Dead, dead? Is it that ordinary-looking flat a just now? !

"...! What was WOC's special move just now - the ultimate move?!"

Chapter 13 Multiple unknown life forms appear one after another, and real elite monsters also appear?

...when the weirdos are eliminated,

Ichijo wakes up leaning on Godai's shoulder, facing the rising sun in the distance.

There is an extraordinarily peaceful and tranquil feeling in this scene.

Ichijo asked why she was leaning on his shoulder.

"Isn't that pretty good?" Godai said with a hearty smile.

"It's such a shame." Ichichi.

But the relationship between the two has obviously eased.

Although the spider monster died a bit hastily in the end,

It also makes people feel what Ping A hides the ultimate move...

But overall, everything is still developing in a good direction! !

See people who are in a good mood,


It’s time to choose to continue chasing the next episodes!

After all, the Bat monsters haven’t been eliminated yet;

And the weirdo who resurrected all weirdos!

The scary guy at the beginning was not defeated either...


It’s another op that people are used to,

Even if it's the OP, they're a little reluctant to skip it.

Although I am looking forward to the follow-up plot, it is not short of this op time, right? !

After happily watching the passionate OP again,

And just when people thought that the third episode would also be a wonderful fighting plot...


No one expected it.

The story begins to develop in an unexpected direction...

"Please watch closely, my transformation!"

The first scene was of Ichigo suddenly waking up from his dream while recalling the transformation of the red Kuuga in his mind.

At this time, he was lying in the hospital with his brows furrowed.

Afterwards, shots kept flashing by,

outside world--

in the city,

There are many men and women with killer looks who don't look right at first sight.

There are also various Gurungi marks on the skin,

This also made people's faces darken, and they couldn't help but guess, are these the human beings transformed by those weirdos? !

Watching them walking through streets and sidewalks with a lot of traffic,

Everyone was really worried that they would suddenly transform and then go on a killing spree.


What makes people incomprehensible and surprising,

This group of weirdos seems to be very intolerable to the current environment of the human world.

But even though the rage might break out at any time, they still did not kill anyone, as if they were waiting for something... and temporarily restrained their nature.

And this also reminds people...

My previous thoughts on these weirdos,

It's not a solo killing, but more like enjoying a killing game,

Taking pleasure in killing human beings...

Is it also because of this reason that he has to hide among humans in disguise and has delayed taking action?

Everyone thought with fear in their hearts.

The screen changes——

The police department studied the strange man's blood sample and found that it was not the imagined spider gene.

But human blood...

Finally, I suspected that the weirdos were some species similar to humans.

A meeting is also being held at the police headquarters...

Currently, according to the intelligence they collected from many sources, there are video records to confirm...

There are already seven unknown life forms.

However, in fact, Sora's two forms stood at the positions of unknown life forms No. 2 and No. 4.

The superior, as the commander-in-chief, issued an order at the meeting to shoot unknown life forms on the spot.

When this decision is made...

Not only people’s hearts were shocked,

When they saw Ichijo, they suddenly raised their heads and widened their eyes.

Unknown life form...! !

The five-generation transformed Kuuga is also among them!

If Kuuga reappears next, won't he also be attacked? !


Things that everyone can think about and worry about.

Of course Ichijou also thought of it...

He quickly made a decision and asked anxiously, "Can No. 2 and No. 4 be removed?"

When your boss asks why...

Ichijo said that he had been saved by them many times.

However, his boss did not believe his words and demanded evidence.

All words seem so pale and feeble at this moment,

There is no evidence for one thing...

And obviously the other party didn't believe his certification, so the last one could only clenched his fists, pursed his lips... gritted his teeth and spent the entire meeting in agony.

As soon as the meeting ended, he immediately called the phone number on the business card left for him at the ruins five generations ago.

After finding that I couldn't get through, but instead got a series of funny voice sounds that I had set,

He called Yingzi again,

It turned out that Sakurako was sleeping and didn't answer the phone at all.

He had no choice but to leave a voice message to Sakurako, asking her to remind Godai not to go to Nagano.

The police department will take action here next...

If Godai were here, met those weirdos, and couldn't help but transform...


Everything is over!


People watched as one started to get busy without stopping for a moment.

Maybe it’s not just out of duty,

There is also the idea of ​​​​taking the initiative to deal with the weirdos before the fifth generation, so that the fifth generation does not have to transform and encounter crises.

A man began to search the streets for traces of strange bats.

But after accidentally colliding with a woman,

The other person suddenly uttered Gurungi: "Disgusting taste."

Ichijo was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized and hurriedly caught up with the woman.

This is a woman dressed coquettishly with a white rose mark on her head.

When Ichijo asked if she could say what she just said again,

Rose Woman seems to have realized something...

He suddenly pushed one away and started running away!

Ichijo fell to the ground, but quickly reacted and chased after the woman.

He followed the woman all the way to an alley but saw only roses all over the ground.

When Ichijou looked around hurriedly and saw the woman's back at another corner,

Ichijo continued to chase...

Simply, Rose Girl seemed to think she had gotten rid of one,

In this way, he was chased all the way from a long distance, accomplishing the purpose of tracking in disguise.

While still meeting the bat monster, he was bumped into by Ichijo.

Originally, the two were still exchanging information, and they learned that the Bat Monster had already fought against Kuuga, and even boasted that he had beaten Kuuga.

It was as if he couldn't tell from that tone that he had run away before.

And if the spider monster doesn't appear, block the gun for him...

This guy might have been killed by the new red Kuuga long ago!

Everyone sneered...

And the next moment,

But they saw Rose Girl's arm change unexpectedly.

Press the other person's forehead,

The bat monster howled in agony,

Weird people...are actually killing each other? !

This is like a scene where the superior punishes the inferior!

It makes everyone feel horrified...

Before, they thought the Bat Monster was so powerful,

People became even more excited when the red sky showed so well.

But people have always thought that Bat Weird and the others are elites among weirdos, or at least mini-bosses!

But now his head is being held down like a little chicken,

This obvious sense of oppression from the superior to the inferior... the absolute difference in strength,

Everyone couldn't believe it!

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