Patsy, who is also a Yaga and a member of this strange band,

That's right——!

It was him... this coward, who risked his life and blocked the fatal attack for Guda this time.


Everyone was stunned, stunned, and dazed...

For a moment, I couldn't understand the scene in front of me at all.

Pa…Pacsi…is actually Patsi?

The mysterious figure, the bloody figure,

Is the figure who is more reliable and reassuring than anyone else at this time actually the coward Patsy?

Even more absurd than when Ta Miao betrayed Gu Da, something unbelievable happened right before his eyes.

It's not a miracle...

But it is more rare and valuable than ordinary miracles.

Just as people don't understand why Ta Miao doesn't care about the innocent lives of humans in his own world but still wants to protect the children of Yaga in a foreign country (world).

Why fight for strangers, even make yourself homeless, and even give up the innocent lives of those in your homeland.

People can't understand either.

What drives...

According to the princess, Patsi, who had already known the truth long ago, still wanted to save Guda, must have done this.

And think back to what Patsy said just now.

Just because there was something in Guda that Yaga had abandoned that made him extremely envious.

Are you afraid of the death of a human being with such a strong will to live with a smile, and risk your own life for it?

People opened their mouths in a dull manner and were speechless for a long time——

It seemed like I understood something, but it was unbelievable.

Guda: "Patsy?"

Atalanta Alter also shouted in surprise: "...

...You are..."

This dramatic scene may have deeply hurt Ta Miao, causing her color to change.

Maybe it’s quite a slap in the face! Even people did not expect this sudden scene.

Does she think she chose the right side?

But among the Yaga who were protected by her, some of them stood on Guda's side!

ah--! Doesn't this mean that she did something wrong to some extent?

Made a very wrong choice.

People continue to look behind,

Patsi: "...


Ignoring Ta Miao, who was just like him and betrayed his comrades in the world,

Patsy just stared at Guda, as if there were flames burning in her eyes.

In this cold blizzard, his words rang clearly in everyone's ears.

"...Can't forgive." Such words came out suddenly, making Guda stunned.

Guda: "Hey...?"

The next moment,

It was like a requiem on a snowy night, and in the sad background music that even dimmed the light of the stars,

People were at a loss as a picture that they had never thought of suddenly... appeared,

Patsy suddenly grabbed Guda's collar and made an angry questioning sound——

Patsy: "I will absolutely never forgive you."

Even the people who were originally dissatisfied and resentful towards Patsy were silent at this time.

Looking at the scene in front of me, all that was left in my heart was the shock and empty brain. I wonder what the hell is going on?


Just now, just now - he killed Guda with his life.

Ah, saved Guda!

Even if you sacrifice yourself...

In this way, how can people still hate this little Yaga who comes in handy at this critical moment?

Just at this moment,

The figure who risked his life to save Guda,

Even though Guda acted very rudely at this time, people did not feel dissatisfied at all.

He even vaguely thought of something and was somewhat looking forward to it, hoping that he could awaken Guda's fighting spirit.


People heard it...

Patsy: "I will never forgive you for depriving the world of happiness.

Told me about this failed behavior.

[So stand up, stand up and fight. ]"

In the howling cold wind,

There is such a person, regardless of the pain he is suffering, as if he has completely forgotten himself, and angrily...

To wake up Guda...

This scene deeply caught everyone's eyes.

There was no sadness in his tone, but every word was like knocking on the door of people's hearts.

At this moment, that figure was tougher and more handsome than ever before - he continued to shout:

"Arrogantly asserting that a world where you can live with a smile is the best,

This is what should be continued.

Keep your chest up.

Stand tall and fight for your weak world. "That's what he said.

And then—“…don’t lose.

Don't lose to this world that has nothing but strength. "

! ! ! !

[Don’t lose, don’t lose to this world that has nothing but strength. 】

When those words, which were almost full of emotions, and the voice full of contagion, came out of Patsy's mouth, it was like the tide of the soul exploding.

Shocking everyone's heart!


Patsy seemed to have come to life completely.

Completely conveying his heart and his emotions at this moment to everyone's heart.

A world with nothing but strength...?

Ah~! ! It makes people cry,

This ideological awareness is far beyond people’s imagination.

I even thought of certain images for a while——


Once upon a time, a certain king also chose to embark on the road to hell for the sake of a future where everyone could smile happily.

There should be more meaningful things in this world than living.

There is nothing wrong with pursuing a world (future) where everyone can be happy.

Guda: "But, I——"

Patsy: “…This must be a heinous act.

You must not pretend that nothing happened.

However, this cannot be the case.

After all, your world over there——

——It must be very beautiful. "

When this real man says this,

The phrase "It must be very beautiful," moved everyone.

People seem to hear longing from it!

I heard a small, extremely broken, but extremely beautiful dream,

That is what countless people have been pursuing since ancient times, a happy life.

Chapter 249: Finally...I made you cry, but it wasn't as fun as I thought...

Patsy: "That's why you deserve to live."

"I... don't understand anything.

I don’t understand what a master is and what a servant is.

I don’t understand anything about pan-human history or Lostbelt. "Words from the heart, full of emotions, kept coming out of Patsy's mouth.

At this moment, people seem to finally understand,

What is the complicated and difficult-to-understand emotion that has been surging in my heart ever since the Thunder Emperor's tour.

Everyone is the protagonist, their own protagonist, fighting desperately for various reasons, consciousness, and vision.

From the beginning, there was no real evil on this battlefield.

Including Patsy at this time, what prompted him to take these actions from his heart was not betrayal, but——

‘Are you looking forward to...? ’ This thought that people themselves couldn’t believe flashed through their minds.

The sad scene is frozen at this moment,

Patsy: "But if the world is wrong...

If this life full of hardships has any meaning...

That must be the proof

There is also a right world filled with happiness.

We Yaga have gone astray.

However, this error certainly makes sense.

Right? "

Guda: "Patsy, stop talking -"

The sadness continued, and tears seemed to burst from my eyes.

Patsy: “…Don’t worry.

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