All the Yagas living in this Russia,

They will all be killed by you.

So I want to ask questions! So I have to question it!

Do you have such rights? ?

Do you want to order the Yagas living on this land?

‘Go to hell’! "

Although there is suspicion of moral kidnapping,

But Lei Di's question still shocked people's hearts, leaving people stunned and speechless for a long time.

Guda—can’t answer.

The Master could only remain silent.

And people can understand——

Even though the Master is burdened with evil, he is still determined to save the world.

But carrying the weight of a world, such evil... is it really something humans can bear?

And even if the world is saved, the Master's name will not be spread throughout the world...

No one will know its merits.

Wasn't this already proven at the end of the last salvation journey?

At this time, people can't help but have such selfish thoughts in their minds.

How about giving up like this... Fujimaru Ritsuka.

You have worked hard enough and been exhausted enough;

You have done enough...

Maybe just lingering like this,

Wait until the last world is decided in the Lostbelt, and survive in the last it okay?

No need to bear the infamy of destroying the world,

And even if you save the world, you may not be known or understood.

He will even be humiliated by the magician at will, giving him a hint of openness.


Although he knew that this was to protect Guda, he concealed Guda's achievements, and as a result, he did not get the glory he deserved in the end.

But - for a Master who has put in so much effort, people feel that the reward is too little, too little.

And the Master is just a young man,

There is no need to bear the guilt and infamy of destroying multiple worlds;

Such a thankless really requires a lot of perseverance to bear it.

Ivan the Terrible: "Answer Yu!

If you can't answer, that's the answer!

I will never fail or give in!

I want to protect this world.


A large pool of blood suddenly coughed out from Lei Di's mouth.

Mashu couldn't bear to close his eyes - (vomited...blood...)

In the sad lament, Ivan the Terrible still said unswervingly: "I...

I haven't lost yet...!

This level of injury is nothing to mention!

The history of cowardly beings is different from the history of pan-humanity!

Take a good look at what the power of Yaga is.

What is the power of the emperor...! ! "

After saying that, the Thunder Emperor seemed to be about to continue fighting,


But people can't feel the tense atmosphere at all.

That life that is crumbling like a candle that can be extinguished at any moment,

The Thunder Emperor's last struggle was still in vain.

Apparently this was just a throwback.

He was defeated by the princess not long ago despite being seriously injured. How much energy does he have left to continue to deal with the servants around Guda now?

As expected, not long after, the Thunder Emperor was completely defeated and began to turn into light particles, a sign that they were about to dissipate.

Ivan the Terrible: “Oh oh... oh oh oh... oh oh oh oh...

That's it... is that the end... haven't even done enough to realize...

Just came here...

This is the style of cowardly pan-human history..."

People seemed to be able to feel the sadness of the Thunder Emperor at this moment.

He actually lost to an enemy who didn't even realize what he was doing.

Therefore, he who has the consciousness to protect this world at the risk of everything will feel even more unwilling to fail!

Most of the time, there will be new seeds. If your belief is stronger, why do you still lose?


Unacceptable feeling?


But the next moment,

Ivan the Terrible changed his words: "But...

This sadness... is something Yaga no longer has.

Compassion for others…empathy…

A fragile, yet happy person...

Yes, yes, I remembered it...

The remaining princess...Anastasia...

Also...such a...woman...

Not for the hardship of survival...

But weep for the misfortune of others...

This ‘superfluous existence’…

To me, it is more beautiful than anything...

...Ah, that's it...

In this way...this world...will be defeated...

The things we love most...will...

It no longer exists...

...I admitted...Fujimaru Ritsuka...

It was you... who won...

Even if you don't admit it...

Yu Ye...acknowledges...General the loser..."

After saying that, Ivan the Terrible completely turned into black ash and disappeared into the air, disappearing with the wind and snow.


At this moment, everyone feels a sense of emptiness in their hearts.

‘Did you destroy... a world with your own hands? ’

For a time, those who longed for a heroic figure, such as Bell, felt confused.

Chapter 245: Is it okay to give up the children of the original world for this?

Dream of becoming a hero,

It is to save those who are in deep suffering,

If you want to protect the people you love, you will never face a tragic future.

If one side survives and needs to destroy the spiritual side of the world,

Doesn’t this protect nothing? It doesn’t save anything...

If they were in their place, how would they choose?

Really... Is there no way to have the best of both worlds in this world?

It is precisely because he admires the hero who can make the impossible possible,

and prevent tragedies from happening,

that Bell wants to be a hero.

But the pain of this choice is something he has never thought about now. If it were him, he would definitely burst into tears the moment he realized it.

Mashu: "Ivan the Terrible...has been...destroyed..."

Guda said with a heavy heart: "Holmes."

Old Fu: "Yes.

...Ivan the Terrible is right."

Mashu: "I'm sorry, Master.

I...have understood it a long time ago.

Protecting our history,

means trampling on this world-"

And just as the atmosphere became increasingly heavy and sad.

An uninvited guest arrived...

A word from Kadok made the atmosphere tense again.

Kadok: "Oh my.

--Finally fell down."

Guda: "Kadok...!"

Everyone: !!!

Here it comes...!

They knew that things would not end so easily.

But what people still did not expect was that the next moment,

Kadoc ordered: "I hate noise.

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