That kind of environment is very wonderful.

To be honest, I'm very excited. "

Patsy: “Hey, why do you do that kind of meaningless thing?

Literacy rate? Social system?

Hmm, I don't understand. "

Countless mercenaries in re world: "plus 1"

Isn't it the business of those noble men to engage in culture?

When will the general public become literate? I can't understand it! What is going on in the world over there...

Speaking of which, I saw the Five War Epic before, a place like school,

They once thought it was a college for nobles.

And even Emiya, who was so downtrodden that he was alone, still had a large house with a private courtyard, inherited from Kiritsugu.

Patsy: "...Wait a moment. Before the age of twenty

Will not be judged as an adult!

Can't drink wine?

Can't ride the two-horned horse? "

Patsy: “Ah, no, not a carriage but a car?

Haha... No matter what it is, if you can't drive,

Wouldn't it be meaningless? "

Matthew: "Yeah.

Although different countries have different regulations...

But generally speaking, before growing up to a certain age,

No drinking or driving is allowed. "

This is too outrageous! !

For a different world where children can go to war, a peaceful world is too hard to imagine.

Many regulations, in their opinion, are... well, difficult to adapt to and accept.


Stop it...

No, it’s very wrong!

No matter how you think about it, it's wrong. We have just confirmed that Patsy is a traitor, why are we having such a fun conversation now?

Everyone was confused~!

And even if it is an epic, there should not be some meaningless fragments.

Or should I say——

Is it just a simple show of Guda or is it soft-hearted?

Even traitors can sit down and have a good chat.

Everyone was confused...

But this doesn't change the progress of the plot at all, so we can only accept it.

Patsy: “Hey, what should I do when it’s cold that day?

Wouldn't you die if you didn't drink some fire wine? "

Patsy: "...Will it be easier to die if mixed with fire wine?"

Billy: “Because it’s not necessary knowledge, so forget it.

Alcohol will eventually take away your body temperature. "

Patsy: "Hey~.

I don’t feel this way at all when I drink. "

Matthew: "Because Yaga has fur."

Patsi: "Yeah.

The old seeds are all smooth, what should I say...

A little disgusting. "

Matthew: "What!?"

Guda: "It will feel very warm (with fur), I'm so envious."

Patsy: "...But since I don't have fur,

It also shows that there is not much danger there. "

Matthew: "...So, we also have one here.

Hairy people. "

The image of the Chaldean heroic spirit Edison flashed past.

Patsy mistakenly thought that there were Yaga in their world.


Generally speaking, it is realistic that the world there is basically full of human beings.

And can even a weak human being sublimate into a heroic spirit after death and become a strong person?

In response to this, Billy the Kid said that he wouldn't mind firing five bullets at the center of his eyebrows and let him try.

Patsy immediately complied.

Then he said where has Master Avisbronn gone? I don't think I saw it.

When it was learned that Avisbronn and they were separated.

Guda still insists that Avisbronn is not dead yet.

Patsy: "...Ah, that's right."

Billy: "What do you understand?"

Patsy: "No, it's okay, nothing happened."

But as soon as I turned around——

As soon as people's vision dimmed - they heard their voices.

‘——Only one thing, I finally understand.

Why did I listen to their sweet words,

Joined the rebel army.

This is because,

I'm very interested in Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mash.

Because these guys are weak,

Hopelessly weak.

Matthew once fought against Roarmon.

The strength she showed at that time was not inferior to that of Billy.

...However, her personality is not suitable for fighting.

She cannot exclude others.

Not to mention Fujimaru Ritsuka.

To Yaga, the weak are not even meat.

An existence that would have been simply abandoned,

He actually said he was here to repair something... human reason.

That must be the duty of a great hero.

Yet they say they want to restore human nature. ’

I see--

Does it feel weird?

The gods smiled...

But——hehehe, this is where the fun lies.

No matter where it is placed, the weak defeat the strong is more worthy of attention and shocking.

It is only inevitable that the strong will defeat the strong.

There is no expectation at all, and it cannot be called a miracle.

If it were Group A that saved the world, the process of saving humanity would still be very fascinating.

But it’s not so dreamy or touching.

In Guda, people can find many possibilities of ordinary people.

As long as you have excellent quality and spirit,

Even the weak have a chance to become heroes.

It is indeed a more dreamy and longing journey than fairy tales and heroes in ancient myths.

Patsi's inner voice continued——'——This world is wrong.

I recalled and thought about my father's words.

And the meaning of their existence.

...Is this really good?

Is it really good not to abandon?

Yaga must continue to abandon something in order to survive.

Even the existence called family, compatriots, and friends is no exception. '

"So you chose to abandon?" People remembered Patsi's betrayal and still felt unwilling to believe and angry.

It's also sad...

Perhaps for this twisted world,

they who expect that werewolf brother to do something that violates the nature and rules of this world again,

are strange, right?

Sure enough——It's all the world's fault!

Chapter 196 Jealousy is the original sin, but it is also desire and longing!

'So, I don't feel fear.

I feel comfortable.

——She is so beautiful that I envy her,

——She is so cheerful that I want to kill her. '

For Guda standing in front of him and the figure of Mashu in the communication.

Patsi thought so in his heart.

Only the heart cannot deceive itself...

Mashu: "...Mr.

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