And when the ‘root disaster’ appeared.

Not to mention the root itself, just the two "women" who were once connected to the root would probably scare this god to death.

——I’ll kill any “god” for you to see. It’s funny.

——How could you break through the Holy Grail War in one night, free the Valkyrie Brynhildr with her Noble Phantasm, and feed a pet named ‘Beast’ with the people of a city?

In addition...if Homura chooses to connect to the root, he might even meet the "Prince of the Root".

Compared to the Root Shiki, the second being to reach the Root besides the Shiki, the character of the Root Princess - Sajo Aika is quite annoying.

If the other party discovers that he is an ‘extraterrestrial visitor’...

It seems like, it’s no big deal?

Homura couldn't help but think.

‘Even Shatiao Greene can’t come along the network cable and hit me! ’

The setting of Sajo Aige in the Moon World is that of a yandere. Because she is connected to the root, in a sense, there is nothing in the world that she does not know, even in the future.

The world remains unchanged, so there will be no emotion of expectation. Even the relationship of blood relatives has no meaning to the princess of the origin.

She doesn't understand the feeling of family affection, nor does she understand what love is.

Things like this continued until the beginning of the Holy Grail War.

Even though it was predicted that he would fall in love during the Holy Grail War, he did not take it seriously and casually closed his channel to the source and his ability to predict the future.

Otherwise, this Holy Grail War will be too boring. In a future where everyone knows everything, there will be no freshness and meaning at all.

The sandiao love song at the beginning is like a formula, blank like a piece of white paper, that is, the existence of nothing.

In the eyes of this princess, the love that occurs between living creatures is like a human being watching a monkey show.

How could she really be moved by the name of 'love'?


Although Shajo Aige took the initiative to close the communication channel with the root, she was still a perfect person in her daily life.

The world has always revolved around this goddess.

Even if she doesn't predict the future, Aige should be able to predict everything that happens next based on her wisdom alone.

In fact, whether or not the channel to the source is closed has no effect on her.

It was under such circumstances that an 'accident' occurred!

The original work is because Ai Aotian summoned the old sword during the Holy Grail War - this heroic spirit that she did not expect at all.

According to her preference, he should be a more majestic and stronger man (Homura automatically understands him as Uncle B).

But precisely because the old sword did not follow the princess's preferences, but was like a sunny, gentle and handsome man, so...

Chapter 269: The sickly goddess and the embarrassed princess!

She likes wild types, but she chose a warm and masculine type.

It was as exciting and exciting as a little princess who was pampered to the heavens and suddenly got a slap in the face.

However, Ai Aotian said she was still very comfortable - that's what she wanted!

This "unexpected" situation is the first time for Shajo Aige.

Then the princess fell in love with the old sword uncontrollably. For the old sword, she pushed seven horses all the way, and even almost fed her own sister as a sacrifice to the beast of 666, just to fulfill the old sword's wish:

"Rebuild that ideal kingdom - let Britain come again! You will become the eternal king and rule over that country forever."

The princess's love is so sudden, it comes unexpectedly, just because the omniscient world is broken.

She was excited for that man, her heart skipped a beat, and then she fell in love, giving birth to an emotion called 'love'.

The white paper was stained with a yandere color.

In order for the old sword to always be the king and always accompany her, she doesn't care how many people have to die for this wish.

For the aborigines of this moon world of Jiujian to be like this, Yan has every reason to doubt how excited the princess would be if she saw her existence in the root.

——Any invasive things will become possible!

After all, she is the goddess of death, Ai Aotian, Mary Sue, and the princess who is favored by Gengen!

Sajo Aige is the strongest Master who has ever appeared in the Holy Grail War in both the main and side stories so far. In terms of magic alone, his strength is second only to the magicians from the Age of Gods.

If he only knew a lot of knowledge, but his strength was only at the level of a magician from the Gods, Homura wouldn't have anything to worry about.

But the point is, this is all just an illusion.

Just like the concept that the omniscient must be omnipotent.

Omniscient and omnipotent is an indivisible whole.

Ai Aotian had the experience of using one finger to block Sister Bu's ultimate move, and even Silent Hassan's poison was unable to take effect on her body.

To say that Ai Ge's combat prowess is only at the level of a magician as shown on the surface, even Shi Yan wouldn't believe it.

Why don't you switch to Mother C and try to use your fingers to catch Sister Bu's ultimate move?

"Huhu... You should have escaped, right?" In the forest, Princess Chenxi gasped for air, looking back from time to time with nervous and worried eyes.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief when she found that it was quiet behind her and there was no white dragon flying in the sky.

In fact, she was very scared all the way. She was always worried about being caught up by the "evil dragon" while escaping. As long as she fantasized about the terrible consequences of being caught up, she was extremely afraid.

The forest road was not easy to walk on, with all kinds of potholes and the densely covered sharp branches that would occasionally scratch the little princess's clothes.

Princess Chenxi was very tired after all this journey.

Just when she wanted to lean on the trunk of a big tree to rest for a while.

The whole forest was quiet, so quiet that Princess Chenxi could clearly hear her heartbeat and breathing.

Looking at the dense and tall trees and grass around her, the dark jungle with no end in sight was like the deep and empty mouth of a ferocious beast.

Princess Chenxi was a little scared, and her little face showed a timid look.


-The sound of swallowing saliva.

Still... Let's keep going.

When she went down the mountain just now, she looked over and saw that there should be a small village nearby.

It would be truly safe only when she reached the town, so she couldn't take it lightly now.

As long as she finds a town where humans live, she can ask those people to bring the news of her being trapped here back to the capital, and ask her father to send someone to take her back.

Thinking of this, Princess Chenxi showed a somewhat worried look.

She didn't know when the white dragon would find out that she was missing.

If it chased her all the way, or even followed her into the human town, wouldn't she be harming everyone?

Princess Chenxi's heart was a little heavy for a while.

But the strong desire to survive drove her body to continue walking.

"Wow... yes, are you going this way?" The little princess looked at the completely indistinguishable forests. She had originally run away in the direction of the town on the mountain, but now she was lost.

Regardless of the clothes torn by thorns, the little princess continued to stagger forward with her white legs.

She didn't realize that her escape route had deviated from the road to the town.

At this time, the little princess had not lost hope in her heart. She fantasized about returning to her parents' arms, returning to the warm bed, and reading Brother Andersen's books.

These beautiful fantasies inspired her motivation.


Just at this moment, a figure seemed to flash in the bushes in front of Princess Chenxi.

This moment made the little princess surprised and nervous.

"Who? ... Who is there?"

'Is it a resident living near the village? ! 'Princess Chenxi thought uneasily, she subconsciously stopped, but did not hear the reassuring human voice.

Facing the dead grass, Princess Chenxi realized something, looked at the grass with tears in her eyes, and slowly stepped back, one step and two steps.

Leave here! Leave here quickly!

At this time, Princess Chenxi had only this thought in her mind.

No matter what it is, don't touch it, you won't be in danger.

However, the little princess's legs were as heavy as if they were filled with lead, even if she continued to use magic to strengthen her body.

Long-term magic strengthening has made the magic corridor in her body almost exhausted. She is now very tired, not only physically, but also mentally.

Can't walk anymore...

It took a few breaths, but she couldn't walk a few more steps. "Ouch!"

Princess Chenxi's backward foot suddenly tripped on the exposed roots of a tree.

She couldn't stop herself from falling to the ground with a dull sound.

All the grievances came to her mind at once. She found that she had no strength and was about to encounter unknown dangers. The little princess was a little desperate.

"Woo woo...Father, I miss you. I want to go home...Is there anyone who can come to save me?"

Shouldn't a strong and handsome warrior appear at this time in the story?

Brave warriors like Brother Arthur, Sigurd and Siegfried.

However, the little princess's fantasy and crying did not attract any warriors.

At this moment, in response to her crying, there was another slight rustling sound in the grass in front of her.

The little princess held her breath and looked at the grass with some hope for a while.

However, it was not a figure that came out from it. A pair of eyes with cold eyes in the grass were staring at the little princess.

At this time, Princess Chenxi finally saw the true face of the creature.


Just when she was afraid and mustered up the courage to use the last bit of magic to cast a spell to drive away the wild wolf.

There were rustling sounds everywhere.

Chapter 270 Be thankful! Andersen, you can be free for a while longer!

"...Dragon?" A handsome silver-haired young man wearing heavy silver armor in the capital slowly spoke, and behind him followed a group of elite warriors of the Church.

But from the outside, it seems to be the famous Crusaders, but if you look closely, you will find that the clothes of these church personnel are painted with wonderful gold-plated patterns, which are slightly different from the clothes of the Crusaders, and the fabric under the armor is also more red.

"Looking at the notice, it should be the frost dragon that kidnapped the princess of this country." A church warrior lowered his head and said.

"A white dragon... powerful enough to affect the weather. When it descended, snow fell over the capital - haha, it is indeed the characteristic of a frost dragon! It dares to attack a country with 'hero'-level combat power. It seems to be a titled dragon." The silver-haired young man showed a perfect and somewhat fake smile on his face.

The silver-haired young man continued: "That's great... I encountered a good thing unexpectedly! Benar... go and take down the notice for me."

"Your Highness?!" A pleasant girl's voice sounded, with a hint of surprise in it. It was a beautiful girl with black hair and a single ponytail and blue eyes.

'——Your Highness asked me to tear off the notice? ! '

"Wait... Your Highness, we came out with a secret mission from the Pope this time. If you want to save the princess of this country——" The previous Vatican warrior tried to dissuade the young man from spending time on other things.

They were on a secret mission, so it was indeed not appropriate to make trouble.

However, the silver-haired young man raised his hand slightly backwards, and the voice of the Vatican warrior stopped abruptly. In awe of the majesty of the young man in front of him, the warrior did not dare to continue.

——He knew how bad the young man's character was, and knew that the other party had begun to bother him.

"It doesn't matter... Just save the beautiful girl along the way. The Pope will not blame me if he knows. As for the mission, it's okay to postpone it. It's just the lady of the ruined kingdom. Just a little bit of personnel to search."

The smile on the silver-haired young man's face became brighter and brighter.

He couldn't let the beautiful flowers wither. The archbishops of the Holy See wouldn't be so unreasonable if they knew about it.

Given his relationship with the Pope, even if the mission couldn't be completed, the one who would be punished would only be the Seventh Inquisition under his command, not him.

But such a great opportunity, to obtain the ruling power of a country openly, is not common, and may not come once in hundreds of years.

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