Even if I continue to fight reluctantly,

How many more rounds can it last?

Yes, people don’t dare to hope for a chance of winning...

Chapter 11 Red Warrior! Longing for the true posture!

The moment when the fifth generation exited the transformation and fell,

The surrounding atmosphere was extremely quiet, and only the heavy heartbeat could be heard.

People looked at Godai who was lying on the ground, unable to stand up.

Seeing Ichijo being thrown out and about to be killed by the weird bat...

The situation before us was hopeless!


Just the next moment,

A new police car arrived, driven by a small auxiliary police officer from Ichijo.

The bright light from the front mirror of the police car made the Bat Monster howl immediately, and he put his hand in front of his eyes and kept retreating.

The little policeman who got out of the car hurriedly looked at Ichijo, who was lying on the ground groaning in pain.

And a pair of eyes that lost focus, as if they would faint at any time, were staring at the location of the strange bat.

Until it’s certain that the Bat Monster is gone…

Retreat temporarily?

People couldn't know how Ichijo was feeling, but at this moment, they felt really relieved.

This is...

Did you save a life?

No matter whether it was Ichijo or Kuuga, there was still a lingering haze in their minds, and they could not help but think of the scenes of the white Kuuga being tortured with blood.

The screen changes——

Ichijo came out of the hospital and ignored the nurse's advice to check him out. What if he broke a bone?

However, Ichijo insisted on returning to work.

After that, Godai, who had been standing outside the ward, followed Ichijo's footsteps and apologized...

He seemed to blame himself for not being able to defeat the monster and getting him injured.

But Ichijo once again emphasized that he was not allowed to interfere in these matters anymore...

One voice said forcefully: "You are just an ordinary citizen."

Fifth Generation: "But..."

After pressing the elevator button, Ichijo turned around suddenly, pulled up Godai's collar with one hand and pushed him against the wall.

“If you feel you have gained the strength to fight, that’s up to you.

But you have no obligation to fight!

It is our police job to protect citizens.

It has nothing to do with your half-heartedness! "

...responsibility, obligation?

Even though I have seen such a powerful monster, I still don’t intend to borrow Kuuga’s power.

People suddenly discovered that

It seems that Ichijo's body shines no less than Godai's.

"It's almost like two protagonists..." someone murmured.

This can be regarded as setting a precedent for heroic stories!

Ah... By the way, I almost forgot, this seems to be neither an epic nor a hero story, but some kind of tokusatsu drama or fantasy work.

And on the other side——

A hallucination once again flashed through the depressed fifth generation's mind...

This time it's in color.

That is the posture of Red Sora! !

Red full of power~! Even the horns are much bigger and more handsome than now!

He returned to the mourning hall alone and chatted with Yingzi.

He said what he was thinking about the red warrior,

He thought that was his true transformation.

But why is he white?

"Is my heart not strong enough? That's why I can't transform into that." Godai said in a low voice.

Sakurako: "You actually have moments of hesitation."

Fifth Generation: "Of course... yes."

He slowly closed the fist of his other hand with one hand.

After something was wrapped around the fist, it seemed to have lost its essential sharpness.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this——

perhaps--? It's really what it says,

Is it because you can't turn red because your heart is not strong enough?

What is he afraid of...

Or, even if he showed a very calm, warm and sunny smile in front of Sakurako, Ichijo and others,

In fact... is he himself afraid of using Kuuga's power and becoming a monster?

Fifth Generation didn’t say anything else…

People can't see through his heart and can only guess in their hearts.

Then Wu Dai went outside the house alone and leaned against the wall to calm down.

But I saw a JK girl hiding her face and crying. She couldn't bear it anymore and rushed out of the house, squatting in the corner... and calling her father's name.

Witnessed it all with my own eyes...

That girl's father...the professor of the archaeological team must have died at the hands of those weirdos.

The pain of separation between life and death,

Destroying the source of a happy family - these are those powerful guys.

Godai looked moved, looking at the crying girl, but he hesitated to speak... Finally, his clenched fist suddenly hit the wall beside him.

At this time, he seemed to have made a decision in his heart and secretly made a certain determination.

On the other side, after a lot of hard work, Ichijo finally found a drunk homeless man in an outdoor late-night canteen.

Ask him about the previous attack by the bat monster.

The homeless man is not bored, but is very surprised by the arrival of Ichijo...

Is anyone finally willing to believe that he is not telling lies? !

He then told Ichichi everything he knew, and deduced that the monster originated from something inside the church - it was St. Mark's Basilica! !

The place where a tragedy happened during the day!


What people didn’t expect was that,

Ichijo Dao entered the church alone carrying a shotgun.

And the priest who is hanging upside down on the top of the church...

After sensing that someone had entered his territory, his body suddenly... underwent a horrible change.

Flesh wings pierced out from his black robe, and a row of fangs gradually became ferocious, and finally the familiar figure of the bat monster appeared.

Everyone: !!!

This extremely disgusting physical transformation

made people believe that the priest was indeed a bat monster in disguise, and at the same time, they were extremely nauseous.

And then--

He attacked Ichijo,

Ichijo dodged and kept shooting,

but was soon chased by the bat monster and fell into a desperate situation,

while rolling and dodging, he knocked down the candles in the church,

and directly ignited a huge fire!!

"The church in flames!!!" Someone exclaimed, thinking of something.

Isn't this--

completely the same as the background of the red Kuuga in the OP? !

Could it be that the fifth generation will really transform into a red warrior here? !

This is a special drama of Kamen Rider Kuuga, which is regarded as a prophecy by people.

It seems that OP is also a prophecy,

a prophecy book in a prophecy book?

Everyone was shocked... What a set of dolls!

But soon people came to their senses. Now is not the time to think about these things.

That bat monster is obviously playing tricks on Ichizo!

... How could the weak human body be a match for that kind of monster?

Ichizo has courage, but he is too reckless!

And the weapon in his hand has no effect on the bat monster.

Just when people were anxious-

Even the bat monster knocked Ichizo down and said that he would suck his blood first and then kill him.

Such tortured words made everyone's eyes tear up.


A sound of motorcycles came from outside the church.

People who heard this familiar voice were shocked.

"!!! Fifth generation!!"

Chapter 12 I don't want to see others cry anymore! So please watch my transformation!

Is it you? !

The next moment,

Buzz~! ! ! Buzz buzz buzz~!

Boom! The fifth generation, wearing a helmet and riding a motorcycle, rushed into the church.

Because of the high speed, it suddenly fell sideways, slid on the ground and threw the motorcycle out.

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