How could she not recognize the creature that brought her the greatest psychological pressure?

Yes... In this continent, the only creature that can intimidate other creatures and make them submit with just sound is the dragon!

It's a dragon!

This is the sound of a dragon's roar!

The air on the horizon suddenly had a hint of frost.

The cold and cool wind blew from afar, and the tips of the trees in the forest began to be covered with a layer of ice at a speed visible to the naked eye, making a creaking sound of freezing.

At the same time, heavy snow fell from the sky.

Before she saw the figure, she already knew that 'it' was coming.

'That white dragon is catching up! She must have found that I was missing and chased me out. ' The little princess thought in panic, but for some reason she also felt relieved.

—— Although she was caught by the white dragon, it seemed that all her previous escapes were in vain, but at least she didn't have to be torn apart and eaten by these beasts anymore, right?

She imagined that she would be saved by a passing Cang Yin Knight holding a sword as clear as Gram and Broken Steel Sword at the most critical moment.

But when her eyes were blurred and her pride was torn to pieces by the crisis of reality, she was in a mess, and it was the white dragon who saved her.

——Powerful and noble, the white dragon showed this domineering power of suppressing the magic beasts and ordinary beasts from the bloodline, just like the gods she had begged to save her before! High above, admirable and want to rely on power!

At this time, the little princess had a strange sense of security.

Then she saw a more unforgettable and shocking side.

A white dragon flew from afar, like a beautiful white dragon from the end of Yuanbai's time and space. Her body was full of ice mist, and everything she passed turned into ice and snow, a silver-clad appearance.

The sunset on the horizon was also eroded by the silver-white and ice-blue colors, and no longer had the bright red color.

Its existence itself, every move is enough to change the celestial phenomena. For the first time, Princess Chenxi had such a positive and clear understanding of the horror and power of dragons.

Combined with the beasts crawling on the ground in front of her eyes.

The scene of the white dragon coming like the master of the forest, sky, earth, and river gave the little princess an extremely strong shock.

For the first time, Princess Chenxi felt the insignificance of herself as a human being.

The ragged and pitiful little princess stared at the white dragon blankly.

When she read the book before, she always thought that slaying a dragon was a great thing, and the dragon-slaying hero was the real hero.

But at this moment, the little princess, who was conquered by the shocking scene in front of her, was a little confused.

Should dragons really be slaughtered?

Only by killing dragons can the warriors be verified as brave?

Would such a beautiful white dragon be as terrible as the evil dragon described in the story? Thinking about it carefully, she didn't seem to have been bullied by the white dragon until now.

Maybe there will be good dragons among the dragons that kidnapped the princess?

Just like in other dragon-slaying stories, the evil dragon always has black scales like the abyss, but has there ever been such a beautiful silver-white bad dragon?

The special effects that the white dragon comes with, like the spiritual pressure freezing the water in the air to form an ice dragon, and even the strongest ability of "Hyorinmaru" that can control the weather [Heavenly Phenomenon from Coming].

—— It is said that everything in the sky is under its control;

It is also like Esdeath who can condense a huge ice ball as big as a meteorite with a wave of her hand. Although the frost of the white dragon is not fierce, the scene of changing the sky and the world is still turbulent and shocking.

In the most dangerous moment, the little princess who was saved by the white dragon's cry once again had a little obsession and longing for the crystal-like beautiful and shining white dragon.


This dragon will not eat me! ! She had such a thought.

Shamefully had a thought of surrender.

Princess Chenxi didn't know whether her current change of mentality was right or not, and she felt very complicated.

But she didn't know that she had a senior White Dragon fan - Kaiba Senior.

No one has ever stipulated that one must have a rebellious and challenging mentality when facing powerful creatures. That is just a way to highlight the hero's heroic description.

In fact, the little princess didn't know that the obedience and admiration in her heart at this moment was the most instinctive reaction of the weak when encountering powerful creatures.

Just like when humans in ancient times first met gods, they only had awe and admiration in their hearts. Facing the great power that could not resist at all, such perfect power did not allow the birth of any will with unnecessary emotions except longing.

According to the president's brain circuit, among them, a white dragon, which has both a beautiful figure and powerful power, is undoubtedly the most perfect and powerful one among many creatures! !

This belief was indeed carried out by the president to the end. Even after several generations, the popular decks have changed a lot, but various "Blue Eyes" and "White Dragons" can always be seen in the president's deck.

The little princess now has the potential to become a white dragon fan, well... the premise is that this white dragon doesn't like to eat people.

Boom! !

The two wings fanned a huge ice and snow storm, and the white dragon finally stopped steadily in front of the little princess. At this time, she was staring at the little princess with a very unfriendly and angry look.

It's all because of this human. What's wrong with staying on the snow obediently? He had to run out and cause trouble for her.

It wasn't for her hurried roar before, this little human was about to become the dessert of these beasts.

Miss Bailong couldn't understand this behavior of seeking death.

It would be nice to just stay at her place peacefully and wait for the heroes and brave men to rescue her and go back.

This human princess is pitifully weak but extremely courageous.

Miss Bailong, who never went out, suddenly felt that she had suffered a huge loss.

If she had known that kidnapping and taking care of a princess would be such a troublesome matter, she would have stayed on the snowy mountain and would not come down.

At this moment, Bailong is not in human form, and her angry look does not look very good when shown on the dragon's appearance.

Even though it is the most beautiful among the dragons, the ferocious and mighty feeling of a dragon will not change. The appearance of a giant dragon is a reflection of power and a sense of oppression.

When Bai Longji gets angry, she looks like a terrifying beast that has turned violent. In other words, the dragon is the strongest beast.

The representative among ferocious beasts.

Facing such a white dragon, Princess Chenxi was instantly frightened.

Chapter 273 Princess Chenxi: Sure enough, you still want to eat me! Desperate!

She began to think that her idea that the other party would be a 'friendly' party... was that she was overthinking it.

With this ferocious look in front of her, as if she was about to be eaten, the little princess who faced the white dragon at close range could no longer feel the majesty and beauty of the dragon. All she could see was the dragon's ferocious head - it was simply breathtaking (the sanity value is being reduced) asphyxia.

Fortunately, this giant frost dragon seems to be very clean. Does it rinse its mouth with ice and snow every day? No bad breath?

But Princess Chenxi was still scared to tears.

'Wow! Gonna be eaten! Gonna be eaten! Woohoo, so scary. It's over... it's over... Father, save me. ’

Sure enough, I got along with a dragon or something...

It’s totally impossible for people to do it!

When the almost coagulated blood began to flow quickly again, she finally took a breath. The little princess, who could barely move and react, immediately knelt down in panic in front of Miss Bailong.

After suffering the hardship, she has given up the idea of ​​​​escape and shamefully chose to surrender. Isn't it just kneeling to the dragon? For Princess Chen Xi, who has always been pampered and pampered, it is still a complicated and novel feeling.

"I...I will never run away again; please don't eat me, Miss Bailong." Princess Chenxi sobbed pitifully.

Miss Bailong, who was about to glare fiercely again, was also confused by the scene in front of her. She had no idea how scary she looked now.

Even if you magnify a good-looking creature hundreds of times at close range before your eyes, you won't be in the mood to laugh.

Although Bailong has not zoomed in, he is too close now...

It scared the little princess to tears.

On the contrary, it was Miss Bailong who was too embarrassed to continue to be mean to the other party;

When she reacted, her eyes were attracted by the scene in front of her and she couldn't move away.

So...cute? !

Bailong, who was so cute by the little lolita in front of him, suddenly - poof! Bai Longji felt as if something was coming out of the tip of her nose.

Originally, the human princess looked like nothing when she was normal. Why is this tearful appearance after being bullied so cute and attractive? !

~His! The giant dragon took a deep breath, and the strong wind it brought about made Princess Chenxi tremble with fear, thinking that she was hopeless and about to be eaten.

It's over - she really still wants to eat me.

‘Is it steamed, braised or cooked with some seasoning? Woo hoo, could it be eaten alive? People don’t want to die or become food. ’ The little princess thought in panic and confusion.


After a flash of light, the giant dragon turned into the form of a beautiful human girl. Bai Longji covered her nose with one hand and made a tactical leaning back posture.

Princess Chenxi stared blankly at the gesture with her nostrils facing forward, confused.

Is this... another sign of the dragon clan's arrogance? This action is so strange!

No, now is not the time to think about this. We must not let Miss Bailong continue to want to eat me! She wants to live, she must live!

The strong desire to survive made the little princess express that she still wanted to struggle.

"Ahem!" Just when Princess Chenxi still wanted to beg and make amends, Miss Bailong coughed twice and resumed her cold, noble posture. The delicate silver-haired and blue-eyed face once again impressed Princess Chenxi.

With the faint blue light lingering around her, the White Dragon Girl at this moment is beautiful and pure white.

"Sister Bailong, are you a god (Kami-sama)?" Looking at the scene in front of him, his words changed again.

Inexplicably, Princess Chenxi couldn't help but speak in a daze.

That stupid look made Bai Longji's heart beat again.

Yu——Ahem, I can’t stand it anymore.

She feels that she has been too exposed to the human world (books) recently, and now her aesthetics have become almost that of humans?

After just discovering the "cuteness" of Lolita, pear blossoms and rain, now looking at Princess Chenxi's silly look, she actually feels a little fondness for her?

Originally, Bai Longji, as a giant dragon, was very proud and narcissistic about her beautiful silver-white scales. She liked a body that was as elegant, powerful and beautiful as her own, not a human body that was petite, fragile and looked weak. body shape.

But what made her change her values, outlook on life, and world view now? !

Bai Longji looked a little strange.

Princess Chenxi on the other side panicked when she saw that Miss Bailong had not replied.

‘——This means rejection! Woohoo, why do you want to eat me so much? Has Miss Bailong made up her mind? ah! I'm going to die. Goodbye Brother Arthur, Goodbye Sister Melly, Goodbye Mr. Andersen, and It seemed like there wasn't anyone else important to say goodbye to. ’ The little princess, who was crying anxiously, thought in confusion.

(At this moment - the old father as the king has fainted in the toilet from crying.)

Miss Bailong moved her gaze away from Princess Chenxi. It seemed that she had just awakened to some bad habit and was eager to cover up this abnormal "hobby".

She is a dragon who likes dragon-slaying heroes, definitely not a little humiliated human lolita who likes suffering, and she is definitely not that kind of perverted dragon!

Miss Bailong took a breath of ice dragon breath and directly hit the group of trembling beasts and monsters next to her.

Panicked, irritable, and nervous, she finally found something to distract herself, as if she had discovered something that could be done.

So Miss Bailong started killing people enthusiastically, and the ferocious dragon roared and spewed ice and cold flames everywhere.

The icy blue dragon's breath instantly connected the forest and covered the ground. It froze into a beautiful ice sculpture in an instant, and then shattered a second later. It continued to freeze, break, freeze, break, freezing and breaking at the same time. Spreading into the distance.

When the creatures in the distant forest saw this scene that looked like death coming, they went crazy and started to flee in terror.

The animals and monsters that first surrounded the little princess were not so lucky.

He couldn't let go of any of them in front of Bailong, and he had to hold them back forcibly. He could only be innocently implicated and watch himself being frozen into slag by a mouthful of dragon's breath.

The little princess who witnessed Bai Long's violent scene shivered in fear.


How terrible!

She is indeed an evil dragon, yah yah yah!

So the little princess cried even harder.

She is going to die anyway, so let her cry enough.

Princess Chenxi thought this way, but found that the white dragon lady became even more excited. As if she had been stimulated by something, the dragon body she had just transformed into a human form again, this time covering her mouth and nose with her hands.

Miss Bailong: "No, the bleeding is a bit heavy."

If she still maintained her dragon form, she would definitely spurt out a large amount of blood and form small craters. In order to avoid that embarrassing situation, she had to change back to her human form.

Chapter 274 I won’t leave until I see Brother Andersen! So delicious!

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