To people's slight surprise, the crow monster was surprisingly powerful...

But Ichijo, who was hiding in the dark and witnessed all this, did not choose to intervene in the battle between the two sides.

After he retreated and waited for his companions to arrive, several people stood guard at the door, waiting for Ms. Yuda's newly developed fragmentation bomb.

At this time, the fifth generation in the hospital finally woke up...

He felt the endless power in his body, and immediately understood that the doctor had given him another electric shock enhancement.

This made him smile less and less since the weirdo appeared.

I felt excited for a long time, and suddenly felt confident...

And tell your companions that you can use the golden power at will after you feel it!

This is indeed exciting news.

People also became energetic when they saw this.


After learning that the police had discovered the weirdo and were fighting,

Without caring about his cultivation, Wu Dai immediately got up and left the hospital, riding his motorcycle to the battlefield again.

The enhanced fifth generation...

Can you defeat the general this time?

And the fifth generation, who had vaguely touched the edge of the black ultimate form before,

Can you successfully transform into the ultimate form this time?

Thinking like this, people are looking forward to it.

Chapter 63: Just like Team Kurt’s Sky Monkey, it’s always unreasonable human black technology!

Just when Godai was delighted with his new power.

in the store,

Fifth generation's father, sister and others were chatting over a photo of a snow-capped mountain on the wall.

That's dad from five generations past, still traveling the world,

A beautiful scene captured accidentally while taking photos.

Beautiful snow-capped mountains——

And almost like a family inheritance,

I want everyone to smile every day of their lives,

Those beautiful thoughts made everyone feel much more peaceful.


Snowy mountains~!

A scene that was almost forgotten by people passed by in a flash.

Many people who have seen the battle scenes of Ultimate Kuuga in real life,

I vaguely remember——

When the ultimate Kuuga appears,

Everyone seems to have experienced a desolate illusion,

A battle on top of the snow-capped mountains.

Shaking their heads, everyone came back to their senses and continued to look behind them.

Illusion or something,

That kind of thing is too illusory.

Compared to that,

People are more interested in knowing the next battle with the General, or even Zero.

Can Sora continue to win?

The screen flashed——

The nerve-breaking bomb arrived one step ahead of the fifth generation’s support~!


The police officers guarding outside could not sit still.

According to the style of Ichijo and others, even without the support of Godai,

They will fight with all their might to protect this beautiful thing.

They won't leave Souga alone to carry everything.

With determination to die,

After the group of people looked at each other, they all nodded, then assembled the new ammunition and prepared to enter the central sports ground again.

And on the other side——

The warring generals and crow monsters,

This time the general found the opportunity, and when the crow monster pounced, he suddenly stretched out his hand and tore his wings.

"Hmm~!" After the crow weirdo landed, he didn't get angry or scream, he just nodded slowly,

The bird's face, neither sad nor happy, seems to be a recognition of the general's strength.

But he still looks confident and calm.

The next moment,

But it turned around and flew towards the outside world,

As soon as Ichijo and the others arrived at the door, they felt a strong wind blowing them down.

The crow monster went straight out of the stadium.

Ichijo and others immediately prepared to split into two groups. One group went to chase the crow monster, and the other group continued to deal with the general.

And inside the sports field...

The Rose Girl also appears again,

Looking at the general who did not immediately pursue him, but just stayed where he was,

Rose Girl: "I smell the scent of Linduo warriors."

The screen turned,

People see the outside world,

After checking the bullets in his firearm, Ichijo

He rushed into the sports field.

After entering the seating hall of the sports ground, Ichijo held a gun in both hands and was alert everywhere.

But the general suddenly appeared from behind him and waved his hand gently.

One of them flew out.

The other party didn't take Ichijo seriously.

Even ordinary weirdos would be crushed against physically weak humans.

A small bump can kill a whole bunch of humans.

Even Kuuga was defeated at his hands, and the general had a mentality like a cat playing with a mouse.

Watching Ichijo rolling down the stairs of the auditorium, he didn't take it to heart at all.

This also led to the situation when an arm covering an almost broken arm raised a gun to shoot.

He had no intention of evading.


Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang~! !

All the black technology bullets suddenly hit the general's body.

The next moment,

An unexpected scene appeared.

The general didn't react at all even to Souga's nuclear blast kick.

Suddenly sparks flew across his body,

Then he struggled for a few times, then fell to the ground, motionless.

Until the moment when the general fell to the ground and fainted, people still didn't react.

Or unbelievable...

Everyone:! ! ! !


What, what, what, what? !

At this moment, my brain kept asking and exclamating.

This is……

What happened!

woc——~! Shocked!

The scene they were expecting of Kuuga gaining new power and personally defeating the general has not yet appeared.

As a result, the general...

Such a strong existence,

Was it taken away by mankind's black technology bullets? !


No wonder even Rose Girl admits that Ichijo and the others are Lindo’s warriors.

Rather than being like those weirdos who just appeared in the past,

They regard human beings as cattle and sheep, as weak livestock as lambs to be slaughtered.

Unexpectedly, before, the human side could only play support.

To be able to achieve this step through scientific research, even the general...? !

This is no less than, in Ultraman's world view, when seeing Team Kurt's shot of flying monkeys in the sky, Jetton,

That feeling of confusion and shock.

woc, woccccc…!

Zoffie and Kuuga will be frightened when they come, okay?

The rate of advancement of human black technology is so unreasonable!

Back to the play,

And then the Rose Girl appeared again.

Facing the general who had just been knocked down by a few shots,

She's not afraid either——

One: "No. b1!!!"

When the number of the unconfirmed life form was read out, Rose Girl just looked at Ichi and said to herself: "It seems that Linduo will become like us soon."

What's the meaning? ! !

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