Musashi smiled and said: "Fortunately, I was able to cut it off smoothly!

After all, it was so cold that my fingers were a bit frozen! "

Ta Miao: “So that’s what happened.

You want to use the activation of the Labyrinth Noble Phantasm,

Come and rescue us. "

Musashi: "Yes. The most important thing is to meet you first.

Then defeat the enemy. "

Yaga rebels: "...


At this time, the maze, which was isolated from the outside world, became a natural shelter.

Even the Killing Hunters won't be here for a while.

Guda asks if everyone is here?

A Yaga rebel said: "No...there are only a small part here.

There are children left outside...children..."

Ta Miao: “Calm down!

Haste makes waste.

Get rid of the Minotaur first.

Until then, you are on standby.

Protect Fujimaru Ritsuka! "

Yaga Rebels: "Yes!"

Everyone: ‘………………’

Is this really good?

Although it seems that there is no problem for the time being, they are still worried about whether Ta Miao, or... her Yaga, will suddenly rebel.

After all, so far, Ta Miao has not given a clear reply even when facing Kadok.

And sometimes, this kind of ambiguous and unpredictable answer is the most anxious!

Chapter 220: Just because we didn’t call him a monster, but a thunder!

Beowulf: “Well, here’s the problem.

Now we have entered the tiger's mouth——"

At this moment, there was an earthquake in the maze.

It turns out that the Minotaur appeared...

In those heavy steps that were enough to shake the earth,

The Minotaur had a bloodthirsty smile on his face: " are here...!"

Musashi: "Everyone except the followers, stand back!

That guy is incredible.

After the war starts, I won’t have time to take care of you! "

Beowulf: "...Damn it! He is indeed stronger than before!

Can the maze be said to be your territory?

But, we came here only after we had this kind of awareness.

Labyrinth Demon.

Who is more powerful, you or Grendel?

Let me use this fist to confirm this time! "

...The Crimson King battle dividing line——!

Bang~! ! ! At the end Beowulf struck with a roaring slash.

The Minotaur was successfully repulsed...

Even though the Noble Phantasm Maze has brought it a lot of buffs,

But this maze also traps all external factors.

As a result, he can only fight alone here...

Minotaur: “Ah-ahhhhhhhh!

It’s not over yet, it’s not over yet, it’s not over yet!

I haven’t eaten anything yet! "

The Minotaur howled miserably, unwilling to leave the scene.

"I'll return it, I'll return it, I'll return it-!"

At this moment, Guda shouted his other name: "Asterios...!"


A flash of memories flooded into the Minotaur's mind.

That was the memory of walking with Guda and the others with the goddess Eurielle in the past singularity.

It was not as widely sung as the story of the King of Knights and the story of the Wise King... the journey of a dreamy king.

It's not like the sixth and seventh singular points, or even the shocking and magnificent battles in the Temple of Time.

But for some beings, it is the happiest memory in their lives.

As a born monster...

Although he is not evil in nature, he does evil deeds, and it has always been his fate to be defeated.

Just because Euryale blurted out the real name of the second of the three goddess sisters, calling her Asterios (Thunder Light) instead of Minotaurs, it touched the softest and most sensitive place in her heart.

From then on, in order to atone for his atrocities of cannibalism, he would protect Eurielle forever.

From treating lolita as food to protecting her body shape, Eurielle.

For this reason, he even dared to fight Hercules, the strongest hero in the Greek mythology system, desperately consuming Uncle B's life, and then died together, buying Euryale and others time to escape.

‘Just because we didn’t call him a monster, but Thunder (Asterios), he was willing to give his life for us...

Is it really the only reason why he fought so hard to protect us? ’ I still remember that the goddess said so sadly and sadly after her sacrifice.

A monster spurned from birth,

He was doomed to a tragic fate, because of the tolerance and acceptance of Guda and Euryale, and in response to this sincerity, he dedicated his blood.

It was a journey in which I felt no regrets even if I died, but was extremely satisfied and my empty soul was filled.

Come to think of it...

I remembered it at the end.

The picture in my memory is fixed on the figure of the young goddess.

Recalling that gentle face...

At this time, a child-like smile appeared on the Minotaur's face: "Just now, just now, the memory is -?


That's, what. What is that? What is that!

I have never been caught by that look——

[I’m so envious, over there, ah...]”

After saying that, the innocent Maverick no longer left the stage with regret.

Perhaps the only regret is that the self over there has been redeemed, but the self here is still a monster!

Servants and heroic spirits are different.

It's just a clone that got off the seat...

This was clear from the beginning.

This is also the reason why many familiar partners in this singularity have forgotten their past adventures with Guda, and they are like strangers starting over.

But even if you know that the person in front of you is no longer the person you know,

But I still can't help but feel emotional.

It turned out to be... him...

Only then did many people remember.

This calf appeared in the previous singularity.

It’s just that most people have forgotten about it.

Just because there have been too many appearances in the future, powerful and handsome heroes are more attractive.

It was only this appearance as the opposite that allowed people to completely recall his monster side and connect it with the terrifying Minotaur.



When I saw this last scene, the dissipated souls turned into golden particles,

The calf's last smile.

People can no longer associate it with the word monster.

'That smile...'

Take a deep breath and shake your head.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but look at Guda...

At this time, for Guda, he had to kill his former partners.

It must be an extremely uncomfortable and complicated mood.

Innocent monster! Again——

A powerful enemy was defeated.

People are silent...

But people don't know why they are not happy now.

And even people in the wrong world, after experiencing so much and seeing so many innocent monsters,

Now the mentality has also undergone subtle changes, or subtle seeds have been planted.

And this is exactly what a sage who has been committed to protecting heretics wants to see!

Back to the epic,

Just after the Mavericks exited the game.

? ? ? : "Has it been resolved?

Sorry, I'm late. "

Beowulf: "Who!"

The next moment, a familiar figure appeared in front of Guda and everyone.

Guda couldn't help but blurt out: "Avisbron!?"

Musashi: "Avisbronn...

Is he a servant of Fujimaru Ritsuka?

Why in this place? "

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