Think of the city in the moon world where gas exploded easily during the Holy Grail War.

There are also all kinds of tragic lives of heroes...

Uh~! But in ordinary daily life, compared to the Lost Belt here, even that world can be considered happy and beautiful.

And how could people's own world be without danger?

The existence of monsters, monsters, and even wars.

Although tragedies occasionally occur, it is very common for ordinary people to smile.

Regarding this——

Thinking about it, in the Lost Belt, I almost never saw Patsy smiling.

Everyone seems to understand why they have always had a feeling of depression that can't go away from the first time they saw this world.

‘Because you can’t laugh! ’ Such words flashed through people’s minds, what a sad thing.

Guda: "Although I don't know..."

Patsi: "Even though you...don't know?"

Guda: "Because someone smiled at me."

When Guda said this,

People vaguely remembered a certain existence.

That... the king who held the sword just because he saw the future where many people were smiling.

Even if there is hell ahead...

Perhaps this is why Guda can always maintain his courage.

Because there is more than one person behind him (her).

People sigh...

Patsy on the other side was startled, and then suddenly said: "Besides you - there are others who are crying,

The old man who laughs while laughing.

...I finally understand.

I finally understand that I am not afraid of death

I have to follow your reasons too.

I...want to make you despair.

I want you to curse this cruel world.

It makes you lament why you were born so fragile.

I want you to curse your status as a weakling...! "

At the end of the sentence, Patsi became emotional and even roared.

Guda: "I can't do this."

However, Guda's words immediately turned him cold.

Patsy: “Ah, but—

You will definitely change your mind when you see Ivan the Terrible. "

Patsy: “...I changed my mind.

I don't care anymore. The rebels and the Thunder Emperor didn't matter anymore.

I won't kill anyone.

Won't kill you.

But instead... I'm going to watch you sink into despair.

I want to see you surrender and crawl on the ground.

——I cannot tolerate the existence of happiness.

Because that's something we can't get. "

Guda: "Are you going to come with me?"

Patsy: "...Even if you don't allow me to follow,

I will also follow you in my own words.

You can't kill me anyway, right?

Well, you can say this to everyone.

Anyway, Holmes and the others must be eavesdropping, right?

...are you eavesdropping? "

Because of unwillingness and jealousy that others can still maintain a happy heart in such a harsh hell,

But when faced with fear, he chose to retreat and was too ugly to himself.

On the contrary, he was stimulated, hoping that Guda would also choose to surrender.

But when everyone wanted to laugh and ridicule, they suddenly fell silent, opened their mouths and fell into silence.

Just because, deep down in their hearts, they feel that in such a twisted world, it seems that... psychological distortions and abnormalities are quite normal.

If you have been living in such a depressing Lostbelt world, you can give birth to a soul as bright as Guda.

What kind of extraordinary miracle is needed?

Perhaps their expectations for Patsy and the humans (Yaga) in this world were too high from the beginning.

If it were any ordinary person,

Can we do better, be calmer and stronger?

The answer seems to have emerged in people's minds.

Chapter 209: Because of the yearning for the beauty of the world, I am afraid of the opposite distortion

'It's a world without any hope...'

Such thoughts flashed through people's minds.

Otherwise they wouldn't be able to maintain a balanced mentality.

Because of this, although they find it hateful, but also a bit pitiful, people feel that they are not qualified to laugh at this coward.

At the same time, I am glad that I was not born in such a sad world.

Even if there are also threats of crises such as war and death,

Their lives are much better than those over there.

At least people still have hope for tomorrow and the future.

Although people at this time still hated Patsy like this, they also felt as if they hated themselves.

I hate the despicable qualities that every one of them has, such as timidity, cowardice, and low self-esteem.

And the gods…

"Showing beauty to a desperate person is the greatest punishment for him."

On the other hand, they were not very angry or dissatisfied with Guda's behavior of always tolerating Patsy.


Because gods think differently, they prefer to see through the surface to see the deep soul and emotions.

In their eyes, Patsy was in great pain at this time.

The more beautiful Fujimaru Ritsuka is,

The more painful he becomes.

Ah, what a...most delightful clown.


Patsy didn't attack Guda again.

He just kept mumbling, and Holmes must have been eavesdropping.

He was not stingy with his suspicion of human nature, and tried to think that others were even more despicable.

Perhaps he had heard too much...

When he came out, he saw Lao Fu's communication video, and Guda couldn't help asking, "You weren't eavesdropping, were you?"

Lao Fu said that he was a gentleman and of course he wouldn't do that.

On the other side, Billy interrupted: "Then, what exactly is this commotion?

In my opinion, it's enough to constitute a reason to draw a gun."

Guda: "It doesn't matter."

Billy: "...Really?"

Musashi: "Well... Forget it, since Fujimaru Ritsuka thinks it doesn't matter, then it's fine."

After that, Patssi also said that he would not do it again.

Everyone: ………………

Contemptuous eyes, who would believe it!

You said the same thing last time.

After that, Patssi couldn't help asking if Lao Fu really didn't eavesdrop.

Little Da Vinci and the fat director both testified for him.

This is a real English gentleman. Not only did he not eavesdrop, he even leisurely made himself a cup of black tea.

Patssi was shocked: "Really?!"

The expression seemed to be a little unbelievable, as if asking again-does this man not care about what he said at all?


Emm, they do understand Lao Fu a little.

I'm afraid they have seen something a long time ago.

Even if they don't eavesdrop, they know what this Yaga is thinking.

After that, several people decided to jump directly to the capital Moscow as their next target.

First, use the chariot to get as close to the capital as possible, and then change to Yaga's two-horned horse and continue to move forward.

It's rare that it seems that because of the experience of falling off the horse in Rome before, the master has secretly contacted him and can actually ride a horse.

This strategy is completely fine.

After a while of rushing, the chariot stopped at the edge of the patrol range of the killing hunters at the border of the capital.

Beowulf and others went to search for the two-horned horse, and Guda took this opportunity to have a good rest.

And Musashi suddenly found Mashu and deliberately pulled her to chat alone.

People then remembered that Musashi wanted to talk to Mashu alone before.

Ah. You don't want to ask at this time--

"Oh! Privacy! The Master's privacy! Guda..." People got excited and completely forgot that when Musashi asked that question before, he was rejected by Mashu.

And they were disappointed soon.

Musashi just talked to Mashu about his interesting experiences in many places and countries he had visited.

Mashu was very impressed by this, and admired Musashi's easy-going personality.

Musashi said embarrassedly: "Is...really? I am always hunted for eating free meals,

and people often push troubles to me?"

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