Some shocking scenes that Kadok and others should have never experienced or seen came into their eyes.

Starting from Joan of Arc in the Hundred Years War of Evil Dragons to the Wise King Shen in Chapter 7, the background has also changed from the seven singular points one by one.

It's like——

Kadok, like Merlin's fufu spirit, has been paying attention to the splendid adventure and struggle to save humanity!


Everything returns to darkness,

In the darkness, the voice of the heart continues to sound.

‘It is said that he was saved.

Being the only one left, the candidate among the candidates,

And it was an ordinary layman who saved him.

Instead of us who couldn’t even get on the stage,

Achieved a great cause recognized by everyone.

——It has nothing to do with me. If it's normal, if it's normal,

I won't take things that have nothing to do with me seriously.

However, what penetrates my heart,

But it was extremely intense jealousy.

...not willing to give in.

Not willing, not willing, not willing!

Ah, it's so embarrassing and so unwilling.

I should be able to do this kind of thing! ’

Listen to the silent cry and roar in the darkness.


Is that really the case?

Goyanskaya was right.

At this moment, I was thinking about the first time Guda introduced how easy it was for everyone in Group A to get along with Matthew, as well as Da Vinci and others.

People were silent: "..."

When Goyanskaya made a completely opposite judgment.

People began to have doubts.

Who said what is true and correct?

At first, people thought it was just Goyanskaya who was deliberately talking nonsense to disturb Guda's mind, but they didn't take it seriously.

After all, that woman just has the feeling of charm, danger, and bad woman written all over her face.

But when it was later determined that Group A was a traitor,

People couldn't help but recall that statement again.

Matthew and the others still think too well about human nature!

This ugly face...

Jealousy - although I can understand it,


The gods have not seen too many people like this.

I think I can do it myself.

Anyone can talk big words, but there are only a few heroes from ancient times to the present who can truly accomplish great things.

History has actually verified the truth long ago.

In fact, people are very disgusted with this kind of speech that I can do even in public.

Even if it really works...

Nor is it a reason for him to deny the achievements of others.

Even from the perspective of the deceased towards his successors, he should be encouraged and pleased with Guda for achieving the ultimate goal of saving humanity.

That's what a true senior should do.

Even if I have regrets...

But as long as the ultimate goal of salvation is achieved, that's fine.

What matters is the result, not the process.

And just like that——

In the darkness after the roar, a ray of light suddenly shone.

Then a voice seemed to come from the void,

? ? ? : "——Discover changes in circumstances.

Proposal to the chosen ones,

Show it to you who have abandoned it to the north. "

‘…A voice that was not my own came to my ears.

In an indifferent tone, he announced the urgent situation. ’

? ? ? : “If you long for glory, choose Su Sheng.

If you crave laziness, choose eternal sleep. "

Everyone:! ~! ! !

Is this...? Could it be the voice of an alien god?

Thinking of the mysterious resurrection of Group A and their subsequent defection to the alien god.

People have always had speculations about how the members of Group A knew the alien god.

Until this moment, everyone was shocked!

Ah~! The mysterious alien god finally revealed part of his veil...? !

Although the true appearance has not yet been seen, it is only in the form of this beam of light.

As for whether it is the voice of an alien god, people are still speculating.

Until they continue to look back -

? ? ? : “God doesn’t care what you choose.

...Is there a choice to be made?

Since we are living beings, we must naturally prioritize survival.

The remaining 6 people also agreed with this choice.

What we have been given is ‘territory’ and ‘heroic spirits’. "

? ? ? : "[I] am an existence that came to this planet from other planets.

The fantasy tree will initialize the planet.

And create a new myth.

Crush the history of pan-humanity and build gods with your own hands.

Build a law that can accommodate [me]. "

Everyone was shocked and their eyes suddenly widened! ! Key information captured!

Construct a god, construct a law that can accommodate that mysterious voice?

Wait, wait...! ! Ah, could it be said that the Lostbelt exists to allow the alien gods to come better, and it is just a means? !

grass--! ! Words and phrases of civilized language can't help but pop out of people's mouths.

Suddenly everyone,

... Gudong... Swallow your saliva.

Is that [me] the alien god?

The purpose of constructing a new myth by defeating the history of pan-humanity is just to transform the world into a new one that can accommodate itself.

Such appalling scale and stature! For a moment, people who could not imagine how terrifying the alien gods were, and even the gods, fell silent.

The air suddenly fell into a terrifying silence, and you could hear a needle drop.

People were breathing rapidly... A sense of panic and unbelievable tension suddenly emerged in the hearts of the gods.

Hey, hey - this... is too exaggerated. How terrifying is that alien god?, how is it possible!

Chapter 213: Everyone: Somewhat knowledgeable!!

What kind of specifications can the world (that universe) not be able to accommodate?

Alien God...

Is he another perverted god like Tiamat, the Mother Goddess of Creation?

Or is it more powerful?

The world over there after the Age of Gods has faded may be less mysterious and no longer suitable for the arrival of mysterious creatures.

Even the gods hid in the inner sea of ​​stars.

Under such circumstances, it is already outrageous that alien gods can still affect the outside world.

And the purpose is to transform the world so that you can come...

If you think about it carefully, isn't it just a matter of changing the world back to the Age of Gods where the gods can descend?

As soon as my mind turned around, the feeling of horror was finally no longer so strong and exciting.

But what makes the gods twitch physically and mentally...

"It's a pattern...!" Hermes muttered when he saw this.

The decline of the Age of Gods is inevitable.

Not even the gods of Mesopotamia could stop this trend.

Far away, in the Epic of Gilgamesh, the gods created the Locks of Heaven and the Wedge of Heaven, but they never expected that they would be rebelled against.

Recently, King Arthur pulled out the holy sword in an attempt to maintain the last glory of Britain, but suffered the grief of Gladiolus Hill.

The disappearance of mystery is inevitable...

This is the general trend of the historical transition period, and it cannot be controlled by a certain god or even a group of gods.

And the one who can change all of this on his own,

"That alien god... is very strong... ah!" Loki's eyes flashed.

And back to the epic,

Looking at the beam of darkness that symbolizes ‘Alien God? ’ of white light.

Kadok's consciousness continues to recall——

‘The Russian realm of the twenty-first century where the Thunder Emperor has survived.

And the servant I summoned is Caster.

Anastasia Nikolayevna Romanova.

The tragic princess who was responsible for the demise of the Romanov dynasty.

...But Russia cannot continue like this.

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