Ta Miao: "...I..."

Just when Ta Miao had a sad and unspeakable look on her face, she was dumb and unable to answer for a long time.

She didn't seem to say anything, but she seemed to have told people something.

Everyone seemed to be able to feel the complex and tangled emotions in Ta Miao's heart.

For a heroine with a good nature,

When the instinct to protect weak beliefs conflicts with the position of the world,

This has nothing to do with good or evil,

It’s time to just distinguish between right and wrong.

If it were people who had to choose, regardless of their selfishness or righteousness, they would choose their own side of the world immediately.

Salieri's choice is more like a normal person's choice.


Surprisingly, people can understand why Ta Miao was speechless at this time.

Although the fight for survival has nothing to do with right or wrong, but to destroy an innocent world, no matter what, it is the weight of a world's creatures!

...It is too heavy to bear the burden of evil.

Perhaps at this time, summoning some inherently bad guys, beings with evil attributes and anti-heroic spirits, would be more suitable for battles in the Lost Belt.

Everyone thought with a sigh.

Dang Dang Dang~! ! Just when Ta Miao didn't know how to answer,

The sound of bells ringing from the sentry tower suddenly came from the outside world, which also interrupted people's thoughts.

Yaga rebels: "The enemy is attacking! The enemy is attacking!"


Everyone suddenly stood up in shock: What? How come this time? !

Isn't it said that there is a large forest of monsters in front of the new fortress, which can block the advance of the killing hunters?

What, what's going on!

Ta Miao: "What!?"

Salieri: "——!"

And the picture flashed to the outside world,

At this moment, the Killing Hunters are killing the Yaga rebels everywhere.

It completely dispelled the last trace of doubt in people's minds.

But it also made people’s eyes widen in surprise and indescribable astonishment!


How did they appear here!

We were obviously preparing to raid the royal capital soon, but now we were counterattacked by the enemy!

There were blood-splattered killings and screams everywhere,

A Yaga rebel was killed and fell to the ground,

Yaga child: "Dad——"

Guards: "Honor to the Emperor.

Get rid of all the idiots. "

Bang~! ! !

Ta Miao and Salieri, who came in a hurry, immediately launched an attack on these killing hunters.

Ta Miao shouted to the child at the same time: "Get back!"

Get behind the adults! "

Ta Miao: "Not only are we surrounded,

And they invaded the fortress in one fell swoop...!

But there shouldn’t be any Killer Jaegers nearby...! "

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded,

Priest: “Indeed.

You have built a fortress in a location that is hard to find. "

Ta Miao: "...!"

Everyone: "...it's you! Mapo!!"

Immediately, the figure of the man full of joy came into people's eyes.

The priest walked out from among the troops killing the Jaegers: "From our side,

You have to go through the forest where the monsters live. ——

Even if we can barely break through,

You will also be able to quickly encircle the city and not be able to leave.

I applaud your efforts so far to turn the tide of the war.

But in the end, these efforts were in vain. "

Everyone looked at the killing hunters behind Mapo in shock:...! !

Why is this happening?

What went wrong.

Bypassing the sentry detection, suddenly a large army appeared here,


Everyone had guessed some possibility, but it was so unbelievable that they were stunned.

"No...it can't be. Could it be a tunnel..."

No, how could Mapo and the others know that plan! It’s obviously just finished——! Ah~!

Chapter 187 The Betrayer——Patsy?!

Ta Miao: "Are you Cardinal Marcellus?"

Everyone: No, it’s Mapo! !

Priest: “Someone did call me that.

However, you overlooked two points.

Point one. Going through the forest will indeed result in the sacrifice of 90% of the people——

But so what? Just re-produce it.

Point two. Strong fortress, strong fortress...

Isn't this level completely inadequate when dealing with Servants? "

Mapo began to explain the possibility of why they appeared here!

But even so,

People still feel doubts in their hearts,

No, that's not right!

Even if it is such a cold and chilling attack, regardless of losses,

The noise caused is generally huge! !

It wasn't so sudden. He wasn't discovered by the sentry until he hit him!

Unless the Killing Hunters can fly! ! It flew directly across the forest!

Otherwise, there is only the tunnel that was originally intended to be used to raid the royal capital!


On the other side, people saw Ta Miao also questioning: "...If it is an anti-city Noble Phantasm, it can capture the signs of activation.

If it is against people or military equipment, it can be completely resisted.

That is the spiritual tree in the deep forest of Warcraft that is over four hundred years old.

It has a hardness beyond metal and a will as a living being. "

The priest smiled: "If you have four hundred years of spiritual wood as a shield,

Then we have a more historical treasure called the ‘entrance’.

Come, holder of the Noble Phantasm.

You can come out now. "

Everyone: ‘Entrance’? !

Ta Miao: “…!”

The next moment, a dull sound of footsteps was heard.


Ta Miao looked in the direction where the sound came from: (…What is that…?

The entrance of the cave…?

…No way!?)

Everyone: ! ! It is indeed!

Bang, bang, bang~! ! ! With the heavy footsteps, a tall figure holding a huge axe gradually stepped out!

The priest also suddenly read out a name that people could not believe: “——Thank you for the information you provided, Patzisi.

I believe the emperor will also be happy with your dedication.”


The screen went completely dark.

Pa…Patzi…Si? ! !

The traitor is Patzisi?

Did he tell Mapo that the rebels were going to build a fortress here, and there was also a tunnel?

Everyone could not believe it.

How could it be possible? ! The werewolf brother would never betray.

Uh-wait, people suddenly remembered that after the werewolf brother was captured, he was...

Because that plot was a bit far away,

people almost forgot it.

Damn-! So, this is all... true? !

…And the perspective shifted to the other side,

Guda woke up from the bed: "...I always feel that,

...seems...I had a... nightmare..."

The sound of the door opening automatically sounded, and Mashu suddenly entered the room: "Thank you for your hard work, senior.

You don't look very well, are you okay...?"

Guda nodded slightly.

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