Yes, a voice that is not from heaven declared to us.

The alien priestess who appeared from the universe declared so.

...I can't bear it any more.

The reason why I endure this hell is

not to give up, not to be tolerant.

It is definitely not to welcome this kind of ending!

I, Russia,

will never perish! Absolutely not! '

The next moment,

Boom~!! Outside, the beast raised its head and let out a roar that shook the atmosphere!

Ivan the Terrible: "Anastasia——!"

It is obvious that the voice just now is the emperor's voice.


What makes people a little confused is that

they have begun to be unable to tell what is going on...

Whether it is the Thunder Emperor or the princess and others, they are all trying to save this world on the verge of extinction.

So who is right?

And only Guda and the others, Chaldea...

can clearly see that if they want to save their own world-pan-human history,

the destruction of this world in the Lostbelt is basically inevitable.

And on the other side——

the hateful cry of the beast is heard.

Princess: "——You are so noisy, Emperor.

Your anger is normal.

Your unwillingness is absolutely correct.


Now, you must entrust this anger to others.

To live is a sin.

You exist like this now.

If you want Russia to survive,

you must abandon your old ideas.

We must move forward to a new era."

To live is a sin...?

This sentence suddenly reminded people of Tima.

Loving humans, but unable to get close to humans, that is the essence of contradiction.

But the feeling given to them by the Emperor of Thunder and the Princess is more like a dispute of ideas.

And the Emperor of Thunder seemed to have heard the Princess's response, and said: "No!

I am Russia,

I am the one who carries this world!

I will not let the old species (humans) who intervene in the middle

obstruct me...!!"

At this moment, the Emperor of Thunder has completely denied the identity of the Princess in the Lostbelt, and even called her an old species.

At this moment,

an equally terrifying roar and dull footsteps came, attracting countless eyes and gazes.

The princess suddenly realized what was going on - what was this? !

The next moment,

Guda rode the Labyrinth Giant directly to the side of the Divine Beast and used the Light of the Crown, the Noble Phantasm.


Chapter 232 Is the Giant a God? No, it's a human! A fight between the great!

It's like a myth reappearing -!

The Thunder God is coming! !

The humanoid Gundam Adam, symbolizing the original human and the origin of human beings -!

The magnificent figure full of human and divine postures, attack, attack, and attack again,

suddenly rushed towards the Divine Beast Mammoth, symbolizing the Thunder Emperor, and hugged its figure directly.

Everyone: "......!! Woc - NB!"

This scene of giants fighting monsters,

is like the first time humans have seen a special drama, seeing Ultraman fighting monsters.

The tiny giant defeating the magnificent beast is certainly exciting for people and is sung as a heroic ode.

But this kind of battle between gods and gods, between greats and greats,

is a completely different experience for people, and it is also the first time to see it.


People who have seen the fight against large creatures more than once,

are still dazed and absent-minded for a long time...

Finally, they exclaimed endlessly! !


And the Thunder Emperor whose body was suddenly locked: "Who is coming!"

Standing on the shoulders of the giants,

it is obviously an extremely small existence compared to these two "great".

As a human, Guda seems to be the focus of the whole world at this moment, with an unparalleled sense of existence.

It makes people hold their breath——

They watch this scene excitedly——! Guda: "I am from Chaldea!"

Watching this direct communication between man and god——cool!! So cool!! Ahhhhh! The master is so handsome!

All of a sudden, people are excited and proud.

Although they are obviously not from the same world,

this subtle sense of belonging and pride is very strange.

But compared to the Yaga world, this side is not a human species at all.

Perhaps they think that the world of pan-human history is closer to them.

On the other side, Ivan the Terrible heard Guda's response: "Chaldea... the owner of Chaldeas!

He actually let go of the remnants, Goyanskaya...!"


The slight movement of the giants and the beasts can make a roar that pierces gold and cracks rocks, as if a huge building collapses.

People are afraid that they will be affected by their aftermath if they are not careful.

On the other side,

watching Guda controlling the puppets and starting to fight wildly with the beasts.

Kadok was also stunned: "... Fujimaru Ritsuka, are you crazy?

No, if there is no such degree of madness - it will not succeed.

It really taught us a lesson!"

Everyone couldn't help showing a trace of pride when they heard this.

So -! Don't look down on others!

In terms of courage, our masters are much better than your A group!

Before, the princess seemed very confident in Kadoc,

thinking Kadoc was very brave?

But now, who is braver?

Do you think Guda will hide behind the scenes and control the puppets to fight?

No, no, no, I, the great Chaldean Chaos Evil, Xiang Lai are fighting on the front line!

The real front line! !

He's not a 'pseudo frontline' hiding behind the scenes like Kadoc now!

'coward! ! ’ Everyone thought with disdain.

Winning a victory here in Kadoc instantly made people feel much better.

——With a roar, the giant's fist was raised high and stabbed into the ridge.

Thunder Emperor roared.

Raise your nose, thunder falls from the sky.

The thunder shattered the giant's skin and muscles——

The aftermath leveled empty buildings to the ground.

The giant's damaged parts are like rewinding the tape

Stuffed and patched.

The Thunder Emperor, however, remained unscathed.

Said Yaga who witnessed this scene.

This is the battle of the Age of Gods and Creation——

It is something that no one can stand to watch.

Kadok: "Bang...!"

Even though I already knew it in my heart,

But this is too powerful...!

But all our trump cards have been played.

The enemy's, our own's, and even the dead are included. "

Boom~! ! By this time the capital had been reduced to ruins.

But the fight between the giant creatures that punched to the flesh continued.

Kadoc: "If Amadeus could hold on a little longer...?

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