I don't know why his expression is a little heavy.

Chapter 32: Crazy choice, is it worth it to fight tooth for tooth, to trade injury for injury?!

And after that——

When Godai received a call and learned that No. 21 was coming, he had to leave in a hurry to fight.

My sister hurriedly shouted, today is my brother’s birthday!

But she knew she couldn't stop Godai,

I can only express loudly that I hope Godai can come back soon to celebrate him.

Godai smiled awkwardly and finally said: "I will try my best..."

He didn't even dare to make a guarantee...

It's obviously my birthday,

But because I couldn't enjoy the blessings and company of my family, I felt embarrassed and even slightly apologetic about it.

When people saw this scene, they were suddenly touched...

Five generations——

He left these happy moments (time) to others, but he didn't think about himself at all.

...that figure that keeps fighting desperately,



Many young people who still have dreams, their passion for becoming such a person and such a knight has become increasingly clear.

And after that,

Because the police dog smelled the location of the weirdo's stronghold,

And Minato also discovered the existence of the squid monster.

Ichijo and Godai acted separately for the first time.

First, the Fifth Generation side,

Encountered a squid monster attacking the workers in the port area,

In terms of badness, this time the weirdo far exceeds any of the previous ones.

He and Ben don't have any rules for the game.

Or a special killing mode,

If I have to say it——

That is, the humans near the harbor will kill one person when they see them, and kill a group of people when they see them.

Such a weirdo can be said to be very stressful for the fifth generation who wants to protect people...

And when Godai transformed into an angry red warrior and fought against the squid monster,

But he soon fell into a bitter battle,

As long as a little bit of the squid monster's ink is sprayed on his body, it will instantly corrode Godai's body.

The shoulder armor was rotten and dented.

There may even be explosions.

And when Godai wanted to fight in close combat to avoid the ink,

However, he found that his fists and kicks were like hitting steel sheets, completely unable to shake the opponent's figure.

"How is that possible?!" Fifth Generation.

"How could this happen?!" Everyone was also confused.

This is a red gesture!

Red is known for its strength! !

Although I understand that this time the weirdo is so arrogant and may be stronger than the previous weirdos,

But really,

How many times does the strength level increase? !

Fuck—the scene in front of them reminds people of the time when Godai first transformed into white.

Is this the feeling of fighting a boss again in the novice stage? !

There is no suspense,

Next comes another crushing round,

The fifth generation had nothing to do with the other party;

The other party could seriously injure Godai with just one casual blow.

Just when the squid monster wanted to kill Kuuga with a last hit,

A burst of gas suddenly emitted from the opening in its abdomen.

The squid monster also said those very familiar words,

Sora...you saved a life!

I'll deal with you next time!

Then the squid monster jumped into the sea and ran away!

The fifth generation was left alone and had been beaten to the point of being autistic and at a loss...

Everyone: "???"

Run away again?

At this point they are somewhat numb and used to it.

Is this just my luck, or should I say that weird people always fail at critical moments.

But people still have a layer of gloom in their hearts...

Can't beat——

It's obvious that he can't be beaten at all!

Unless it is used for a stronger posture!

I don’t know if green will work.

And the other end,

A police team followed the police dog to find the location of the warehouse where the weirdos were hiding.

Rose Girl said she was attracted by one of the fat men who killed Matt.

When he came over before, his scent attracted the police dogs.

Afterwards, several people escaped through the secret passage...

After the police broke in, they did not find the weirdos.

Only the police dog suddenly barked and chased madly in one direction.

But because he ran too fast, although he caught up with the fat weirdo, he was killed by the fat weirdo who became angry and unhappy.

He left behind a collar and blood on the ground.

The trainers who arrived, as well as Ichijo, and Godai who finally endured the severe pain in his shoulder (corrupted) and rode to support,

They all looked at the blood-stained collar with pain and sadness.

The hatred between humans and monsters has become more and more unforgettable, and has already reached the point where it will never end.

And this time too,

From the names used by the weirdos during the discussion, people learned that they called humans ‘Linduo’.

"I always feel like it's not a good name." People thought with a heavy heart.

That is to say, I am glad that Ichijo, Godai and others did not really start a formal war with those weirdos.

After all, a weirdo suddenly appeared, and it was so difficult for me to deal with it.

They are really afraid of fighting head-on now,

The fifth generation would be beaten to death...

Even the King of Choosing Fate would not be able to continue to survive under such a disparity and succeed.


I always feel that those Gurungi regard humans as domestic animals.

How annoying!

After returning, Godai talked with Ichijo about whether No. 21, the squid monster, had solved the problem.

After Godai told the story of the power of the squid monster...

Eager to acquire a new form, maybe he can deal with that guy.

In order to acquire the so-called form related to the ‘sword’,

Ichijo took Godai to the Metropolitan Police Department for special training,

and the two wore protective gear and slashed with wooden swords.

In the middle of the training, Godai was dodging and retreating because of his poor skills.

After being reprimanded by Ichijo,

Godai suddenly had an idea and stopped dodging attacks, and even asked Ichijo to attack him actively.

After that, Godai ignored the attacks and approached the enemy step by step, just like those oppressive monsters in the past.

When the wooden sword fell on his head and made a sound,

he was indifferent, as if he didn’t feel anything at all,

steady and heavy, just step by step, slowly moving forward, and finally forced Ichijo to retreat to the corner.

He ignored countless attacks in the middle,

until the end, he suddenly hit Ichijo’s weapon and flew away.

"I understand!" Godai,

Then what surprised everyone was...

Godai said that since he lost the chance to attack because of dodging,


"Attack that guy without avoiding him!!" Godai.

All of a sudden, everyone: !!!



This is a fighting method that intends to exchange injuries for injuries!

What a crazy fighting method!

Suddenly, people remembered a certain King Hassan.

This is really similar to assassinating the enemy head-on.


Wait--Are you also planning to open the Musou?

But no matter which form the current 'Kuuga' is in, it does not have the defense to normally resist such a terrifying explosion ink attack! !

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