That is the song of hell!!


Everyone: "Wait, wait... Such a fierce song, although it sounds good, especially with the current scene, it gives me goosebumps.


Isn't this sound sure to stimulate the Thunder Emperor to become more fierce?"


People were dumbfounded at this moment.

If this kind of sound can also make the Thunder Emperor fall asleep,

then the Thunder Emperor's ears are somewhat problematic.


The so-called trump card, the so-called music is completely different from what they imagined?

Looking at Amadeus's voice, he seemed quite satisfied.

For a moment, people couldn't figure out what was going on.

【You don't need any skills in this state.

Play your anger towards the arrogance and unreasonableness.

Tap your fingertips.

My compatriots! 】

Salieri: "Shut up and listen!"

As Salieri played, crazy red arcs began to flash on his body.

Salieri: "What compatriots!

I... We are on different paths!"

The next moment, along with the terrifying arcs,

the red armor that was originally human-shaped completely changed, and began to transform into a ferocious, ferocious, and handsome beast-like posture.

Everyone: ! ! ! Ah, what is this? ! !

The posture that looks very ominous, coupled with the terrifying and bloodthirsty music that makes people's goosebumps.


People saw that even though the appearance changed, Salieri's playing did not stop at all, but continued--

even more crazy.

'…………All emotions!!! ! ! 'Everyone couldn't help but exclaim again.

Rather than saying how great this piece of music is, it's better to say...

The things it expresses are so powerful. It makes people listen attentively unconsciously.


In the snowy battlefield,

Musashi: "This music resounding through the streets...

Is it coming from above the palace?"

Beowulf: "It's Salieri.

It seems to be Salieri's style of the Day of Wrath."

Day of Wrath——Day of God's Wrath,

One word difference, but it seems to be extremely similar.

Even Beowulf dared to comment: "There is no skill at all.

Just smashing his anger and despair onto the keyboard.

That's why it can shock people.

At least it seems to work on this guy."

On the other side,

The beast-like Thunder Emperor: "This sound...this anger...Stop!

Don't bind my heart!"

Everyone was stunned-does it really work!

Not using Requiem to calm it down,

but using more domineering anger to force it to bind.

People: Amazing! ! !

Guda: "...There's an opportunity!"

Bang~! ! Boom~! ! !

The giant punched the beast fiercely, and the beast came to its senses and fought back angrily under the pressure of being restrained.

It neighed with its long nose!

There was a terrifying explosion in the sky.

Below, Kadoc gritted his teeth as he watched the increasingly fierce battle, and said in shock: "——Salieri's spiritual base,

The power of the Noble Phantasm has increased...?

How is it possible... Anger can actually enhance the ability of the Servant, there is such a thing...?"

The priest: "Of course it is possible. If that emotion is not a temporary thing with a false appearance.

But it is the core of the character, then it is possible.

This is what is called tearing off the mask and revealing the true face.

That cry is the essence of Antonio Salieri.

It is because he recognizes Amadeus's ability more than anyone else that he hates, fears, and pities Amadeus.

He has always hated the masses who cannot understand the genius.

He said angrily, 'Everyone is a fool!'

What he burned with anger was himself and Amadeus,

and the era that connected the two.

Avenger, Antonio Salieri. The man in gray.

Now he is pouring everything in his life into this music."

Everyone: What? ! !

To everyone's surprise, Salieri... in addition to hatred and fear, also... pity Amadeus? !

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

It seemed that they finally figured out where the subtle feeling of emotion spread in the song came from.


Chapter 235 Risking life! I can do it too!

Salieri, who had freed himself from the shackles and turned into a beast, said: "Come on, listen, Emperor!

Ivan the Terrible! Sad Yaga, angry Yaga!

You have fallen from the one who cuts to the one who is cut!

You must be full of anger, but things in the world are impermanent!

In order to get this huge body, you drank the blood of thousands of monsters and were tyrannical!

And you let the killing hunters go,

Let them continue to kill Yaga!"

The bright red compound eyes shone under the armor...

Through the song, Salieri conveyed all the words he wanted to express.

"You said,

All this is for survival.


At this point, as long as you are alive,

you have committed a heinous crime...!"


On the other side, the roaring and neighing giant mammoth - the mythical beast Ivan the Terrible also roared: "Trying to erode my spirit...!

Ugly art, destroy it!"

The next moment, the sky had thunder flashing on its fangs!!

Boom~!! Like divine punishment and judgment of the end of the world, the terrifying lightning struck from the sky and pierced through the palace.

In the bright daylight, everything in people's vision was occupied by a vast expanse of white.

Everyone: Ah!!...!

Amid the roar,

When the light faded, soon--

what was exposed to people again was the palace with only broken walls and Salieri who was still playing in the wind and snow.

The earthly god Loki spoke in surprise: "Missed?"

Everyone and the gods also widened their eyes at this time, not wanting to miss this most critical moment for a moment.

Obviously, the decisive battle has reached a white-hot stage.

Salieri: "Woo...!"

Guda: "The thunder hit the palace...!"

Beowulf: "Asshole, are you planning to burn down Salieri

along with your own castle! ? ”

Musashi: “Don’t even think about it, now is the best time to win!

We have to go all out now!”

Ta Meow: “No need for you to tell me!

This is the last chance, we must tear the crown off no matter what!

Quickly command the puppet, Fujimaru Ritsuka!

Now is the time for us to entangle this monster!”

Then the Heroic Spirits charged at the Thunder Emperor again,

but soon——

several of them were defeated and retreated.

Even at this point, they still couldn’t completely suppress the Thunder Emperor.

The princess couldn’t help but exclaim: “This is… 450 years of persistence…!”

The Thunder Emperor raised his nose and screamed: “Holy! Holy! Holy!

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