A vague figure with an unclear face sits at the top.

Looking at the world with cold eyes,

Kingliness and tyranny coexist. The emperor wears armor that has been deepened during the war. His mysterious face cannot be seen clearly.

Only one pair of eyes, sharp and sharp,

Exuding a threat that makes people dare not look directly at it,

A person's willpower, aura, and gaze will really affect reality.

These illusory things may not be materialized.

Among them, the level of status will also aggravate people's inner self-hypnosis psychology.


This was the first time people saw the emperor.

It's obviously the first time,

When he looked up and saw that person, no one dared to look at him, as if he was in a state of panic and awe as if he were asking an immortal to face the arrival of an emperor.

And with Yan's description, people also knew at this time,

That is the King of Qin——

He is also the real protagonist of this story.

The king of Qin?

Is he the king who destroyed the other six countries in the future, achieved great unification, and was called the 'Eternal Emperor'?

No wonder there is such majesty,

Everyone was secretly shocked~! !

At this moment,

On the high platform, the king spoke,

He said coldly: "Those Zhao people, really don't move?"

The audience responded: "Zhao Guo's calligraphy is extraordinary."

King Qin: "What's so difficult about writing the word 'sword' you asked for?"

This sudden question seems abrupt.

In fact, it has something to do with the identity of the people in the audience.

At the end of the Warring States Period, seven heroes rose together and war raged. The Qin State was the most powerful, dominating one side and eager to annex the six countries and unify the world.

Therefore, in order to stop the King of Qin at this moment, the six countries sneaked into the State of Qin and the King of Qin with the intention of assassinating him.

Under the stage was the assassin who was captured and escorted.

For King Qin,

This is just one of many assassins. He has long been used to it.

But no matter how many troops the Six Nations sent, they could not even try to stop him.

But for the assassin who had practiced swordsmanship for many years and used this sword to kill him,

Even assassins still have feelings for family and country.

This shows how difficult it is to truly destroy a country.

And after knowing the cause and effect...

This time, even the ordinary guests in the teahouse felt a little numb.

They began to think about how many obstacles there were in Qin's path to destroying the six kingdoms.

Even if we really dominate the world,

Is the world really stable?

People gradually discovered the crux of the problem...

It is easy to destroy a country, but it is even more difficult to destroy the country's cultural heritage and spirit.

As long as these people of the Six Kingdoms do not mentally recognize themselves as Qin people,

Gathering together, they always strive for restoration...


On the other side, the assassin, who had long disregarded his life and death, was not afraid and just responded to King Qin calmly.

"There are usually nineteen ways to write the word 'sword'."

And what he wanted was the twentieth change in addition to the nineteen changes.

That was the sword that defeated King Qin, the tyrant who tried to destroy the six kingdoms.

In the eyes of the Six Nations, isn't this cold-blooded, cruel king who wants to destroy their country a tyrant?

Naturally, it won't make a good impression.

The King of Qin was not annoyed, he just said quietly: "One word can be written in nineteen ways.

They don’t recognize each other! Extremely inconvenient! "

Those sonorous, powerful and resounding speeches, wrapped in will, are unquestionable and too strong...

People can't help but bow their heads subconsciously, and want to comply and be convinced from the bottom of their hearts.

And nineteen ways to write it? !

There are indeed many! ?

People were amazed in their hearts.

They knew that this continent would be unified in the future.

If we consider it as a country,

Nineteen ways of writing, then at least represent nineteen kinds of writing and languages.

There are nineteen different languages ​​in one country.

This is extremely inconvenient just for written communication!

Zhao's popularity festival is indeed worthy of praise;

But in the long run,

Their actions seemed to have laid a huge bomb for the future.


People heard the King of Qin continue to speak: "After I have destroyed the six kingdoms, I will destroy the other kingdoms.

All these miscellaneous words must be abolished! Wouldn’t it be nice to only have one kind left? "

What a domineering and overbearing speech~!


After hearing those words, everyone in Liyue felt their blood boiling.

Yan has said before that his homeland is very similar to Liyue.

Liyue people have a lot of sense of belonging.

However, in terms of the development of the current world, it is still the era of the Seven Kingdoms.

It is also like the seven earthly rulers of the Teyvat continent.

If they want to choose one of the Seven Kingdoms to bring them to Liyue~!

Although the character of the Zhao State just now was good, it was the character of a subjugated country.

Can't this bring in the strongest one? !

Among the seven kingdoms, Qin is the strongest.

In the future, we can even destroy the six countries.

Naturally, they couldn't help but bring it to Liyue.

And what if the King of Qin on the stage and the corresponding King of Rock were brought in~! !

grass--! !

This isn't exciting anymore.

Speaking of which, it’s not that Liyue people aren’t interested in outside stories.

But you also need to be able to understand the texts of other countries.

If the emperor can one day lead them to defeat the other six countries, and then unify the writing system of the entire Tiwat continent.

Hiss~! That sense of picture, that sense of pride, shouldn't be too strong.

And let's not say——

The people of Liyue have never doubted the strength of the Emperor.

Isn't the strongest martial god of the Seven Kingdoms just a false reputation?

Their Lord Yan is the strongest~!

If there is a chance, I really want to die for Lord Yan!

As we all know, the only lesson humans have learned from history is that humans cannot learn any lessons from history.

Look, before, I was still lamenting the wars in the Seven Kingdoms, when will the revenge end?

The peaceful and prosperous times are hard to come by.

How could anyone want to take the initiative to start a war? It's really too crazy.

But when they thought about fighting side by side with Lord Yan and expanding the territory for Liyue, they couldn't help but get excited again.

Isn't the romance of men to achieve fame on the battlefield!

In addition, everyone is a fanatical fan of the Emperor. If there is a chance, dying for the Emperor is a gift that the people of Liyue would be happy to accept and ecstatic!

Even Liu Su, the tea doctor who was initially unhappy and somewhat hostile to Qiyan after his job was taken away, was already very excited.

With a gleam in his eyes, he spoke eloquently: "Too domineering~!! Wonderful, wonderful!!

What a confident statement.

If the Emperor were a mortal and born in that world, it would be the same!

There are 19 ways to write a word, and then they are all unified!!

This requires taking risks in the world,

and what kind of courage~!

Hmm...I seem to see that a thousand years ago, the Emperor led our Liyue ancestors to pacify the troubled times in the same way."

Just imagine that all of Teyvat uses Liyue characters to communicate and write, what a sense of accomplishment that would be?

Chapter 11 Wind! Strong wind!! How could the six kingdoms not perish under such iron cavalry?!

"This King Qin is really a wonderful man..."

"Deleting the redundant words means destroying their culture from the root...

This is to be an enemy of the whole world, and will affect the interests of many people.

Except for Qin, everyone will unite to resist.

It takes so much courage to say such words..."

"I really hope that one day, I can see the day when the seven kingdoms of Teyvat continent unify their writing. If the emperor needs us,

I, Dr. Tea Liu Su, will definitely lead the way." Dr. Tea spoke freely and expressed his thoughts excitedly.

Little did he know——

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