
emmmm, doesn’t this mean you don’t know anything?

In the three months since I came here, apart from working as a mercenary and fighting everywhere, I haven't collected any intelligence? !

Should I say she is too open-minded or heartless?

Everyone was speechless for a while...

And Musashi: "Then please give me some advice!

That’s what I like most about you! "

Guda: “Of course!

I'm glad to see you again, Musashi-chan. "

Chapter 199: Within seven steps, which one is faster, the sword or the gun?

I see,

After confirming that Billy is really the Billy the Kid.

Musashi is interested...

Musashi: "...


Guda: "It is forbidden to draw a sword.

Don't be provocative. "

Musashi blushed and said, "Hey, do you have the ability to read minds?

Oh, I can't help it, I can't help it.

It should be said that Kuaishou and Iai are incompatible.

Or since the competition is 'Which side is faster? ’,

Naturally, I would like to compete.

Although I have subdued several gunmen's rapid fire,

But Billy the Kid, the quick shooter, is a different story.

Is it true that three shots can be fired in an instant, and they will surely hit the center of the eyebrow?

It is said that your gun speed is faster than lightning? Right? "

At this moment, countless adventurers and mercenaries were excited after hearing this!

Although I have seen the power and convenience of firearms before,

But because I am used to the Western fantasy world where swords are used,

Few people thought of trying to get hold of such a novel weapon.

"Faster than lightning? Isn't that similar to magic?! It's not an exaggeration to say it's a magic bullet!"

"If it were more powerful, it would be comparable to the magic sword!"

A group of people were chatting happily on the barrage.

Especially Dicuo's magic sword, because it is so powerful and easy to release, even a person without magic can release a blow (light cannon) that is enough to destroy a mountain.

The magic sword is a hot commodity among adventurers.

Who wouldn’t want to prepare such a powerful tool to save their lives?

It is the nature of adventurers to pursue strength...

The advantage of firearms is the same as that of bows and arrows. They can stand in the back of a large army and output stably without facing too much danger.

It seems that the way to use the gun is more convenient than the bow and arrow, just raise your hand.


An age-old problem has caused many people to struggle between melee and ranged professions, which one is better.

Once a remote profession is approached——

Except for a few martial arts experts like Lyu who can switch between two swords at any time and can also fight in close combat.

Most magicians and archers are useless if they get close...

It takes time to release magic and archery.

And in this process, those who have a sword fast enough can chop off their heads several times.

"Within seven steps, which one is faster, the sword or the gun?"

"If it can be compared to lightning, it should be faster with a knife and faster with a gun, right?!"

"Ah, it makes me want to have such a weapon. Isn't it completely without shortcomings?"

"There's nothing wrong with using it as a secondary weapon, right? No one stipulates the use of melee weapons, so you can no longer use firearms, right?!"

At this time, Bell, who was far away in a remote mountain village, also began to long for and imagine how handsome he would look with a gun in one hand and a sword in the other!

And on the other side,

Billy and Musashi were at war with each other for a while, and then smiled at each other.

They complain about each other because they are people who will do whatever it takes to win.

It can also be someone who follows the rules and fights well.

Whether it is a simple competition or a life and death battle, it is what they love.

As warriors, the two have an unexpectedly good compatibility.

Then—Billy the Kid fired,

Everyone was startled, almost thinking that he couldn't hold back and was about to shoot Musashi first.

As a result, it was discovered with Billy's explanation that,

He was actually taking advantage of the reverberation of gunshots,

Trying to find where the exit is.

Billy: "Although we can't find the exit directly,

But at least there should be some clues.

Only, I couldn't exactly distinguish the sounds.

Even as a Servant, my hearing isn't particularly good.

Maybe musicians will have skills in this area.

Sister Samurai,

Can you do this? "

Musashi smiled and said, "Huh? Isn't there anyone else here besides me?

A guy whose hearing is as good as that of a wild wolf. "

Matthew: "Mr. Patsy!"

Unexpectedly, he would be named, and Patsy, who was reused again, was surprised: "Ah...

That is to say, let me distinguish the echo of gunfire,


…I’ve actually done that a few times before.

For example, listen to the sound to identify the number of monsters.

But you have to master the structure of the maze..."

Billy: “That’s right.

Patsy, as a Yaga, your ears should be able to do this.

So, can you try it? "

Patsy: “...Uh, oh.

I can only give it a try...! "

Guda: "Please!"

Patsy: "I understand. Don't underestimate Yaga's ears!"

After that, Billy's gunshots kept ringing out in the maze.

And Patsy can really accurately judge in advance which are dead ends and which are the roads that can be taken.

And just like that, gunshots kept ringing out, and Patsy kept reminding them.

Everyone: "..."

I really didn't expect that he would help me again.

Although Patsy was a traitor, the people who were really killed were all the local Yaga here.

Regardless of the fact that it was originally a temporary alliance, the goal was to conquer Yaga Moscow.

As an invader,

Is this a good thing for Guda and others? !

The enemy world's combat power has weakened...

The possibility of pan-human history being victorious in the end will also increase.

Although the total history of pan-humanity is now limited to just a few people like Guda. He is really more tenacious than Xiaoqiang!

And just as people watched with complicated emotions...

When Guda and others accepted the favor of the traitors in the past.


Patsy said... there is a road... that has no echo reflections!

Guda: "This means...!"

Found the exit! "

A group of people were delighted and ran towards that road.

Just when Mashu also smiled happily and said Master, let’s go out quickly,

Patsi suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute!

What's at the exit! "

Matthew: "Is it the Minotaur...!?"

Roar~! !

A group of roaring beast-like monsters appeared in front of everyone.

Patsy: "...It seems not.

It just seems like a beast guarding the exit. "

Billy: "It's okay, it's no different from those puppies anyway."

Musashi: "Then just get rid of them neatly.

When I'm alone, I'll eat some to get the minimum supply of magic power.

But now that you have a master, you can no longer cook at will. "


Wait, why do you suddenly have this...illusion?

The Master is like a large power bank.

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