When a killing hunter suddenly approached Fujimaru Ritsuka, Guda didn't have time to get out of the way.

Guda: (Oops——!)

Everyone:! ! !


Subconsciously, everyone was shocked. If it were in a game, when faced with the option of Guda speaking, people would probably pause and calm down at this moment.

But now he looked at the Killing Hunter who was instantly close to his face.

On behalf of Guda, everyone screamed in shock - WOC, don't come over!

Chapter 197 It’s Musashi’s own duck!

The world stops moving at this moment,

Time seemed to have stood still.

Not an illusion? !

People discovered that the scene did stop at the moment when the Killing Hunters attacked Guda Tie's face.


Guda closed his eyes, not feeling the suffocating feeling of pain and death for a long time.


For a certain second, it was as if time had resumed.

"...It doesn't hurt at all?"

Nothing happened?

The next moment,

The whistling sound of the long knife slashing was heard, holding the blade of the killing hunter.

Everyone:! ! !

? ? ? : “Wait a minute, wait a minute!

The thugs who pointed their guns at young boys! "

Then there was the sound of three strikes, five divided by two, clean slashes, and the sounds of the Killing Hunters falling to the ground.

You can feel it just by listening to the sound.

That kind of visual feeling that hits your face, like mowing grass.

Everyone: Who? ! !

Nice female voice,

? ? ? : "Although we are in a strange place where it is difficult to distinguish between east and west,

But the whole picture of good and evil is clear, God is watching what people are doing!

How dare you attack my beloved boy,

Watch me chop you all to the ground! "


A brand new heroic spirit appeared before people's eyes!

Like a savior in the dark night,

Just now, facing the crisis facing the Master, everyone felt that it was at a critical moment.

It’s Musashi-chan~!

Wow~! ! A very familiar figure to Guda came into view,

He was the Servant who had an encounter in the Singularity and still retained his memory.

After this was confirmed in subsequent exchanges...

Everyone:! ! !

Bert: "Hey, what's going on! This woman?!"

Did she exist in previous epics?


But then I remembered that I didn’t seem to have finished talking about the singularity of the subspecies before, so I jumped directly to the epic of the Lostbelt.

Could it be that Servant from the Lostbelt that has never appeared before?

And then——

While showing off his valiant and heroic appearance, killing the Killer Hunters cleanly, Musashi also had free time to chat with his Master and others and share information with him.

Briefly describing how she drifted through time and space, from the previous singularity to this beautiful country in the Lost Belt,

Later, he was deceived for various reasons, and even wanted to compete with some so-called "Russian Yagyu" who had funny names.

Coming across the ocean...

I didn't expect to meet the Master here.

And this bizarre way of adventure also left everyone stunned.

There are so many flaws that I don’t know where to start.

"Is there such a thing?" Surprised!

"There is such a thing!" Definitely!

"Woc——!" Although people thought that Guda would not be easy to lead.


This method of sending reinforcements from the sky,

Should I say it was Guda who cheated, or this beautiful girl named Musashi who cheated?

And after that——

After dealing with a series of killing hunters,

Musashi didn't even need to ask what happened;

The moment I saw Guda still fighting, standing here becoming stronger and growing.

She expressed enough trust and was willing to lend Guda a helping hand again.


Bang~! The whole person is attached directly,

Just by holding hands, a simple contract was quickly signed.

The light on the back of Guda's hand flashed by,

Everyone:...? ? !

What's going on...? !

Damn, they were shamefully envious!

It was not that the new servant was willing to help Guda after understanding the situation.

Or rather——

As long as the character is not hopeless, or even a follower who is hopeless, there is a possibility that he will be conquered by Guda's charm and become a companion.

It's normal to get new heroic spirits' combat power.

But is it too flippant?

Still too trusting? !

This is the first time people have seen this Servant. They can confirm the situation at a glance and stick to him without asking.

He looked at Musashi, who was blushing, smiling, and looking cheerful and bold.

Everyone was envious of Guda.

A beautiful girl—the most important thing is that she is a beautiful girl! Is this the favor from a beautiful girl? !

On the other side, Musashi smiled sheepishly: "Great, this way I can always fight with all my strength!

Ah, the reward is ten small coins and a bowl of udon every day, please! "

Billy the Kid on the side was unable to complain: "And he still wants to repay in such a worldly way.

Is this samurai from the west? "

After some chatting and typing,

——Musashi also said that he had been entrusted by some Yaga before.

I stumbled into this place while hunting down a band of thieves.

And after learning from Guda and others that it was the labyrinth of the Minotaur.

It makes people dumbfounded,

He even doubted whether this beautiful heroic spirit had a completely opposite personality compared to his reliable strength.

She actually mistook the entrance of the maze as the entrance to the thieves' stronghold and rushed in directly.

Guda: "Too bad..."

Everyone couldn't help but helplessly put their hands on their foreheads and said: "It's terrible..." xN


No, maybe not bad!

If he hadn't rushed in recklessly and gotten lost...

It was impossible for the other party to save Guda at the critical moment.

Patsy complained, this woman is more mischievous than Guda, what is this?

...a fool who puts on clothes and walks around?

Musashi turned his head instantly, his eyes suddenly became sharp and serious: "Well, Yaga!

Show me a little bit, look at your face! "

The next moment, a sound of skin and flesh pulling was heard.

It made everyone tremble and be surprised,

Looking at Musashi who attacked fiercely.

And Patsy’s scream: “Ah! What is this woman doing!

So strong! "

Musashi: "Hmm...there are no features on the wanted poster...

It seems you are not a member of the band of thieves.

Sorry, I took the job after all.

I'm not very good at telling what Yaga looks like. "


What does Yaga look like?

Thinking of the village chief who looked exactly like him.

Everyone nodded in understanding.


Thinking of the scene just now, I still couldn't help laughing.

Probably...no, take the opportunity to take revenge, right? !

The front feet were called stupid, and the back feet responded in kind.

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