She hurriedly put down what she was doing,

Before sitting down at his seat: "What is this? What's going on?"

Godai: "What's wrong?"

Sakurako: "Let's take a look."

Godai whispered the ominous font: "Death Warning."

The background melody at this time also became full of uneasiness.

Yingzi wanted to convey these information and topics to the archaeological team on site.

But after making the call, there was a horrified scream on the phone.

The screen changes——

But people suddenly opened their eyes, stunned by the bloody and cruel scene that was happening in front of them.

This is the other end of the phone,


In that familiar cave,

At this time, in people’s minds, the monsters that Kuuga once defeated,

As if resurrected, a terrifying figure with an unclear face stretched out its hand from the earth and climbed up.

No, to be precise, it should have been dug out from under the overturned empty coffin.

This also allows people to be convinced that it is not the transformation of the empty self,

Equally horrified——

Under Sora's coffin, such a monster is suppressed! !

At this time, the opponent is like a devil resurrected from hell,

The archaeologists present are being brutally killed...

"Help! Help!" A woman called the police, but she died miserably and helplessly at the hands of a weirdo.

With just one move, a burst of sparks suddenly expanded and exploded,

As the lightning flashed, all the humans present were immediately covered in flames.

Like tarsal maggots, bloody and horrifying scenes, accompanied by countless miserable cries...

In this dim underground cave, it looks even more like a devil's cave! Keeps you up all night!

And because of the too dark environment,

Even archaeologists wear night vision goggles and use lights to clearly see everything in front of them.

Along with the bright red perspective of the night vision device, a burst of blood spattered and the head fell to the ground.

In the end, the camera seemed to follow the head as it fell to the ground.

It stayed on the lens of a camera that had fallen to the ground and was no longer taken care of.

Then the lights in the cave shattered one after another.

Completely plunged into darkness.

Toot~! !

The phone was completely disconnected.

My vision returns to the office,

No matter how Sakura called, there was no sound from the other end.

And people's scalps were numb, and they were still thinking about the scene just now.

The blood that flashes from time to time in the darkness,

It is precisely because it is hidden by darkness that most of it cannot be seen clearly, which gives people enough room for imagination and fantasy.

Fear comes from the mysterious unknown,

Because of this half-covered state, you can imagine for yourself what terrible things happened inside.

A little blood, a little bit of flesh and blood and sound can trigger darkness and fear in people's hearts.

Such a scene,

Far more terrifying than fighting on the battlefield, seeing flesh and blood flying everywhere.

"What's going on!!"

"Are those people dead?"

"That's the future. In that kind of peaceful era, how could there still be such terrifying monsters?

And those guys should have been wiped out by Kuuga, right?

Why are there still people who can be resurrected? ! "

Has the dead come back to life? !

This was an unbelievable miracle in the age of the gods, but it actually happened in that era!

Is it a mythical monster?

How could a monster of this level stay?

Not to mention that in the future at that time, the ether in the air should be so thin that most mysterious creatures cannot survive!

How much vitality does it take to... be able to——

...Woo~! !

People suddenly retched and felt physically uncomfortable——

If the warm scene I saw at the airport fully satisfied people’s expectations for the future world,

After the Age of Gods faded away, there was no longer the beautiful fantasy of the human world in the mysterious era of human rule.

That is exactly what everyone has longed for, what happiness should look like and the blueprint for happiness in the future.


The scene that just happened,

It's a flaw that should never appear in the blueprint.

It is Pandora's box that breaks the peaceful dream and shatters the fantasy,

On the other side of the magic box is the abyss~!


People looked at Wu Dai without saying a word, saying that they wanted to confirm it in person.

Then he got on the motorcycle.

Fifth generation had a bad feeling in his heart.

The sudden downpour seemed to add a sense of gloom and ominousness to the dark night.

Boom~! !

Suddenly, in the distance, a thunderous beam of light rose into the sky.

Then from the terrifying momentum, a figure walked out, bathed in the thunder light,

Wherever he went, the surrounding trees and ground were bombarded to pieces.

That terrifying sense of oppression,

Everyone held their breath,

‘It’s that weirdo! ’

Afterwards, people looked at the weirdo and shouted ‘Resurrection’!

Control the thunder to bombard the ground in front of you,

Then more ferocious arms burst out of the earth,

This is like a scene of collective resurrection of demons.

Let everyone realize what...

"No, it can't be. Isn't it just a special case?

All the monsters defeated by Kuuga..."

Wow, the screen changed and it went directly to the morning of the next day.

At this time, the entrance to the ruins has been accepted by the local police station.

When Godai arrived at the ruins,

a black and white picture suddenly flashed through his mind, and at this moment, he seemed to be able to see the scene inside the ruins through the door.

He shook his head suddenly and woke up.

"What was that just now?!"

Not knowing why, Godai, who was also looking for an answer in his heart, wanted to take advantage of the chaos to sneak into the ruins to check.

But he was suddenly stopped by a cold-faced handsome police officer.

When asking who he was,

"Me? This is my business card."

The strange words "Godai pursuing his dream\

,""Huh?!" The police officer named Ichijo frowned, feeling that the person in front of him was fooling him.

He asked his colleagues to prepare to catch Godai in the police car first to prevent him from interfering with official duties.

As a result, Godai exclaimed as if he had discovered something,

while everyone was looking in the direction he pointed, he took the opportunity to get rid of the police guarding him and wanted to rush into the cave.

However, he was stopped by the shrewd and vigilant Ichijo in time and thrown to the ground.

Everyone was a little dumbfounded when they saw the scene in front of them: "..."

Even the gods said: "...Is the reincarnation of that person so weak now? His body is so weak."

Can he still grow into the black hero?

From what we saw just now, many monsters have revived!

Especially the first one to revived,

Even the gods who cannot use divine power but still have very sharp senses feel a little palpitation and sense of danger.

Can the existence that can make the gods feel danger be an ordinary existence?

And now Wudai is obviously just an ordinary person!

There is no time for him to grow up at the moment...

On the other side,

"Ouch." Wudai fell to the ground in pain, just looking at a police officer who came out of the ruins, holding the stone belt collected in a transparent sealed bag.

In an instant--

A familiar feeling suddenly came to my heart.

A picture that people are also very familiar with appeared in front of them.

That was inside the ruins, sunlight was shining through the top,

A certain figure was rapidly transforming, becoming a Kuuga, defeating the monster.

‘Is that…? ! ’

Is it an illusion? In a trance, it felt as if it was extremely real!

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