
They heard that in the epic, the fat director said naturally: "Haha, it doesn't matter.

Whether to be a bandit or to work seriously depends on the choice of those guys.

We don't need to worry about their future lives.

Or Yagasheng must be responsible to the end.

Moreover, as long as one party becomes smart,

The other side will also catch up, and this is humanity.

I think granting technology is related to looking forward to the future, right? "

This open-mindedness...

Everyone looked up in shock, obviously not expecting the fat director to say such beautiful words.

Let Yaga make his own choice?

No matter whether they end up relying too much on Avisbronn's golem,


It is said that it is a grant of technology, but even with Yaga's mind, it is difficult to understand how the devil is made.

People's expressions suddenly became strange.


They really couldn't tell, the fat director was heartless, but if they said it casually, it was intentional.

Anyway... they said yes, and they were more in favor of directly borrowing Avisbron's power and starting work together!

Wouldn’t it be great if we could accomplish our goals more efficiently?


If they became lazy because they relied on the power of the golem, it was their own choice. In the end, they were surpassed by humans in the history of pan-humanity. No one can blame them!

The goddess who has begun to evolve into the King of Involution... Loki admires this! !

And began to deliberately misinterpret the meaning of the fat director - oh haha~! This is how to corrode the enemy's heart! Well done!

It's all about the safety of our respective worlds,

Who cares if you can develop the ability to survive! If it were her God Loki, it would be nice if she didn't wreak havoc in the enemy's world and didn't cause trouble everywhere.

Back to the topic——

Ta Miao rarely agreed with these words and kindness.

There was a lingering sadness in her brows: "They will be devoured as weak ones after all.

Or will he devour it as a strong man?

Or find a completely different new path?

It all depends on the choice of the yaga. "

Undertaken the task of building the fortress,

From Ta Miao, Guda and others learned the location of the new fortress—in a valley near the royal capital.

Because there is a large forest with ferocious demonic beasts in the middle,

This area can form a natural shelter.

But there are gains and losses. It is difficult for the killing hunters to invade, but it is also difficult for the rebels to raid the royal capital.

Ta Miao expressed the rebels' intention to open the tunnel.

Once the tunnel is completed, it will only take one day to reach the enemy's capital, Yaga Moscow, and launch a lightning attack.

Ta Miao: "And that tunnel,

It is also the place where you can find the material minerals you crave. "

Afterwards, the Chaldean group followed Ta Miao to the valley.

After defeating the attacking monsters on the way,

During the construction of the new fortress, Guda and others who chose to dig tunnels in the cave to help encountered a huge magic pig.

And Avisbron, who had already become excited about the rich mineral resources and even fell into the mode of a crazy scientific researcher,

With great fighting spirit, he led Guda and others to kill the demon pig.

Afterwards, he shouted for large-scale materials and cruelly cut the demon pig into pieces to make powerful puppets.

Then there was the process of making puppets to help dig tunnels and mining to obtain the materials needed to repair the chariot.

The soul of a migrant worker...

A day of unpretentious mining work passed just like that.

Loki: "Obviously he is the savior...but doing this kind of work doesn't feel inappropriate at all. Hahahahaha!"

Neither she nor the gods find this process boring...

after all--

The anticipated final battle is getting closer and closer!

However - this progress may be faster than people imagine! !

Guda and others kept busy like this, from day to night, and finally...the next day,

The tunnel is completed!

When Ta Miao said it was time to start the next step.

Everyone:? ? ?

! ! ! What? So fast?

Originally, people thought it would be a huge project, but they never expected it to be completed in one day.

Ta Meow: "——Contact Beowulf,

Let him take charge of the feint. "

Guda: "That is to say..."

Ta Miao: “Yes, the time has finally come.

From the oppression of the killing hunters,

Save the Yagas.

Attack the capital Yaga Moscow,

Defeat Ivan the Terrible! "

Chapter 185 No such memory at all!

Oh oh oh oh~! !

Although the gods are still worried in their hearts, they also know that just staying there and thinking about it will not achieve anything.

At this time, let’s enjoy the epic deliciousness!

See that the long-awaited battle (melee) is finally coming! The gods rejoice! !

After all - be it Lostbelt or Ragnarok, for the gods who have been enjoying life on the ground for too long, their sense of crisis has been corroded and become lazy.

Now...it's better to have fun in time!

Compared with divinity...the gods have long been assimilated by the underground people and have many human sides, some good...and naturally some bad.

And on the other side——

In the epic, facing the order of the eldest sister.

Yaga Rebels: "No...it doesn't matter, right?

Can we really succeed? "

Ta Meow: "...To be honest, I don't know.

The number of the Killing Hunters is too large.

We haven't even seen Ivan the Terrible.

But what is certain is that he is in the capital.

In addition--

If we get into a protracted war, we will lose.

Because at this stage, we have the maximum combat power we can raise.

...We can't waste time any more.

If you want to survive, you have to fight!

If you want to bring peace to future generations,

you must defeat Ivan the Terrible!

Fight for freedom and peace,

and do your best to win!

The history that has lasted for 450 years

is about to be rewritten by you!"

The next moment, the rebels responded like a tsunami below! !

Under this exciting speech,

many adventurers--

even those sons of the future era who have dreams and have not yet set off, are excited and looking forward to it.

Bell: "So... so cool!!"

The faith of those who are determined to fight the powerful Thunder Emperor and the Killing Hunter to the last moment to protect their families...

seems to be about to burst out through the world!

Bell, who witnessed this magnificent scene,

has a deeper understanding of the definition of a hero.

Those people are just ordinary Yaga, but they all seem to be glowing at this moment.

For Bell, who has always dreamed of becoming a hero, showing off in front of people, and being recognized and praised by everyone,

he even feels a little ashamed...

Perhaps the real heroes are those ordinary people who can't be more ordinary.

When they pick up the faith of protection, anyone can become the hero who rebels against the strong and become so dazzling.

It's not because they want to be heroes that they become heroes.

It's because they bravely face fear and the strong who are stronger than themselves to protect their loved ones.

He also wants to be such a brave person!

At this time, countless young people, watching the epic scene and being in the voice of the rebels, all had the idea and impulse to join them.

...At this moment, Tamaow on the high platform looked at the rebels with high morale, and his eyes shifted slightly: "...Really.

Although I am not Caesar, let me say one thing--

The dice are still rolled."

Mashu: "Then for the repair of ShadowBorder armor,

we will temporarily leave the team."

Tamaow agreed to Chaldea's temporary departure, but also hoped that they would be an important force in the attack on the capital, so they should not escape now.

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