Perhaps I am the only one who has such an experience.

——But it doesn't matter. ”

And then, with Salieri's next words, people finally understood what was going on.

"But... Damn... You actually brainwashed me and abused me...!"

Cadok: "The word abuse is too polite.

We just used you effectively.

No matter how weak...

It's still annoying to run around in front of you.

Anastasia, crush his legs. ”

Avisbron: "There is a flaw.

The puppet is activated.

I hold the tin of pale ice in my hand! "

After a snap of his fingers, the ice giant that was once only proposed was actually created by Avisbronn.

This scene surprised and excited people at the same time.

Ice... Ice, ice giant? !!

It was actually created!

Looking at the life form that seemed to be formed by the rotation of elements.

This is the home of ice and snow! People marveled at Avisbronn's magical alchemy!

In addition, it seems that the heroic spirit Salieri, who was previously brainwashed and controlled by the enemy, has now returned to the arms of justice!

"We can win!!!" Lefiya, Crusch and others couldn't help but think.

There is only one enemy——

Princess Anastasia.

The power of the master can be ignored...

If we can successfully defeat the opponent here!


Maybe we can gain an absolute advantage!

This is a unique opportunity...! People immediately realized this!

Cadok also exclaimed: "I actually turned the snow into a puppet...! ? "

And at this moment, the ice giant attacked the princess!

In a panic, Kadoc anxiously shouted the name of 'Anastasia' and suddenly blocked in front of her.

A magic defense array was formed,


After a dull sound...

Everyone was stunned by Kadoc's sudden action.

This familiar feeling was only seen in a few masters such as Guda and Shirou before.

Everyone's eyes widened suddenly...

Anastasia: "...It's too unreasonable for the master to protect the servant."

Everyone: This, this, this!

Kadok: "Nothing. I just think I can protect it. In fact, you and I are not injured. "


This scene is so familiar to them! However, there is no scabbard in Kadoc's body, and Emiya also has a scabbard, so he didn't commit suicide!

And what shocked and astonished people...

The members of Group A that they originally looked down on,

especially the clown who kept making jealous remarks... Kadoc,

actually has such a sentimental and courageous side.

Although he is the weaker party, as a master, he protects his servant when he sees the servant in danger.

This immediately changed everyone's impression of him...

Mashu: "...Mr. Kadoc. You..."

Many people complained in their hearts, and even almost followed Mashu's words and couldn't help asking, "Are you also a partner of justice?'

On the other side,

taking this opportunity--

Avesbron: "Okay, then let's run away."

Saleri: "Gu, wuwuwu...!"

Avesbron also looked over when he heard the voice: "It has been decided-take him with you."

Guda: "Of course! Telepathy!"

Avisbronn: "I see, this is what is called being influenced by the Master... Let's take it as a reference in the future."

After another snap of his fingers, Avisbronn and everyone else suddenly disappeared from the spot.


Seeing this, people were a little disappointed.

Did they fail to keep the princess here?

Or even with that Salieri, Avisbronn and others didn't think they could defeat the princess here?

But people are not too disappointed!

At least this wave is not a loss...

And... earned a new Servant's combat power?!

Cadok ordered the guards to track immediately!

Then he looked at Anastasia.

Seeing this, Anastasia whispered: "...If I say that it didn't turn out to be the worst, can it comfort you? "

Chapter 176: The enemy may not be a monolithic entity?

If it weren't for the momentary chaos caused by Kadoc's physical body blocking the damage,

then Avisbronn and his men would have escaped!

Perhaps the princess could have wiped out the enemy here?

If that were really the case...

Kadok should blame the princess for this.

But it was Kadoc himself who made such an impulsive act.

When he heard the princess's comfort.

Kadok was not discouraged or angry with the princess, but said: "I guess so. Although it would be best to wipe them out here,

but without the priest, it would not be enough to kill the hunters.

If we can gather together,

it would be even better.


thanks to you, I have a little idea. "

Anastasia: "What?"

Kadok smiled and said: "If the plan succeeds, maybe we can destroy the huge mountain in one go. "

A huge... mountain?

What does that mean?!

Everyone was confused and couldn't understand what the two were talking about.

Is it a plan to destroy Chaldea?

But what does killing Chaldea have to do with the mountain?

And if the target is not Chaldea——

"A huge mountain?" Loki, the god of trickery, held his chin with one hand and thought.


Maybe it's not just a mountain, but a person's existence?

As if thinking of someone, Loki's mouth curled up slightly.

After a bold guess...


Things seem to be getting interesting!

This Lostbelt... It seems that it is not as difficult to conquer as I thought at the beginning!

Although there are many enemy servants, they all seem to have their own thoughts and are not a monolithic entity!

... And on the other side.

Anastasia: "... Really.

But I think it's better to plan for the long term."

Kadoc: "It depends on the result of our negotiation.

If we can provide the other party with what they want, they will obey us.

That guy is such a servant."

Everyone: ...? Is it referring to Goyanskaya?

Or the priest? They are getting more and more confused!

Guards: "......


Cadoch: "Well, let's let this border also experience

what the emperor's majesty is.

Kill Hunters,

this is the city hiding the rebels.

You know what to do, right?"

Guards: "Of course.

Totally annihilate, annihilate."

Cadoch: "That's right.

Use your hands to crush this entire town."

After the order was issued, the Kill Hunters left together.

Anastasia suddenly said: "...They must have been like this when they were alive.

Just like the guys who killed me."

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