This is also a test of sorts for me. "

...The scene finally ended, but people still didn’t know what kind of ‘torture’ Mapo was going to use to interrogate Patsy.

This makes people even more itchy and restless.

But at this time, the perspective has returned to Guda and others.

It's daytime.

Guda and others who successfully escaped encountered the ruins of a village that had been attacked by the Killing Hunters on the road.

So they prepared to make temporary repairs here,

Let’s start to review the reason why this time even though the number of followers was dominant, it still failed.

The result can only be the fact of incompetence...

Guda said that he could still fight,

But he was scolded by the fat director, saying that he would lose next time if he continued like this! !

Then he got into an argument with Billy the Kid, who couldn't stand it.

Lao Fu stood up as a peacemaker and finally mentioned whether to try to win Salieri in.

Chaldea and Salieri finally had time to talk.

After introducing each other——

Guda also exclaimed - this name, isn't it...

Before he could finish speaking, Salieri interrupted the Master himself.

I said it because I wanted to talk about the legend that killed that genius (Mozart), right?

That's right...

He admitted that he was that Salieri,

However, there was no thought of defending himself.

Everyone who knows part of the truth:...! ?

Wait, that legend is just a rumor!

You never killed Mozart!

Isn't it... to have to bear the reputation of killing a friend for something you clearly didn't do? !

Too frustrated? !

No one could understand it.

If it were put on them, they would definitely go crazy.

Unlike the Archduke who never admitted that he was a vampire.

This lack of explanation made people more sympathetic and sympathetic to this heroic spirit.


After all, what kind of person is he? !

At this time, Salieri had taken off his formal attire, that is, the demonic outer armor, revealing his inner image of a handsome boy with silver hair and red eyes.

It means that you should be able to detect your servant's power now.

Matthew: "This...this is...?!"

Avisbron didn't care about the atmosphere, and suddenly said: "Yeah.

[So weak]. "

? ? ? ? ? ?

Such a weak sentence... The scene suddenly became silent.

Everyone's eyes widened.

ha? !

Suddenly, people were stunned.

So, so weak? Although, but...well——

The devil is obviously very handsome.

He was very wild when fighting before... giving people a very NB feeling.

Avisbron: “I didn’t expect that there are still people in this world

He is a Servant with a lower standard than me or Shakespeare.

You should be able to rival Andersen. "

Everyone:! ? ! ! ! !


People's eyes widened even more, and they became more and more incomprehensible. They were dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Wait, wait a minute...

Teacher Sa, who did you just say you could compare to?

Pfft... I couldn't help it.

Everyone suddenly suppressed their blushes and started laughing!


"Another heroic spirit who believes that Mr. Andersen is a weakling.

No way, no way.

No one really thinks Andersen is weak. "

"I believe Andersen is a true caster!

Do the other candidates for the title have such awesome clairvoyance? "

Even the gods suddenly looked strange when they saw this...

If we talk about these otherworldly epics that have popularized the world together,

Naturally, I have to mention that name——

Andersen, the troubadour's pseudonym to which all epic poems are given.

Although clairvoyance is about seeing into the past, the present, and the future,

It's just an ability that seems to be able to only see but not do anything.

But someone with this level of clairvoyance,

It's not omniscience, but it's infinitely close...

The division between omniscience and omnipotence is very vague and closely related...

Because he is omniscient, he is omnipotent.


Andersen's strength has always been a mystery.

This is definitely a seriously muttered master. It must be at the level of one or two Merlins, right? !

Teacher Sa, who are you comparing this to?

Actually using that big shot as an analogy...


They also want to become Servants! Don’t be too strong, just be as ‘weak’ as Andersen!

And back to the epic,

Here Salieri also said that he is just a musician.

And there are no songs that can leave a mark on history.

Mediocrity, or stupidity.

Humph, it doesn’t matter anyway.

Salieri: "Just because of one thing.

Just because he killed Amadeus,

Allow me to exist on the Throne of Heroes.

This has nothing to do with whether I actually committed the murder.

Just because people spread it,

I killed them. "

Hear this...

Originally, in the name of the weak An Tusheng, the immersive barrage of the happy group suddenly went silent.

Become a heroic spirit that protects humanity, ascend to the throne, and leave your name in history...

This should be a very honorable thing.

But when this honor actually comes from being misunderstood as killing a genius...friend...?

Thinking of this, I can't imagine how humiliating and unacceptable it feels for people.

Suddenly it was like a duck caught in the throat of fate,

The voices suddenly stopped.

Chapter 179 World Deletion——Literally!

Is that really considered an honor?

Humiliation, frustration...even despair!

Innocent monster...that's exactly what it's called.

Who can know the bitterness and pain, loneliness and incomprehensible torment behind every being who is mistaken for a monster?

Compared with Da Gong,

Even Salieri, who had no intention of defending himself, people's expressions became a little complicated.

Is that because grief overwhelms the heart?

Or should I say——

When people think of memories,

Salieri also took the initiative to bear the name of killing geniuses, citing it as the fate given to him by God.

How complicated are his feelings for Mozart?

Avisbronn: "In other words, you are...

The so-called [innocent monster]? "

Salieri: "...I'm afraid that's true."

Lao Fu: "Indeed. After all, when Salieri was alive,

People are spreading this suspicion. "

Matthew: "Yes. And it was made into a movie."

Guda: "But why do you want to side with Ivan the Terrible?"

Avisbronn: "Ah, I want to ask you this too.

Are you a servant from the Russian side?

The Hidden One...a young man named Caddock

Mentioned the Lost Belt. "

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