For people in this world, it is really hard to imagine what the so-called era of human rule would look like without the rule of gods.

And on the other side——

The routine tested the rock king emperor of Boyan,

In the amber pupils, it seems that nothing can affect the mood, and in the rock-like Qi,

There were ripples all over.

It turned out to be just a slight temptation, but unexpectedly the other party frankly admitted his identity as a visitor from another world.

Could it be him?

The mysterious outsider who punished the keeper of heavenly principles.

And what the emperor didn't expect was,

You will hear statements like this in the era of human rule.

For those who already have thoughts of retirement,

Prince Yan, who began to think about Liyue's way out, compared to Yan's identity and origin,

The era described in Yan Yu's words attracted him even more now.

"Since the Age of Gods faded away, the gods who have lived in seclusion in the world have gradually stopped caring about the affairs of the living beings on earth.

The gods have completely withdrawn from the world stage...

Hiding behind the scenes,

Since then, all countries on earth have completely entered the era of human rule. "

"Among them, there were many divisions of royal power in the ancient land of my homeland."

"Since the emperor of Zhou Dynasty was weak,

As vassal states, the vassal states gradually became stronger and stronger.

Later, he went through the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period.

Countries competed for hegemony and started a century-long war. "

Chapter 6: 1.4 billion people? Everyone is frightened. There are even a fraction more people than Liyue people?


A hundred years of war? ! !

At this time, the teahouse was completely silent, everyone was frightened by the horrifying history described by Yankou.

Completely shocked...

The Demon God War has a history of five hundred years.

The people of Liyue have enjoyed the peaceful life for too long,

Even if there are occasional frictions between the seven countries,

But there is no big war,

Not to mention that a fight would last for hundreds of years.

How many people must die!

And Yan's next words told them the answer.

"Regardless of the Spring and Autumn Period... during the Warring States Period alone, more than two million people died on the battlefield.

It was a bloody and tragic history,

Fortunately - from the fight of blood and fire,

An emperor ended this century-long chaos and unified the Central Plains.

Established a dynasty, and then completely ushered in the era of human rule.

It laid the foundation for the unified dynasty of later generations.

To this day, there are more than 7 billion people in the world, and my country alone has more than 1.4 billion people.

It occupies nearly one-fifth of the world. "

"Death... more than two million people died?!"

"Now it has grown to 7 billion?!!"

Oh my god~!

It's like a big earthquake happened...

Countless people in the teahouse were shocked to the point where their minds went blank, and they were stunned...

How many people are there in the whole of Liyue?

Two million people died during the Warring States Period, which is an astronomical figure.

If so many people died in Liyue,

It has almost become a wasteland, a lifeless ruin.

And the more than seven billion people behind,

Even Prince Yan, who could remain calm despite the collapse of Mount Tai, was a little shaken in his heart...

The combined population of the seven countries is less than a fraction of that.

Even the one with a population of 1.4 billion,

Even a fraction of the population of this otherworldly traveler’s home town can’t compare.

Since the Demon God War,

Among the seven countries, Liyue is almost the most developed country under the leadership of Emperor Yan.

It can be as strong as Liyue,

Before comparing the shocking data of 1.4 billion,

We dare not proudly claim that our country is developing soundly and prosperously.

‘A world without gods,

But a big country with a population of 1.4 billion...

Can people really govern such a country? ’

Let alone the people in the teahouse at this time,

Even Morax, as a god, could not help but remain silent and had mixed emotions.

Don’t call it a human being…

Even if the gods face this huge number,

It’s also difficult, no…it’s simply impossible to properly handle and manage such a large population.

Just eating, drinking and eating for a population of 1.4 billion,

It’s a huge expense…

So big that Morax, the publisher and founder of Mora, was going numb...

Even if he keeps making mola day and night,

It is also difficult to meet the monetary needs of so many people.

Not to mention, even if the number of molas increases, it does not mean that the corresponding value will increase.

With limited resources,

Inflation and currency devaluation are almost inevitable.

Even if the economy of the seven countries is used to support it,

"1.4 billion people...?" Zhongli reached out and touched his chin, and he really started to think seriously about how to feed such a huge country.

Manpower is exhausted,

But the divine power is endless~!

What humans cannot do, the power of gods can easily accomplish.

This is a statement made out of respect for gods and because the facts are there.

But at this moment, Emperor Yan, who is as powerful as the God of War and can sweep away all directions, and as wealthy as the God of Wealth, also feels powerless...

The power of the gods will eventually be exhausted~!

He also encountered things he couldn't do...

I didn't have it in the past, just because I haven't encountered it yet.

And when reality is before our eyes...

Prince Yan also had to admit defeat.

At the same time, I am increasingly looking forward to the era of human rule described by Homura...

The way he looked at Yan changed.

At the same time, I also had a clear understanding in my heart...

An idea is strengthened. (Retirement, ahem, cross it out, is to be a good person)

“A great deed that even the gods cannot accomplish,

But it was realized by human hands... it's admirable and admirable. "Zhongli praised.

He didn't suspect that Homura was telling lies.

As an old antique who has survived for so many years, he still has the ability to see through people's hearts and distinguish lies...


This is also the case when Yan doesn't deliberately want to hide anything.

Once you understand this level of life, it is already very simple to control your emotions.

"I'm the guest of honor at the Rebirth Hall, Zhongli. This friend, I don't know his surname..." This time Zhongli took the initiative to make friends.

Although his expression remains unchanged, in the eyes of others, he still has the same elegant and calm look as a rock that has not changed for thousands of years.

But the emphasis and concern in words and attitudes are completely different.

"Just call me Yan. What's wrong with Mr. Zhongli?"

"I am quite curious about the story of the emperor who ruled the troubled times described by Mr.

Could you please explain me sir...

In exchange, where would you like to visit next, sir? If you want to visit Liyue’s scenic spots, I have some good reference plans.

If you have other requirements, you can discuss them. "

Due to Yan's self-proclaimed status as a traveler, Zhongli can be regarded as following his fancy...

If that doesn't work, it doesn't hurt to trade with other chips.

He wanted to understand the person in Yan's mouth,

The story of the emperor who is said to have laid the foundation for the unification of successive dynasties.

This may become some important reference materials for Liyue to move towards the era of human rule in the future.

At the last ceremony to invite immortals,

In the ceremony presided over by Keqing, the star of Yuheng among the seven stars,

The bold Yu Hengxing questioned the emperor's doting, questioned the people's laziness, and questioned the way Liyue society operates.

Things related to human destiny should be done by humans.

And humans can certainly do better.

So I came up with that sentence that sounded treasonous to others——

"The emperor has protected Liyue for a thousand years, but will it be the same in the next thousand years, ten thousand years, or one hundred thousand years?"

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