The Holy Son of this theocracy!

Was his gentleness and sunshine all a disguise? Damn, his face is so hideous and ugly now!

"Tie up the princess! She has to leave with us today if she wants to, and she has to leave if she doesn't want to! Everyone, watch me, when I become the new heir to the kingdom, our theocracy will not treat you unfairly!" Laidren no longer pretended, and directly issued orders with threats and inducements.

Several female church elites ignored the princess's resistance and went straight forward to carry the little princess on their shoulders.

The little princess screamed and cast several magic spells, but they were easily broken.

On the first day when she was captured by the white dragon, Princess Chenxi had also imagined that there would be a handsome knight holding a holy sword to save her...

But what she imagined at that time would definitely not be such a seemingly bright, but actually sinister, greedy and ugly face of the Holy Son.

At this moment, the little princess was still a little confused and didn't understand Laidren's words at all.

'What heir to the throne! ? '

'They... they are not sent by my father to save me. How dare they be so rude? '

The little princess was terrified, tears welled up in her eyes.

The group of sixth-level strongmen around her, except for the church personnel, were silent for a while when they saw the scene in front of them.

They hesitated for a moment, but gave up the idea of ​​standing up and opposing Lai Delun.

When everyone accepted the employment, there were also some people who thought that the Son of God and the princess were a good combination, and they really wanted to help Lai Delun.

But they didn't expect that the Son of God of the church was such a disgusting guy...

Even so, everyone could only pretend not to see it.

It is not a good plan to offend the Son of God of the Church for the princess of a medium-sized country.

So everyone watched the princess fall into the fire pit and was imprisoned by the female clergy of the church.

Everyone began to flee down the mountain.

The little princess anxiously wanted to ask Bai Long for help, but found that her vocal cords were sealed by magic and she could not make a sound.

However, the perception magic originally attached by the white dragon on her made the white dragon princess who was fighting instantly discover everything.

She let out a roar of shock and anger.

"——Roar~!" The terrifying power spread around along with the voice of the giant dragon. The army that was originally running down the mountain on the ground felt their bodies and minds sink, and their hearts instinctively panicked. It seemed that most of their strength was taken away from their bodies at this moment.

Many people in the dragon-slaying army cried out in surprise, and they fell down in the snow in a mess without checking for a while.

Dragon power - a natural passive skill that every giant dragon has. When converted to the game, it is probably a DEbuff that reduces the enemy's attack, defense and morale by 30%.

All intelligent creatures will fall into great fear in the place swept by this roar mixed with dragon power.

The scene was very chaotic for a while.

Everyone panicked.

The white dragon wanted to attack the dragon-slaying army on the ground. She suddenly blew a breath of ice dragon breath to knock the hero king away, and swooped down the next moment.

Seeing this scene, Laidren was horrified and frightened. He quickly pierced another Vatican elite with a sword.

The Vatican elite who was pierced "!!!" - I TM! This guy also looked at his own son with frustration and coldness.

No need to say, just bear it!

Who made him the son of the saint they must be loyal to!

Bang! The white dragon, which was halfway through its dive, was suddenly chopped away by the hero king who arrived in time and crashed into the mountain.

The sword and the scales actually made a sound like a blunt instrument hitting, and this sword did not really hurt the white dragon.

The white dragon was also blasted into the mountain below the dragon-slaying army with a loud bang.

Bang! ! !

The dragon-slaying army did not dare to go down for a while, because the dragon was now below!

And Laidren "..."

At this time, he looked at the white dragon that had been deviated from its original trajectory by the bombardment, and then looked at his teammates who were killed by him by mistake.

For a moment, Laidren's face turned green and red, and he was so ashamed and angry.

——Hero King!!

Why does he always appear at the critical moment? Can't he act faster?

The several unsuccessful things made Laidren's heart twisted instantly. Because of the problem of the little princess and the white dragon, and the killing of another subordinate, Laidren also hated the hero king!

If that guy hadn't stopped the white dragon properly.

Damn it!!

Since two people have been sacrificed, then kill one more and release the holy sword directly! The hero king is not reliable at all. The evil dragon was defeated by Laidren. Garsimos himself!!

Chapter 287: All things in the universe, destroyed with one blow! Strong intervention, gods?

He entered the sixth step before he was thirty years old, and his father was a senior figure in the church.

Coupled with his always ruthless character, hypocrisy, and good disguise skills, Laidren has always packaged himself very beautifully in the outside world.

But those who really know him know what kind of scumbag he is.

But no one will stand up and accuse him of anything.

He is talented, powerful, and even though two church elites who died in succession looked down on this Son of God, they still had to sacrifice their lives for him.

In the church with strict hierarchy, especially in the Inquisition, no matter how ugly the face of this Son of God is at this moment, others will obey his orders.

As long as what Laidren is doing is beneficial to the church, the rest of the people will unconditionally sacrifice for it and support his actions.

When the third church elite also sacrificed himself to help Laidren.

The chains on the holy sword were finally untied with a crisp click.

The dazzling aurora rushed into the sky, and in an instant, the sword released a magical wave that was enough to destroy a city.

The atmosphere was centered on the holy sword, and ripples suddenly spread.

The sacred singing of the goddess came from the air.

"Miracle-this is a miracle!"

"Oh my God, that sword...can't be!" People exclaimed from the snowy mountains.

They all noticed the dazzling light on the holy sword and the ethereal singing that suddenly sounded.

Could that be--

the singing of the goddess worshipped by the church! ?

People stared in disbelief. Even these sixth-level strong men saw the release of the divine tool for the first time.

"The breath of God!" Bai Long suddenly opened his eyes, revealing his ferocious red pupils like a beast.

——Is it that sword! Holy Sword?

Bai Longji roared, and immediately climbed out of the snow mountain, then flapped her wings and flew into the sky, and opened her mouth to shoot a breath of icy dragon towards the dragon-slaying army.

She felt the opportunity that her life was threatened, that was the power of divinity.

It was not a simple attack with amazing destructive power, but a deeper level of regular power.

If you don't fight back, maybe... you will die! He must be interrupted!

"Don't even think about it!" Seeing Bai Long's intention, the Hero King changed his expression and attacked Bai Long again. Although he couldn't cause any damage to Bai Long, he had interrupted Bai Long's attack more than once.

The titled dragon is not so easy to deal with. Even if this dragon has strength, its combat experience is not as difficult to deal with as the Hero King imagined.

But the Hero King was not sure of killing this white dragon, and his combat experience was not enough to completely make up for the gap in strength between the two.

He did not want to hurt the opponent. This time, he just wanted to deflect the attack of the White Dragon.


The icy breath turned in a direction and shot at the Hero King. The Hero King was not prepared and was directly blasted into the deep forest in the distance.


A terrifying updraft rose in the distance, and the air was filled with a large amount of rotating frost, as if it was hit by a meteorite. The forest was directly frozen into a huge silver-white frost crater.

Puff! ! Cough! A large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and his internal organs were squeezed and displaced.

The Hero King was almost crippled by this blow, and his whole body was covered with blood.

The White Dragon's target was not Laidren, who was preparing to release the Holy Sword. She had guessed that the Hero King would definitely entangle her again.

Instead of dealing with those human armies, it is better to get rid of this annoying fly with one blow.

Sure enough——

The Hero King, whose real strength is far inferior to that of the White Dragon, was seriously injured by carelessness in the breath that was enough to penetrate mountains and rivers.

But at this moment, the power of the holy sword was also accumulated.

The next moment, a terrifying sense of crisis came over her, and the white dragon only had time to move away from her heart and other vital parts, and then her body was pierced through the chest by a swift flash column.

Boom! !

In another huge avalanche and the white dragon's wailing, the dragon fell from the sky!

Obviously, in terms of strength, the sword can only be compared with ordinary forbidden magic, but it easily pierced through the scales that the hero king could not see through.

"No... Impossible! Just one strike!"

"The dragon was killed?!" The dragon-slaying army stared at the scene in front of them in a daze, somewhat unbelievable.

It was obviously a terrifying dragon that even the hero king could not solve, and it almost wiped out their group twice before.

It was so easily...

"Roar!" In the huge dust covered by the blizzard, the white dragon roared miserably, sadly and angry.

Everyone was shocked again.

Not dead yet! The evil dragon is still alive!

No one even cares about the life and death of the hero king.

Everyone started to panic. The previous attack did not kill the evil dragon, and now no one stopped it.

The evil dragon is now angry and will definitely come for revenge!

"Keep going! Three more people help me release the holy sword!" Ledren reacted quickly this time, and immediately shouted fiercely with a ferocious face.

The little princess carried by the girls opened her eyes wide, stared at Ledren angrily, and tears fell from her eyes.

Princess Chenxi's mind was a little empty and terrified now. Sister Bailong was just pierced by that light!

What should I do, he...he, this man is going to do it again? !

Helpless, panic, fear, anger, all kinds of expressions changed on the little princess's face, and in the end there was some despair and guilt.

She was the one who hurt Sister Bailong.

At this time, the little princess wanted to shout so much that these people would help her and stop hurting Bailong, but her vocal cords could not make any sound because of the magic seal.

The little princess could only watch her bean-sized crystal tears dripping onto the snow.

The warm tears melted a small snowflake.

As three more elite warriors of the Church died, the holy sword shone brightly again.

Ledren smiled grimly and looked in the direction where the dragon had fallen before.

At this time, the white dragon just raised its head with blood all over its body, and countless blood flowed out of the big hole under its body, which had gathered into a small lake.

The violent vertical pupils were also staring at this side.

The magician Hittie, who had been secretly watching the battle, turned pale when she saw this scene.

She didn't expect that in just a few short battles, the battle situation would change so dramatically. The person who posed the greatest threat was not the Hero King, but the son of the church holding an unknown divine tool.

Hittie's eyes instantly turned red with anxiety.

She couldn't watch Bai Long, a guy who was both an enemy and a friend, die in the hands of others.

"This stupid dragon! Ah! Where did Yan go! I can't wait any longer, I can only go to save people by myself!" Hittie, who was afraid of the terrifying power of the sword, gritted her teeth but still planned to stand up.

"Go to hell! You evil dragon!!" With Drellen's excited roar, the second beam of light rose slowly!

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