They like it when they take the initiative to cause trouble, but it is very troublesome when the people under their control secretly make trouble behind their backs!

Think about Ivan the Terrible. Now he sends everyone to shout and kill. Starting from the border, the situation is getting less and less prestige.

As long as you take the perspective of the Thunder Emperor a little bit, you will feel like you have become a complete victim!

And on the other side——

Priest: "——Okay.

This body is an offering to the gods.

No matter what you do,

I was just fulfilling my duties. "

Billy: “One more question.

Please act like a priest and answer me honestly.

——Who leaked the secret? "

Priest: “It’s Patsy.

You should have been vaguely aware of it, right? "

Guda: "...Patsy."

Avisbronn: "Did you use methods such as torture?

No wonder. "

Everyone gritted their teeth when they heard this——

Subconsciously, I thought that the priest must have surrendered, or even if it didn't work, he had used some despicable means.

Otherwise, how could such a kind-hearted brother like Patsi betray everyone? !

And they were only half right.

The priest smiled with a perfect curve of his mouth: "No. I didn't touch a hair on his face.

He simply gave in. "

【yield】……? !

Such a word makes people feel confused and difficult to understand.

What's the meaning? How is it possible?


Obviously when Patsi was escorted to the capital, he gritted his teeth and would never betray.

Is there anything that can make him succumb before it hurts him in the slightest?

Or did they really get it wrong?

Brother Werewolf, is he really a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death?

They don't want to believe it,

And the scenes they had seen before made them always feel that it might be too absurd and unrealistic.

Even if it is the product of making Patsy go through some painful torture before making a decision,

It would be more understandable.

But the priest said: “Submit to the majesty of the great emperor.

Like a confused believer in the presence of a supreme being.

If possible, I really want you to have a glimpse of it.

But alas, the emperor was tired.

We are now unable to welcome visitors from foreign countries.

Although it is a pity, I can only let you disappear here. "

What...what...what? !

Everyone can't understand...

Or rather——

The explanation given by Mapo was really unconvincing.

Or should I say——

Were some special brainwashing methods used? !

People can't help but wonder.

Especially when I think of Salieri being brainwashed from the beginning.

The thought that he was Amadeus made them even more suspicious.

I didn’t give everyone time to think,

In other words, there is no room for Guda and others to think.

The epic has changed again——

Priest: “——Come, Servant of the Lost Belt.

To make them understand their position. "

The next moment——

Boom~! !

It was like a humanoid tank walking on the ground, causing astonishing movement.

Everyone saw it again——

The black shadow that had once been glimpsed from a distance emerged from the tunnel.

? ? ? : "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr a;

Bang, bang, bang~!

Every foot seems to cause the earth to resonate and vibrate.

A gigantic figure that resembles a mythical minotaur monster, and - fierce, hair-raising dual-wielding giant axes.

? ? ? : "Kill...kill...

Ohhh...ohhhhhhhh...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. "

Minotaurs? ! !

Countless adventurers and gods in the Dicuo world subconsciously thought of that familiar monster.

But when the black shadow is completely revealed in the sky under the wind and snow, it is exposed to the light.

Everyone was stunned...

He...he is? !

Although he looks like an evil tauren warrior,

But it’s just the strong body shape that resembles it, that’s all.

But that face——

Among the pure white muscles and thick hair, a monster wearing a shackle-like half-mask with bright red lines on its body appeared in front of people's eyes.

But it looks more like a human face than a bull's head.

This guy——

Why is it so similar to the Minotaur? !

It’s not just the appearance... it’s not just the body shape,

But a certain feeling.

The gods all opened their eyes slightly - 'this sense of familiarity'! !

? ? ? : "Kill... drop... eat...!!"

Billy: "Who?"

Matthew: "——You are..."

Guda: "Asterios...!"


Among the gods in the world of Earth, the gods related to the Greek pantheon: "!!!"

Oh oh...

That name——!

Although the history of this wrong world is different from the myths in normal human history.


Chapter 190 Everyone: Teacher Avisbron’s wish? He will never betray it!

Gods versus Blue Star, or the mythical history and culture of Blue Star in a parallel world...

I also have a certain understanding of it!


The names of stories related to them.

Although - most people are probably not too familiar with that name.

And his other name,

But in the underground labyrinth of another world,

He is also a famous existence!

That's right - that is the one who is known as the Rookie Killer (Friend). He even fell in love with and killed Bell, the original protagonist of the wrong world.

The warrior who exerted all his courage and might—Mirotaunos! !

Although in the wrong world, the tauren have become a race!

And when it comes to mazes, naturally they will never forget the appearance of that powerful monster.

It can be said that he is a hero among monsters...

The existence itself seems to symbolize a [powerful] monster!

Priest: “I’m glad that the history of metahumanity turned out to be so peaceful.

I never thought you could summon him by his abandoned name.

His real name was the Minotaur.

It's a monster that eats humans in the labyrinth.

...Speaking of which, because the number of corpses is too small,

Do you think that more than half of the rebels are still alive?

At most, we captured only 20% of the rebels.

Most of the rest was eaten by him.

Having a large appetite is really convenient at times like this.

Nor will rot breed flies.

The flies in this Lost Belt are very ferocious.

In order to survive in this extremely cold place,

As long as they see meat, they will bite on anything. " !

Ah~! ! ! When the timid people heard this, their pupils trembled with fear.

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