guda is not the Guda that people know.

Although he has accomplished the great deeds of the savior,

But Guda still hasn't changed. He doesn't feel that he is stronger than anyone else because of this. He still maintains his humble heart.

That’s why I was shaken by those words.

Is the Master in Group A better?

They don't admit it!

Seeing this, people at this time could only become more and more unhappy with Goyanskaya, the priest and others.

And Group A...

It's all their fault.

Really - if you have any problems, go to Leif. Why are you bullying Fujimaru Ritsuka, an honest man?

And on the other side,

Seeing that the Master is fine,

Matthew: "Great, I thought you went to other worlds in your dream again..."

Avisbron: "This kind of thing actually happened?"

Matthew: "Yes, similar phenomena have happened several times in the past.

Compared to this, Mr. Avisbron. "

Avisbron: “Yeah.

...here he comes. "

Everyone also raised their spirits: Are you here? What's coming? ! Mozart?

The next moment——

Billy Boy also exited the spiritual body and appeared: "Oh.

Okay, should I pull the trigger or should I not pull the trigger?

This is a problem. "

Guda: "Follower?"

Matthew: "Yes.

There is a servant who is reminiscent of Mr. Amadeus

Standing in front of the church.

He seemed to be holding back his magic.

...But, he stood there motionless. "

Everyone heard this...

Think of Amadeus?

Even if it’s not me.

They had seen another killing form of Amadeus before,

The whole body looks bloody...

If it still remains like this.

It’s a shame that Ma Xiu can recognize it!

From the perspective of people's visual senses, it is already a completely different existence.

Although their slender figures are similar...the difference in temperament and appearance is needless to say.

On the other side, Billy also added...

Amadeus's action of standing still at the door at this time probably means, come out.

Mashu: "What should I do, Master."

Guda: "Let's go out and talk to the other party first."

Mashu: "Understood!"

However, just as Guda and others walked out of the church.

Mashu anxiously reminded: "Please be careful, up there!"

Avisbron: "Ouch."

A rock puppet blocked everyone's life and resisted a sudden attack.


Avisbron: "Your greeting is too rude."

Mashu's eyes widened at this moment, looking at the attacker's true identity: "That's... Mr. Amadeus...!?"

Thinking of that musician, in the original evil dragon hundred years war singularity, he played a special role for Mashu, almost like a life guide and lighthouse teacher.

People understand that Amadeus is a very special existence for Mashu.

And now seeing this beloved teacher, father-like character, turned into a killing weapon.

Many people shook their heads,

feeling that such a scene was too cruel.

Of course -

There were many heroic spirits who had guided Mashu all the way, helped her grow, and enlightened herself.

But now standing here was the musician.

Sure enough -

The bright red figure of Amadeus, who looked like a devil from hell, came into people's eyes.

Amadeus altered the Chaldean people in front of him and said: "I was planning to wait for the rude rebels who did not obey the emperor's majesty,

I never thought that the visitors were from Chaldea!

There is no place for you in this Lostbelt.

So you are not allowed to leave, I will kill you." The scene suddenly became solemn!

Originally, I hoped that this Amadeus would have the memory of fighting with Chaldea in the past,

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