Crash! !

Flowers, streams, fairies, forests, everything seemed to be destroyed and crushed by that shot.

In the horrified eyes of everyone who took a deep breath, the world began to change again.

It was as if the broken world was reorganized into another world, and finally, in a state of fear, everyone witnessed the "death of the world" with their own eyes.

One second, two seconds... one hour, or two hours, it seemed to be a blink of an eye, and it seemed to be as long as a century.

The world slowly collapsed in their eyes. Hiss~!

When they came back to their senses from the sluggishness, they found that they had returned to the original place.

Back...? ! Back to the place on the fault on the top of the snowy cliff.

"One shot... destroyed... Avalon!" Nabel said these words with difficulty in her throat, and the despair in her eyes became more intense.

Is this the true strength of the Dragon Hunter God of War and the Nameless King?

Such a king, a dragon hunter, his trial...

Endless terror devoured Nabel's heart. Even if Meili, the flower magician, stood on their side, she could no longer give her confidence.

Such a trial - how could she possibly pass it!

...On the other side.

Meili, who secretly cooperated with the main body to perform a big drama, said -

Avalon would be destroyed where the spear passed, it was really just a coincidence! She definitely didn't do it on purpose! She really didn't mean to scare everyone! ...Well, it wasn't intentional, was it intentional? ! (Playful!)

"Don't be discouraged. The Nameless King is both a god and a human. He is not without weaknesses. ... He has the blood of the Sun King Gwyn flowing in his veins. As the son of God, he has been expelled from the family. It is more appropriate to call him a demigod now. As long as the weakness is found, even gods will perish. Even a powerful Nameless King will be defeated!"

Telling the dragon-slaying army about the setting of the modified Nameless King, Meli suddenly appeared in front of everyone in a whirl of petals. At this moment, she looked at everyone.

It was her voice that just spoke.

"Merri!!" Everyone looked at the familiar figure with surprise and relief, as if they had found their backbone again, and they were not as desperate as Nabel.

(Idol bonus and unconditional trust are so terrifying!)

Great! Merri is still alive!

The terrifying blow of the Sun God Spear just now destroyed even the world. Everyone thought that Meli was also——

But it turned out that they thought too much. Although Avalon was destroyed, weren't they okay?

Even they are fine, how could Lady Meli be in trouble!

Then, people began to think about the new information that Meli had just revealed.

"Demi... God?" Nabel couldn't help but speak without even noticing the name of 'King Gwyn' that Meli accidentally revealed.

"Yes, while possessing the powerful strength of a god, he also possesses the unlimited potential of humans." Meli.

Without any doubt, everyone who already trusted Meli very much accepted the message in Meli's words easily.

At this time, if everyone who accepted Meli's setting saw that the strength of the nameless king in Dark Souls was far inferior to the one in front of them, they would only think that the nameless king had become stronger during this long period of time!

Of course -

You can do nothing. The first time the Soul series appeared in people's eyes, it was a 'semi-real' and 'semi-fictional' worldview.

It was once regarded as a prophecy by people. For example, the Overlord Wolnir who will be swallowed by the abyss.

The nameless king is a little different from the real strength in reality, so it doesn't seem so strange.

Even the identity of the Sun King Gwyn can be actively substituted for the ancient Sun God...

Even if Yan does not explain anything, the people in the other world said that they can guess the infinite "truth" by themselves! !

(Seeing the new series of Dark Souls in the future, recalling today's people: These are all ancient secrets!!!)

"Too perverted! Possessing both the power of God and the infinite potential of humans at the same time!" Someone couldn't help but mutter, with an extremely ugly face, jealous and envious.

Although as a human, he did not find that he had any terrible potential, but with the stories of King Arthur and Sigurd as precedents, he also believed most of what Merry said.

What a unique advantage this is! It's just like the son of God! This nameless king will not be the illegitimate child of the power of inhibition!

Chapter 295 The nameless principal, the devil!

"This is his advantage, and the reason why he is so powerful. If we only compete in strength, even the real gods pale in comparison to him! But——" Meili changed her words!

At this time, she looked in a direction in the sky.

"Roar~!" The roar of the Storm King came from that direction, and the next moment everyone saw the giant dragon rushing out of the dark clouds, and the nameless king on the dragon's back!

The Sun God Spear turned into a crackling thunder, crossed the sky and returned to the hands of the nameless king again.

"So strong... just like the dragon-slaying hero in my imagination!" A certain white dragon girl leaned her whole body on the nameless king, her eyes gradually blurred and fiery, and she was unwilling to get up.

Standing at the same perspective as the nameless king, she saw with her own eyes... how the nameless king's spear shattered the space.

And the beautiful world that she had a glimpse of was destroyed in an instant like a bubble.

That powerful and shocking scene made her, a dragon who believed in power, tremble and be impressed from the inside out, both physically and mentally.

Thinking about it carefully, isn't this what she longs for, the kind of 'dragon-slaying hero' who can defeat herself?

...The unknown king in the eyes of the white dragon is undoubtedly a beautified version.

And what appeared in front of everyone, following Mei Li's line of sight, was the unknown principal's dragon-slaying army, but his body trembled subconsciously.


I don't know who was the first to swallow in vain, and then thousands of people retreated heartily, wishing to hide themselves at the back of the large army.

The identity of the sixth-level human elite has been completely forgotten by them.

Under that sun spear, all living beings are equal. At this time, they are all brothers! Even the elites among the church's elites, Nabell and others from the Heretic Tribunal, could only remain silent in the face of this earth-shattering power.

"Display your power wantonly, use your strong body and the impenetrable Sun Spear to ravage all the enemies and challengers in front of you. If you want to defeat the power that will destroy everything in the world and everything in the world, You must first understand how to survive the attack of the spear." Mellie continued.

At this time, she withdrew her gaze from the unknown king and looked in another direction.

"After the challenger bell rings, the unknown king will not stop until one side falls. If the 'real' challenger never appears, the king's attention will not be diverted from us. Yes. King of Heroes... I'm afraid you are the only one who can barely fight with me. Can I ask you to do it next?" Meili showed a faint smile.

The next moment, an embarrassed figure covered in blood appeared in the originally empty place.

——‘Drawing Foot’, this is a technique that the King of Heroes copied from a former genius swordsman and was later named ‘Drawing Foot’ by Homura.

"It's the King of Heroes!"

"Ah, Lord Hero King, he is not..."

The dragon-slaying army looked at the sudden appearance of the King of Heroes with some embarrassment and surprise.

Speaking of which, when they sold the King of Heroes before, they sold it quite easily.

"Challenger? I understand." The King of Heroes' sharp gaze rested on the flower magician in front of him. Although he was very embarrassed, his breath was very long.

After resting for so long after being knocked away, he had almost recovered from most of his injuries, and the remaining ones... could not be recovered in a short time.

Powerful hearing... As long as he listened deliberately, even if he was seriously injured, he knew what was happening on the top of the mountain.

Without talking to the flower magician Melido, the King of Heroes understood that what they lacked most now was time.

Although the King of Heroes believed that he was no match for the terrifying unknown king, he still did not choose to refuse.

"Even the King of Heroes...will die when facing that unknown king!"

"Will the King of Heroes be the opponent of the Unknown King?"

"No way! I don't know if the King of Heroes can withstand the shot of the Unknown King. If he can hold on for a little longer, the Unknown King will think that the King of Heroes is the challenger!"

A group of people talked worriedly.

The King of Heroes looked at everyone coldly and remained silent.

He didn't make any comments about everyone's disapproval.

Mei Li thought in her heart, 'emmmm, speaking of it, the main body appeared because of the white dragon. If the white dragon is regarded as a bell, the real bell ringer has died by now! ’

Although the King of Heroes is allowed to appear, Homura will certainly not kill the King of Heroes with one shot.

When Rhine learns the truth later, he might become a black man.

"Don't worry! I will help you too. I just prepared the Noble Phantasm in a hurry. If I try it again...even the Nameless King won't be able to destroy it so easily!" Mei Li said.

Before everyone could recover from the shocking information in Mei Li's words.

At this time, the crackling sound of thunder was heard again in everyone's ears.

The tall figure of Wuming and the giant dragon at his feet had arrived in front of everyone at some point and rolled up a hurricane.

"!!!" The dragon-slaying army was all frightened.

Mellie stepped forward again and released the Noble Phantasm for the second time. "Only those who are pure and flawless can pass through - [Garden-of-Avalon]!"

boom! !

Flowers were blooming all over the ground, and under the dull and unbelievable gazes of everyone, the world of 'Avalon' that they thought had been destroyed reappeared in this space.

"——This is an uninhabited land, an island at the end of a permanent forbidden land. In mythology, it is a small world called the Land of Everspring. It is an ideal land that intelligent beasts cannot achieve what they wish for. It is an ideal land that cannot be reached. It’s called Avalon. The Inner Sea of ​​Stars—the place where the planet places its soul.” Mellie’s voice as clear as a silver bell spread throughout the world of Avalon.

This time there was a different kind of momentum in her voice, and that strong confidence infected everyone, and they couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"The time for the decisive battle has arrived! King of Heroes! Challenge the unknown king! I will help you complete this hero's trial on the basis of my name as the Magician of Flowers!"

Everyone looked at everything in front of them in shock, and then their blood boiled with the unprecedentedly powerful sense of calmness in Mei Li's words.

‘Can it successful? ’

‘It’s impossible! But if Mellie helps the King of Heroes... maybe——'

Everyone couldn't help but have a trace of delusion in their hearts.

Even though they knew that the Nameless King was invincible, their strong desire for survival made them unable to help but place their faith in the King of Heroes and Mellie.

boom! !

Holding the sun spear high, the unknown king did not choose to throw it this time, but directly smashed open the space with one shot.

A huge black gap appeared in the sky.

"Roar~!" The Storm King roared, leading the king into this world that was extremely repulsive to him.

"Come in... come in!"

"Coming in again!!! Ah!"

"Ah! It's over! Sure enough - it's still useless!" Looking at the tall figure of the nameless principal who came into view, the area of ​​​​the psychological shadow of everyone instantly expanded several times, and their hearts were filled with incomparable despair!

Chapter 296: Meili: What kind of melee mage? I don’t know that kind of person!

Even if I watch it a few times, this ideal land far away from the world is still so shocking.

However, the unknown king's home visit made the thousands of dragon-slaying troops really feel as restless as primary school students, completely losing their interest in admiring this beautiful scenery.

At this moment, the King of Heroes also clenched the sword in his hand.

When he saw Avalon for the first time, he didn't even have time to distract himself and take a closer look at the beautiful scenery around him.

All his attention was on the Nameless King.

There was a lot of sweat on the palms of the King of Heroes. This was something that would never happen to him who had already exceeded the limits of his human body.

But whether it was the bad physical condition (injury) or the huge psychological pressure, he almost couldn't breathe.

The strongest enemy ever before is right in front of us——

The Nameless King suddenly lowered his head and met the Hero King's raised gaze, and the two looked at each other in mid-air.

This is the moment when their eyes meet! The King of Heroes' breath paused.

... Those eyes were like a giant dragon, or even more terrifying and cold than the dragon. They were eyes that wanted to extinguish the fighting spirit in the King of Heroes and make him waver.

——What kind of eyes are these...

It seems that it contains the rules of the movement of celestial bodies in the universe, and it also seems that the powerful laws of battle are vividly embodied in the eyes.

War-loving, aloof and cold...the emotions seen in those eyes were so complicated.

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, the more intelligent a person is, the more distinctive and attractive the light contained in his eyes will be.

So possessing the ultimate knowledge of a world, those eyes are a black hole so deep that one cannot help but fall into it——

Or is it like a beast's casual glance that makes kings and gods feel afraid and regard it as a monster among monsters?

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