
What about weirdos? !

They haven't seen any weirdos yet.

But if we say that the weirdo and the empty self come from the same source.


Many of those weirdos must have become the result of someone falling into darkness in their future.

They have never suspected that Academy City wants to cultivate some kind of biological weapons...

After all, it is recognized by both the gods and the legendary hero teacher, the sage Merlin, as the cradle of hero cultivation.


No guarantee, some people will fall.

Doesn't this kind of thing happen often in epics?

What's more, not everyone can successfully transform into a hero, right? !

And the spiritual body (transformation) is not exclusive to heroes.

On the other side——

After Godai finished his physical examination, Kazuichi had just left the hospital.

Then I met Sakurako...

The two simultaneously asked Sakurako about the progress of analyzing ancient texts.

Yingzi sulked and said that there might not be any progress in the future...

Especially after learning that the new fifth-generation motorcycle was given as a gift...

It is convenient for him to fight.

Sakurako became even more angry.


Does this mean that he promised to take good care of her and not let the fifth generation transform or act randomly? !


I had never thought that Ichijo would be embarrassed this time.

Fortunately, Godai stepped up to the rescue.

It means that because I am empty,

This is something only you can do...

Must fight.

"Then you are planning to risk your life, right?"

Godai smiled and said: "I just obeyed my original intention."

Chapter 19: Throwing objects from high altitude, a game of life for 81 people!

Sakurako was finally angry and ran away from Godai.

At the same time, on the other side,

In a dark place like an underground ocean aquarium.

Rose Girl and others gathered together again,

Gurungi: "81 people in two days."

Rose Girl gave a task to the new weirdo - the Locust Monster.

Or rather - a game? !

Claiming to be the first player, Locust Monster said it was a piece of cake and readily accepted the request.

Two days...

81 people! !

People who have vaguely understood what this number symbolizes.

Since he is a cruel and sadistic monster,

I'm afraid it's the number of kills required!

A game that takes pleasure in killing people...!


This is the so-called Kikilu game.

People looked ugly thinking about it.

Even so——

But the next time,

However, there was no news of seeing the strange figure from the outside world.

In the Metropolitan Police Department,

The police chief was asking about the fact that he gave Kuuga the use of a new motorcycle developed by the police station without permission.

In full view of everyone, Kuuga used a motorcycle to track down the Leopard Girl and kill her...

This is something that many people have seen,

It can't be concealed at all. If you trace the source a little, you can find that it is a resource that has been used.

If one line is empty, I will guarantee...

But the minister said that if he did not know the details, he would still order the shooting.

For a time, the entire atmosphere of the space - the air seemed to freeze.

The background music also became chilling and confrontational, with sharp edges and no compromise.

It seems like there is murderous intent in his eyes...

One line means that if Kongga really goes berserk, no one else needs to take action.

He will deal with the other party with his own hands.

The minister was not very satisfied with this answer, and he threatened -

He doesn't want to

Ichijou has removed your name from the original members of the Joint Investigation Headquarters.

"I hope you can believe me!" Ichijo said with a firm look.

Even at this time, he had no intention of betraying the fifth generation or exposing his true identity.

Gods: "...From ancient times to the present, human beings have been afraid of and greedy for too powerful power that they cannot control.

One of them is correct.

The fewer people who know about the fifth generation being able to transform into Kuuga, the better. "

After all, no one can guarantee

Knowing the identity of the fifth generation,

Will there be any ambitious people who have other thoughts?

And not just the gods, many smart and keen people have also thought of this matter.

Even Ichijo's friend, the former young doctor, must not have shown a strong desire to dissect the fifth generation.

We cannot place our hope on everyone being able to abide by the moral bottom line...

Especially this one, as long as the fifth generation and those weirdos have become "the same kind", they may be able to conduct experiments on them unscrupulously.

This kind of bottom line that can be broken easily and has no bottom line...

At this time, the minister and Ichijo looked into each other's eyes,

There seems to be murderous intent in his eyes...

This atmosphere made everyone a little nervous, until finally, Ichijo seemed to refuse to give in.

Weiwei thought about it in her mind for a while,

Minister: "Okay then."

He chose to give Ichijo and the unknown life form No. 4 (Kūga) a chance.

As Ichijou left the director's office, he talked with his boss who was saved by Kuuga before.

It happened to be mentioned that there have been no sightings of unknown life forms recently.

But there were 9 falling incidents.

Falling off a building...? !

After understanding it, it is probably falling from a high altitude, which often occurs when people no longer want to live and choose to commit suicide.

The horrible appearance of falling to the ground and being smashed into a bloody mess in an instant.

While making everyone feel physically uncomfortable...

'This way of death is too ugly and too horrifying! '

Even if they couldn't survive and committed suicide...

Well, in their era,

they couldn't fully experience the feeling of falling from a height to death.

That was something they had never thought of in the past,

and they didn't expect it to be so horrible!

But people quickly reacted sharply.

No, it's not right...!

This is not right.

It's impossible that there were nine suicides in one day, and they all chose such a horrible way of death.

Such a premeditated mass death...

Immediately, people couldn't help but compare it with the previous order of the Rose Girl to the Locust Monster-

Two days-81 people! !

People's faces changed drastically! !

Not only do they have to kill people, but they also have to kill humans in a special way!

Such a despising act of life,

how sinful!

Compared to simply killing the enemy, the malice is more than a hundred times more.

Just like the poppy flowers blooming in hell, tempting people to fall and go to destruction!

That dark human nature made everyone subconsciously feel repulsive.

And then as the scene changed,

people even witnessed with their own eyes the scene of the locust monster chasing a homeless man,

like a cat playing with a mouse,

when the homeless man breathed a sigh of relief and thought he had finally escaped, his fear gradually subsided and he lay down next to the trash can in the alley and gasped for breath,

the locust monster then fell from the sky again,

grabbed his shoulders, and with a powerful bounce, he took him up to the sky.

Finally, he was thrown down from a tall building!

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