At the same time, looking very painful, the spider monster seized the opportunity and suddenly stretched out his sharp claws to grab Godai's neck, and threw him away.

Bang~! !

Godai, who had just smashed himself outside the police station, was grabbed by the quick spider monster and pushed into the wall beside him. He then smashed several walls and threw him away.

Will die...! !

If this continues, you will definitely die! !

Godai thought with fear...

Despite experiencing such an inhuman blow,

A normal person's vitality should have been exhausted long ago. Even if he did not die, he would have suffered a comminuted fracture.

But at this time, Wu Dai's vitality seemed to have been enhanced, and he climbed up from the ground with extraordinary tenacity, just like an invincible Xiaoqiang, just like a normal person.

Ah~! ! !

Looking at the death crisis coming again - the spider monster slowly walking,

Godai shouted for courage, his courage and strong desire to survive turned into a powerful punch, and he suddenly stood up and pulled back...

Bang~! !

A punch blasted out,

The Fifth Generation's arms turned into white gauntlets.

"Transformed?!" Godai exclaimed.

Then, when he reacted, he punched and kicked the spider monster again and again.

At one point, he counterpressed hard and beat the spider monster back continuously.

It also makes people excited! !

"Changed, changed, changed!! Woc!! Changed again!"

Especially after seeing that new armors were constantly appearing on the fifth generation's body during this process. Finally, his whole body was covered with white armor, and at the same time, a pair of small golden horns and a helmet with bright red compound eyes appeared on his head.

"Song...I——!!!!" xn shouted hoarsely and excitedly,

Although I have never seen this white form...!

But everyone was still excited and whispered its name for the first time.

That joyful mood, ah~! !

What should I say at this moment?

Chapter 7 The invincible spider monster! The white Kuuga who bursts with spiritual ideals!

The white, newly born empty self is about to pursue the victory.

The angry spider monster finally started to fight back, knocking Kuuga away who had not yet fully adapted to the fighting state.

"Gurongi - the horn has become smaller!" the spider monster taunted, after saying...

The spider monster rushed forward and kicked Kuuga away again.

So I rolled to a bus,

Then he stood up and roared, pushing the bus towards the spider monster.

Bang~! !

The spider monster's claws were suddenly locked on the other end of the car, and then he was pushed all the way to smash the wall, boom, boom~!

Until I didn’t know how many walls were broken,

He finally stopped, and at the same time, he made a big hole in the wall behind him.

Everyone: "...!!"

Was the newly born Kuuga actually so strong?

Seeing the suppressed spider monster, they became excited...

Should I say he is worthy of the legendary knight?


The next moment,

In the pothole, the spider monster slowly pushed away the bus before he was alive, revealing his intact body...

At the same time, he said scornfully: "Is that all you can do? Sora."

Everyone:! ! ! impossible! !

No way!

The next moment, the spider monster pushed the bus in the opposite direction with a sudden force.

Facing this huge force, Kuuga dodged in time and did not dare to face the edge.

Boom~! !

The next moment, the bus rushed into the distance, hit a building, and exploded.

There are flames everywhere,

Suddenly, an anxious atmosphere began to fill the entire battlefield.


This is the feeling,

This familiar feeling of despair, boss-level oppression.

Hiss~! ! It is completely unbelievable that this guy is just a soldier!

And it’s different from what I remember,

In that black and white memory, Kuuga was able to defeat the spider monster.

At this time, the Kuuga that the fifth generation had become was in turn being beaten!

And people who can't understand why this is happening,

Thinking back carefully, they finally thought of some details...

The Kuuga who defeated the spider monster had a bigger horn.


'red? ! ’

If you follow the original op and compare the empty postures of different colors,

The empty self in the black and white memories seems to be the empty self in the red posture! !


How can I change the color of Kuuga in the fifth generation? !

People were immediately at a loss.

After that, they watched the spider monster violently torture the newly born Kuuga,

Tie the spider silk around its neck and throw it around, and finally hit it from the ground to a tall building.

The newly born Kuuga was knocked down several times, and cracks and pits were created in the ground and high-rise buildings.

He was even almost pierced by the spider monster's extended claws.

When the spider monster stepped on Sora, he roared excitedly to the sky, as if to express - Sora is just so ordinary!

Everyone looked a little desperate!

No, that's not right, it shouldn't be...this is the right thing!

The hero was struck down…

He fell in the initial battle, unable to fight back.

If even Kongga is defeated and is about to be killed,

What's left, this beautiful and peaceful world...will become a paradise for monsters,

Has it become a hell on earth that is extremely torturous?

The next moment,

While the spider monster is still pretending to be interfering, he is howling with excitement,

Kuuga, who was being stepped on, raised his foot and kicked the spider monster down from behind.

He rolled to the side in a panic, gasping for breath.

But soon he was forced into a corner of a tall building by the Spider Monster. He pressed against the corner and strangled his neck with spider silk, and tried to pierce Kuuga's chest with his claws.

This dangerous scene...

People saw Kuuga struggle several times, but failed.

And the strength of the newborn Kuuga seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, and the strength of his struggle was getting weaker and weaker...

If this goes on, even if he is not pierced through the chest, he will suffocate!

Everyone: '...! Kuuga!

Can't lose, can't fall here! '

Bang~! ! Just when everyone felt a little desperate about the scene in front of them, a human helicopter approached the two people, and Ichijo shot on it and attracted the attention of the Spider Monster!

"Two monsters?!" Ichijo looked at the scene in front of him and exclaimed.

Everyone: ! ! ! ?

What kind of eyes...

There is only one monster,

The other one is a knight! Kamen Rider-Kuga!

Is there a monster in your house that looks so handsome?

After that, the Spider-Man was aroused to kill, and he gave up on Kuuga and wrapped himself in a spider silk on the helicopter, and flew up to kill Ichijo.

This scene made people calm down immediately, and at the same time they were sweating all over.

People still have a good impression of Ichijo, a righteous police officer who is a little cold-faced but has always been doing his duty.

He will not be killed by the Spider-Man in front of Kuuga!

Unlike Kuuga, who is durable in the flesh, the fifth-generation Kuuga has been beaten all the time, and now the surrounding environment is destroyed like this.

The newborn Kuuga still has no signs of falling down completely, and is still struggling tenaciously.

But he is really fighting desperately...

In people's eyes, if this continues, it is only a matter of time before he loses.

And Ichijo is just an ordinary person's flesh.

Ordinary people can hardly survive a round when facing the Spider-Man, which is even more dangerous!

Among the Bodhi people, except for the fifth generation who had not yet transformed and robbed the belt...

Others will die if they are attacked by the Spider-Man.

It is no wonder that people feel discouraged and upset about this, and they can't see any hope at all.

The hero was defeated...

They even had to watch the monster kill innocent police officers in front of the hero.

Isn't this humiliation even worse? !

Unless... a miracle happens?


However... the miracle did not happen, but a tenacious figure, with his powerful jumping ability, also flew onto the helicopter...

The newborn Kuuga suddenly hugged the Spider-Man from behind,

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