Many people even began to make bold guesses.

It’s not possible that Kuuga will eventually turn evil because of Sakurako’s death!

Fuck—a setting like changing from a hero to a tyrant?

Why do people think so?

There is also the legend of the Impaler turning into Dracula.

From a devout Christian who protects the country to a vampire king,

Since this outrageous reality exists.

What else is impossible? !

Reality is often more outrageous than fairy tales.

No matter whether the fifth generation will eventually turn black or not,

It’s true that people don’t want to see Sakurako, a kind, brave girl who has been helping five generations of girls to have a beautiful heart.

This caused them to have eight million thoughts, just to keep an eye on the opportunity for the female weirdo to appear again.

Watch her actions...

And the screen flashed,

Soon people saw what they wanted.

A woman hiding in a dark corner holding her abdomen in pain,

It was the human form that had not transformed before the battle with Kuuga.

Rose Girl and another game warden arrive to hurry it up, and they don't have much time left.

Rose Girl even sighed——

Sure enough, the Mei level can't kill Kuuga? It seems that Ge level is still going to appear?

This is not the first time that Rose Girl and the others have mentioned the existence of Ge level.

"Is it Ge level? A more powerful weirdo?" People thought with an ugly look on their faces.

Nowadays, I'm a bit overwhelmed by the weirdo Kuang.

Then how strong should the monsters whose levels are clearly in another area be?

But unlike Ichijo and others who still don't know much about the inside of Gurungi.

Because of God’s perspective,

Now people have gradually figured out a way of thinking.

There is a strict class division among the Gurungi clan.

From the weakest Shige group—those weirdos that Kuuga defeated initially,

To the Charming Group - the chameleon monster who became stronger through game advancement, and now the Scimitar Girl.

And on the surface, the game supervisor, or organizer, whose status is much higher than these weirdos?

And, the Ge level in the mouth of Rose Girl and others...

And the still mysterious Zero in the end.

If the Zi Group's weirdos are just minions, well... remembering that they once regarded the weirdos that appeared in the past, such as the Spider Monster, as boss monsters, people blushed...

Then Mei Group is an elite soldier, right?

And Ge Jie, who has not yet appeared,

The scimitar girls are so hard to beat now.

In addition, Sora has mastered most of the familiar forms in the OP.

Look at how Kuuga used to suppress monsters easily in these forms in the op.

Ge level should be considered a monster on the same level as a general or a cadre, right?

There shouldn't be many such weirdos.

Otherwise, it is really hard to imagine how Kuuga defeated these monsters in ancient times.

Obviously, various forms have also been developed,

Or should I say——

The Fifth Generation's own strength as a shapeshifter is too weak;

Is that why you have such a hard time beating the charm-level monsters?

However, people still don’t know clearly.

Most of the information they predicted was correct.

But Zi level is not the weakest miscellaneous soldier. Below him is the Bei Group.

Just because he was too weak and didn't even have a chance to play in the future, he would be killed by a certain king who was impatient to wait.

Compared with the bottom two levels below, the Mei level is already a good combat power.

After all, the fifth generation still had too little time to grow up.

How long did it take for him to grow from an ordinary person who had never fought to a real warrior?

Chapter 42: Complete package of sublimated forms, next... What does red symbolize?

Although he was seriously injured and very reluctant,

But weirdos generally have something in common, that is, they are all very arrogant and have a bad temper.

Although it is only the charm level,

But stimulated by the words of Rose Girl and others,

In order to prove myself, and to continue to successfully complete the game at the common level,

The scimitar weirdo said she would go out again.

This also made people's hearts suddenly pick up in their throats.

I've said it before,

They were worried that Yingzi would be targeted by weirdos and become the next target.

And the screen flashed,

It's not the library where Sakurako is.

on a street,

The scimitar female weirdo appeared again, with a calm and proud curve on her lips.

Said that he kept approaching with the gleaming murder weapon,

A mother holding her little daughter's hand noticed this dangerous scene and was so frightened that she hugged the child in her arms and squatted down.

Her motherly nature makes her know how to protect her children.

But her body's instinctive fear made her forget to escape.

Just when people thought that the mother and daughter would be killed, they felt unbearable and closed their eyes one after another.

Another innocent person is going to be killed!

Although somewhat selfish,

But every time a weirdo comes out, he kills a few people.

When death is inevitable, people just hope that the person who dies will not be their favorite character.

Now the scimitar woman is hunting others,

At least it gave Sakura a buffer time,

It also gave the fifth generation a chance to discover the appearance of the female weirdo.

Wait until Sora appears,

Sakurako is safe for the time being!

Every time they see the fifth generation transformed, people will feel a strong sense of peace of mind.

It seems that only five generations have transformed,

Then nothing happened.


The screams never appeared...

When people open their eyes blankly and look forward in confusion,

The mother who was holding the child also raised her head in surprise, but what she saw was the scimitar weirdo who had already passed their mother and daughter and moved on without looking back.

Then the machete monster kills the female of a couple.

But he spared another man in a suit and tie.

This also made the police who came after hearing the news more and more confirmed the other party's killing rules after understanding the situation.

The surviving men recalled the scene in horror,

It was claimed that before the murder, the female companion said that she seemed to have seen the human appearance of the female weirdo, and she felt somewhat familiar.

The police confirmed that the woman was also a passenger on that train.

The weirdo will only kill people who have been on that train.

After further confirming this conjecture,

The police immediately notified the TV station and broadcast the weird killing rules throughout the city.

In order to let people who have not yet been killed hear it and become alert.

Compared with searching for and protecting these people one by one, this method is obviously faster.

God knows who the weirdo will attack next.

And on the other side,

The fifth generation is also working hard to become stronger. Even though he has learned the unknown prophecy from Sakurako, in order to deal with the enemies that are getting stronger each time, he

Getting stronger is a must.

He asked Ms. Yuda from the Police Research Institute,

Finally, I found a special room to stimulate my body.

Being enclosed in a small room, surrounded by high-voltage electricity,

The outside world is Ms. Yuda wearing a heavy scientific goggles through the glass, observing the changes of the five generations.


When I was so embarrassed that even the backs of my hands were wet with tears and turned into a sweaty man,

The fifth generation completed the transformation of the Sublimated Titan.

Although it was just fleeting and people didn't see it clearly, it did seem to be somewhat different from the original Titan form before? !

The female weirdo quickly set her sights on Sakurako.

The doctor, who learned about the weird killing rules through TV, changed his face drastically and hurriedly called Yingzi.

Ask her whether she watched the latest information broadcast on TV, and whether she took that train when she came to talk to him in the morning.

As soon as Sakurako got confirmation from the doctor, she realized that she was also the target of a weirdo.

The next moment——

The scimitar weirdo appears.

Sakurako ran away in a hurry!

However, he was quickly caught up by the weirdo, and finally fell down on a stairway in fright. When there was no way to avoid it,

"!!!Fuck...! Bastard!"

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