When they all thought that Shijia would take risks to find traces of weirdos, or go to the ruins of the past to explore,

The worst is to find a place to stage a suicide scene...

But only the gentle Godai could think of this through just a bracelet.

And if you don’t have a heart that is good at discovering the beauty in the world,

He also couldn't realize that this little girl with a painful heart would eventually reach this place unconsciously.

When Shijia needed salvation the most, the fifth generation...

This gentle, sunny boy suddenly appeared.

Just like a ray of sunshine that breaks through the dark night.

Kuuga's transformation is a man with such heart-warming charm.

The previous Mika's mood had improved somewhat under the comfort of Godai. He and Godai even talked a few more words and actively cooperated.

It was only after knowing that he was not a relevant researcher that I fell into great disappointment...

Compared to others,

Mika's senses about Godai seem to be pretty good.

At this time, he didn’t make any noise to escape.

The two of them just blew the sea breeze quietly.

And the Five Dynasties have always been good at comforting people...

Just like in the first episode, Godai was seen comforting the child.

He didn't directly say empty words,

Instead, Godai picked up a stone and threw it towards the distant sea. The stone was submerged in the rolling waves with a pop.

Unlike the calm lake surface,

Wanting to struggle on this rough and ever-changing sea, this tiny pebble,

Seems so powerless...

And Godai suddenly asked Mika, "Do you think you can jump seven times in a row?"

Mika: "It can't be done."

Fifth generation didn’t say anything;

Just picking up a pebble again,

After finding the correct angle and posture, he suddenly threw it out again. This time the stone jumped on the sea surface seven times in a row before sinking into the sea with a pop.


Even ordinary people, or those who have the strength to do more difficult things, or those with extraordinary power.

They were all slightly attracted by this heart-blessing scene.

The background music suddenly became full of hope...

Shika couldn't help but open his eyes in surprise.

Godai smiled and pointed into the distance,

"Believe it.

When everyone wants to do it, they will do it,

And there will always be something you want to do one day.

Dad must also be looking forward to protecting you. "

The sea breeze gently blew through their hair,

Miracles always bring new light to the heart.

People who have witnessed miracles with their own eyes will become more willing to believe in this world again.

People could see that there was a little more light in Shijia's eyes at this time.

"The empty self... is not only powerful in strength,

His heart is equally strong and gentle! This is the real hero! "People couldn't help but think about it when they saw it.

His gentleness is as great as his strength...

Both are indispensable!

It is an indispensable part of building and maintaining this beautiful world!


People can't help but gradually immerse themselves in this beautiful atmosphere.

Enjoying the rare quiet and peaceful scene,

No disputes, no worries,

Believe in the future, be full of hope, long for the future life,

Quietly blowing the sea breeze and listening to the soft sound of waves hitting the sand,

But there are always people who want to break this rare peace...

at this time--

The wasp monster has been following all the way,

And Ichijo, who was driving desperately behind him, when he detected the fifth generation motorcycle in front, he already understood that the target of the wasp monster was none other than Kuuga!

That is, the fifth generation...! !

He tried his best to notify Godai, but the motorcycle was parked on the shore and the sound could not reach the beach at all.

at last--

Ichijo arrived at the critical moment. He shouted and rushed towards Godai and Mika.

"Fuck...!! Wasp monster!" Only then did people remember,

There is also the crisis of the Wasp Monster!

It's all because the scene of Wu Dai comforting people was so original. People were attracted by the gentle miracle and the miracle led by his own hands.

As a result, I forgot——

Wasp weirdo who was initially worried! !

And simply,

With Ichijo's loud reminder, Godai had already understood the arrival of the wasp monster, and he hurriedly transformed. Unexpectedly, he directly entered the green form this time.

"!!! Has it completely recovered?!" Everyone was stunned for a moment, then said happily.

But after seeing that it was green, their expressions quickly changed again!

The green attitude is very loaded!

It is impossible to fight for a long time. Once the enemy cannot be defeated for a long time, Kuuga himself will not be able to survive and will have to quit the transformation!

"If you fight evil things! This posture can clearly see things in the distance, like a strong wind, it can shoot through evil warriors!" Sakurako's voice suddenly echoed in people's ears,

At this time, Ichijo thought of Sakurako before,

Although no green warriors were found, the intelligence analysis that was most likely to match the abilities of Kuuga's new form was found.

Thinking of his guess, he threw the pistol in his hand to Godai.


The next moment, Godai took over the pistol. The weapon in his hand was just like the once blue Kuuga turning the steel rod into the blue dragon rod.

The pistol also buzzed in his hand and changed! !

After the noise,

A hand crossbow matching the appearance and color of this form appeared in Kuuga's hand.

He quietly listened to the subtle sounds coming from the wind.

And this time, perhaps because the battle was on the seaside far away from the city,

Kuuga's ears were not affected by those noisy sounds.

He moved slowly, and his unhurried posture was like a master... a quiet posture of looking at the world with his heart, which was handsome to everyone.

Finally, he succeeded in reaching out his hand and pinching the shot spike with two fingers at the moment when the Wasp Monster attacked.

"Woc——!!!" Everyone couldn't help but burst out a swear at the same time!

People have seen the speed and penetration of the Wasp Monster's spikes!

But Kuuga actually used... to pinch it with his fingers? !

And it's not over yet,

People watched Kuuga backhanded and pointed at the sky, and shot an arrow.

The next moment,

The long arrow pierced the Wasp Monster's chest, and after the familiar golden mark of Kuuga appeared,

The Wasp Monster screamed and fell from the sky, and then-bang!

A loud bang exploded on the sea level,

and the sky-high explosion and fire rose~!

The Wasp Monster was killed right in front of everyone!

At this moment, the tip of the iceberg finally revealed how powerful the green Kuuga was.

At this time, everyone was completely stunned: !!!


The green Kuuga without other negative effects was actually...

so--strong? !

Compared with the first time he turned green, this performance was so amazing, and there was also the last blow that pierced the sky!

Under the afterglow of the setting sun,

when people looked at the five generations who had canceled their transformation and collapsed to the ground powerlessly, but with a bright and sunny smile on their faces.

At this time, people were completely shocked and numb.

Every time they thought they understood the current strength of Kuuga, every time the five generations transformed, they would always break the usual impression and record in people's hearts...


No, it should be said that the five generations--

what terrifying potential is hidden in his body!

This speed of strengthening!!! Even the adventurers with the grace of God are... crazy, it's crazy!


Chapter 31 He left his happy time to others, but he didn't even celebrate his birthday...

"I'm sorry, sorry, sorry!! Woohoo!!" After all, she was just a little girl.

Whether it was Godai or Ichijo,

they didn't blame Shika in the end, but were concerned about her safety.

Finally, she put away her last willfulness and stubbornness. At the same time, for the experience of facing the Wasp Monster and Godai,

Shika finally understood how dangerous fighting was...

The girl exposed her softest side in front of the two.

She also felt deeply guilty for causing trouble to everyone.

And Godai just kept smiling...

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