The whole episode has a very dark atmosphere,

It seems like since Zero appeared,

The world is also shrouded in a layer of gray and darkness.

Could this be the ultimate darkness?

Under the overpass...

Rose Girl: "You seem to be enjoying it!"

She looked at the boy in white who slowly walked under the bridge.

Then he asked: "Aren't you going to kill kuuga?"

And with the answer from No. 0,

People finally knew why he allowed Kuuga to grow again and again.

The real reason why he never kills anyone.

At the same time, I also felt incredibly arrogant...

"I want to enjoy the fun of killing him after he becomes stronger,

In that case, it would be a return to the person he was back then. "

There are people who think that the enemy is not strong enough.

A monster that wants the enemy to become stronger before fighting!

For most people who are not combat freak types,

Such feelings are incomprehensible!

They feel a little chilly inside...

And speaking of retaliation——

Could it be that the ancient empty self, after being sealed for a long time by the sun and the moon,

Do you think all this is attributed to the current Kuuga?

This isn't a fight at all,

But it was torture!

I don’t know if it’s an illusion,

People can't help but think at this time...

Is everything he does forcing the fifth generation and Kuuga to continue to grow?

Anger can help Godai get closer to the power of ultimate darkness...

And if this is his purpose——

It seems that it will succeed.

People paused for a moment, feeling dazed in their hearts...remembering the end of the OP,

What I saw...

It seemed that in the darkness of the inner world, only a little bit of the form of the Ultimate Kuuga was left in the white mist.

And that sentence...

Tell me one thing,

You must take the initiative to master the words of the ultimate dark power!

Afterwards, Godai went to the doctor again.

From the B-ultrasound, Yamadam has been slightly cracked.

The doctor told Godai that although he could still transform...

But his strength has become much weaker, and this will also become his weakness.


Has the belt become a weak point? !

"!!!" Everyone was silent.

I can't even help but think,

If we meet No. 0 Daguaba again next time,

Even if the other party doesn't want to kill the fifth generation directly,

But as the belt continues to break, its power will probably lose even more.

In this case,

There is no hope of defeating that monster!

Regarding this…

Godai and the doctor were silent.

But there is not a little bit of resentment towards Zero in his heart.

Even if you know that some battles are difficult, you still have to do it!

The doctor mentioned that because of the Zero Killing,

This resulted in a large cemetery where the remains of 30,000 people were built together.

"Dreams and hopes,

Human lives with many possibilities,

It's very infuriating to think that they can't come back. "

The smile disappeared from the fifth generation’s face;

But in the end, I encouraged the doctor in turn, no problem.

Leave it to him! He will win, definitely, definitely~! !


Wearing a helmet in the heavy rain, Godai drove to the cemetery of those people.

When looking at countless tombstones being washed away silently and alone in the rain,

Even the flowers and dolls that had been placed in front of it not long ago were wet and lost their color.

The footsteps of the fifth generation became extremely heavy,

He seemed to be dragging his heavy anklets forward slowly,

I also recalled in my mind that there were deaths and miserable howls everywhere in the firelight and heavy rain.

However, he was hit so hard that his belt shattered.

Seeing Godai putting everything on himself,

people:! ! ! Five generations!

They are extremely worried about Wu Dai's inner state at this moment!

Chapter 67: The Rose Girl who actively seeks death, and the final battle that is coming!

Just when Godai was caught in the heavy rain,

on the other side,

Also walking around in the outside world in heavy rain,

The white-clothed boy Zero murmured at a certain moment: "It's time for a decisive battle..."

Everyone: Decisive battle? !

The screen flashed,

Godai rode his motorcycle back to his store. After standing there in the rain for a long time, he got off and entered the store.

He said goodbye to his father and others,

When the family complained about why he was still wandering around outside in such a heavy rain.

The fifth generation said that he would appear again,

And this time he is going on an adventure...

"Now?!" Godai's father and others said in shock.

Although their whole family has adventurous genes.


Such bad weather.

What kind of adventure is going on at this time?

What shocked them even more was that Godai did not hide his identity this time, but directly told everyone the truth that he was Kuuga.

"This time... we will definitely defeat No. 0."

Godai gave such a guarantee a thumbs up.

But Dad and others were already stunned...

Even though many people have already made some vague guesses,

But I actually heard the moment when Godai revealed his identity as Kuuga.

In the end, regardless of the obstruction of those around him, Wu Dai left resolutely——

"What's going on, size zero--!" The girl Nana chased Godai but was unable to do so, and finally looked back at Godai's father and asked anxiously.

"I said I must... this time..." Godai's father still kept the gesture of subconsciously giving a thumbs up in response to Godai.

At this time, he muttered somewhat absently.

"Is he..." Dad finally came to his senses.

And on the other side,

Ichiko followed all the way and found the hiding place of the Rose Girl.

"Is it really you?" Rose Girl just entered the room and saw Ichijo holding a pistol to search for something. A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth and she said.

Ichijo turned around suddenly,

He immediately pointed his gun at Rose Girl vigilantly.

And asked Rose Girl what the ultimate dark purpose is.

He picked up a drawing that he found in the room and was filled with ancient writings, and asked Rose Girl——

“Is it related to what’s written above?!

...Answer me. "

Rose Girl was not afraid, and still said calmly: "Linduo will become like us."

This sentence was also heard when the general was knocked down last time.

And after hearing it again...

Especially if it is related to the ultimate darkness,

Some suspicions in people's hearts pop out more and more uncontrollably.

Could it be that human beings will be swallowed up by the so-called ultimate darkness?

Do they all end up being weirdos? !

"We are different from you!!" Ichijou suddenly raised his voice and shouted angrily.

His fierce and sharp eyes, like those of a lion, stared at Rose Girl.

"Existences like you...!" Just when Ichijou wanted to say something else,

Rose Girl suddenly interrupted: "Then you...should be a Lindo warrior hunting Linduo."

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