Of course you can also escape.

Can escape the claws of the killing hunters,

Stay alive.

This is the goal I use to train you.

Got it? "

Yaga: "...Yeah."

Beowulf: "Have you found a way to correct yourself?

Survival does not mean imposing inequality on others.

But to grant equality.

Rather than scrambling to be the first,

Moving forward together will lead to fewer detours.

The joy that comes from working together,

Far better than the joy of ostracizing others. "

When Yaga said that even so, they would still feel uneasy about the disappearance of their boss.

People can also understand that feeling...

Like a newborn bird facing the blue sky for the first time.

Everyone has experienced the uneasy feeling when a child finally leaves his parents to grow up independently.

But Beowulf educated them, and read out the knowledge he taught them one by one, the skills for survival.

He has been teaching them how to be independent from a long time ago.

And now there are people who need their combat power more than them...

He must follow these people, even if it is for the 'real tomorrow' of these Yagas!

A real tomorrow...

Immediately, all the Yagas showed admiration, and the venue was completely silent, with no more voices of protest.

Whatever you are saying at this time must be cowardly.

Those are the figures of heroes who are fighting for the future!

Billy on the side: "...

...the real tomorrow? "

Chapter 203: Everyone has not yet adapted to the sudden change from a good person to an evil person!

Everyone nodded...

Yeah, that's right...the world will be destroyed tomorrow.

Although I shouldn’t think so in the atmosphere at this time,

But people got really weird expressions and wanted to laugh.

Servants of Pan-Human History are also invaders to the Lostbelt.

I just don’t know which side Beowulf will choose to be on in the end.

Normally, everyone should stand on their own side of the world.

And even if Beowulf chooses not to help each other, he actually chooses to help Guda now.

It's already helping pan-human history.

A group of invaders are talking to the invaded, saying that they will take back tomorrow's future for them.

Everyone was suppressing laughter and suddenly fell silent.

In short - from being a good person to being an evil person suddenly,

Even if he shows kindness like this, he is just a hypocrite who is worried about it.

And how long can this white lie last?

In other words - as long as the original intention remains unchanged, that is, wanting to save everyone, but also wanting to save my own world,

What choice will the Master make in the end?

Everyone sighed deeply...

For the Master who pursues perfectionistic choices almost every time.

She (he), who never wants to give up, has created countless miracles so far.

But in the face of a fixed world, can both sides really care?

I'm afraid Fujimaru Ritsuka has already realized something in her heart.

In fact, the realization that one has to go along with evil in order to save something seems to have occurred a long time ago.

The most obvious one is the Shinjuku subspecies singularity...

He or she chooses to press the detonation button,

Although in the end it was the professor who pressed the button on behalf of the Master, I felt that it was enough for him or her to have such an awareness.

And the executioner's job should be done by evil people like himself, and don't let those hands be stained with blood.

But Fujimaru Ritsuka's has never been a pedantic Madonna watch. People have long noticed this, and this is something that most ordinary adventurers are surprised by and can't help but sympathize with.

In the past, people liked the kind of people who were willing to save anything.

People who look brilliant and dedicated to themselves.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between the Virgin and the Virgin.

But as they gradually matured under the influence of epics, they also began to feel disgusted with those vampires (Vampires) who couldn't distinguish between forms and even used other people's health to help others.

And I am used to seeing all kinds of embarrassments and psychological pain that my Master faces every time he chooses a fork in his destiny,

People have long realized that the world is not black and white, but full of chaos.

Not that the opposite of justice must be evil, but the opposite of evil must be justice.

Sometimes there is some tragic black justice...

So is it really necessary to stop those black justice revenges?

If it were up to them to make the decision, could they really choose the right path? Or become the right master (slave)?

Just because I understand that every choice is an extremely painful growth,

People are now letting themselves go more and more.

From the past worship of individual heroism and love of pure goodness,

Now I like Guda, who is more humane and can do good (and evil) according to my inner feelings.

On the other side, looking at Billy who was muttering "tomorrow", he said, "Billy?"

Billy came back to his senses and chuckled twice: "Ah, yes.

It seems that I have to show some real skills.

I know the Yagas have grown.


I'm afraid these are not enough.

Also launch a feint attack in the capital.

I am the one who acts as bait to attract attention. "

Faced with Billy's sudden statement.

Everyone:! ! !

One person as bait? This is a siege battle, an army battle, not a one-on-one battle.

Even the heroic spirits... faced with such a large number of killing troops whose attribute values ​​were no lower than those of ordinary servants.

Just...just kidding! ?

Beowulf: “…Are you crazy?

The killing jaegers in the capital are unusually powerful.

Go alone,

It is equivalent to being an enemy of the Hundred Cavalry Servants. "

Billy smiled freely and said: "It doesn't matter, I'm Archer.

It is very tenacious in terms of survival.

I will fight to the last minute.

How about it? "

That kind of statement——

You must be ready to make sacrifices!

Everyone trembled physically and mentally.

The last moment of fighting...

But it is not the case, Yu Guda and others successfully reunited alive.

If you are confident, there is no need to use such words at all.

Beowulf smiled——

He said...

According to Guda, they did not meet in the beautiful country.

If you have seen it,

It was impossible for him not to be impressed by such a handsome outlaw.

Guda: "After all, Billy the Kid is,

The legendary outlaw! "

Billy: "It's really embarrassing!

All things considered, this should make things a little easier for people near the capital.

Please take care of me! "

Yaga: "...I understand, Mr. Beowulf, Mr. Billy.

We will also do our best!

Thank you for taking care of me so far!

Be sure to come back safely! "

Beowulf: "Sure. After defeating Ivan the Terrible...

After we get knocked down, um, we'll find a way to come back and say hello.

It's just that there's no guarantee. "

Yaga: "It doesn't matter, you are the kind

The type that makes you feel uncomfortable if you break a promise.

Then we'll go back first.

Be prepared and the feint will happen. "

After saying that, the Yagas really left...

These are also a group of warriors.

To challenge heroic spirits as a mortal or something.

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