Ying Zheng did not want to see the Chu family dominate.

He will naturally find a way to balance and even solve the Chu faction's forces.

But before I could borrow a knife to kill someone,

Even Lu Buwei had a well-known and justifiable excuse to kill him.

None of this applies to Queen Mother Huayang and others.

After overthrowing two major forces in succession, the Chu forces must be vigilant...

And it is very difficult to eat this last power in one bite.


Ying Zheng had already given birth to take Zhao Ji back.

The idea of ​​balancing the forces below.

Let Zhao Ji fight with the Queen Mother Huayang and others.

He only needs to help one side a little when they are weak.

We can always balance the forces of both parties, so that one party will not be too powerful to devour the other party and fully develop.

It also allows them to continuously consume each other's strength,

Let them have no time to interfere in their own affairs. There is nothing more powerful than this!

And in addition, Zhao Ji is Yingzheng’s biological mother,

After all, they are blood relatives.

After such a long time, the anger should have subsided. There is a step down, just in time to bring Zhao Ji back.

There are even many people who have become somewhat disenchanted.

I thought with some fear,

Could this have been arranged by King Qin Yingzheng again?

They were laughing at the Qi man for being stupid before!


Maybe the other party is not stupid, but has already been ordered by the King of Qin, so he remonstrated?

Maybe it was because he knew King Qin’s true thoughts,

Only one person dares to be so bold and openly rebuke the King of Qin.

That’s it, that’s it! ! Oh oh oh! Immediately, countless people who followed the trend believed this explanation (guess).

The more I think about it, the more I feel that Ying Zheng is unfathomable... I feel a sense of awe in my heart!

At the same time, I couldn’t help but sigh, we are also human,

Why can the gap between people be so big?

Compared with Ying Zheng, many people for a while just felt that they were born and came to the human world just to make a fortune.

Back to the topic——

‘After taking Zhao Ji back,

King Qin Yingzheng also treated Lao Ai's retainers in exile in Sichuan with leniency.

As a retainer of Lao Ai,

It turned out to be the power of Zhongzhong Lao Ai and the Empress Dowager.

This move also restored the power of the Queen Mother to a certain extent.

But it is far from regaining the momentum it had when Lao Ai was still there.

He could no longer pose a threat to King Qin.

And after the Lao Ai Rebellion,

The Chu faction's forces have also been depleted, and with Zhao Ji's return,

Under mutual checks and balances, the King of Qin finally took control, took back all authority, and re-concentrated power in the hands of the King of Qin.

At this point, Ying Zheng completely took over the huge country of Qin.

The next step of his plan began, which was also the most exciting episode in his life...

Destroy the war of six kingdoms! ’

Coming...! !

Everyone’s hearts skipped a beat!

When I heard the word "annihilation of the Six Kingdoms\

,"A wave of impulse and passion swept through their bodies.

Chapter 54: Profit lies in the future - achievements comparable to those of Dujiangyan, during the period of young Yingzheng?

I forgot how long I had to wait...! Is it finally here?

…They were initially attracted by the story of King Qin,

Isn’t it just that in the PV, the King of Qin Yingzheng domineeringly wiped out the six kingdoms?

I was impressed by the domineering power of the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Seven Hegemons of the Warring States Period when he finally unified the world and became the First Emperor.

Those wonderful scenes firmly locked the hearts and eyes!

To find out—!

They all willingly paid the price and tried this magical magic crystal.

After all, although the magic crystal is magical,

But in Liyue, which is not used to using this thing yet,

In addition to reading, Liyue people have not yet studied other functions clearly.

Even if the magic crystal is very cheap,

Not many people have the urge to buy.

Liyue people are wealthy and have spare money...

People with more ancient traditions are generally not very receptive to new things.

And listening to books...

But it has always been Liyue’s most popular ancient tradition! For The Story of King Qin, the price is no different than going to a teahouse several times to listen to the book.

People can still afford it...

Now, finally, it’s time for the part they were most looking forward to! !

And it was at this time,

In an immersive experience,

The screen turned,

The scene of the day when Ying Zheng was crowned appeared again.

Under the gaze of countless people, King Qin walked up the steps, amidst countless voices shouting "Your Majesty" in unison.

Ying Zheng slowly turned around, revealing an extremely sharp and invincible gaze.

At that moment, people's breath shortened, and they were afraid to look directly at that domineering and sharp face.

If you ask people to describe how they felt when they saw King Qin Yingzheng at this time!

The kind of 'big king' who has a surging heart and is surrounded by countless shouts from the mountains.

The tall figure bathing in the light in front of the palace in the sun seems to be truly destined!

What gave people a kind of trance and strong impulse——

How should we describe Ying Zheng at this moment?

Finally, my eyes rested on that coveted and impressive face,

‘He was born with a face that could defeat the rest of the world! ’

When this thought arises involuntarily,

There was a slight throbbing in my heart!

The next moment,

A line of font flashed before people's eyes, and a narration was heard at the same time——

"Li Bai, a poet in later generations, has a line in his poems to describe the great deeds that King Qin will do next...


[The king of Qin swept Liuhe, how majestic the tiger looked.

Swing your sword to cut through the floating clouds, and all the princes will come to the west! 】’

...an extremely domineering poem,

As long as there is a passionate man in his heart, there is no one who will not be impressed by these gorgeous words.

Shouldn't it be said that he is worthy of being called a poet from another world?

Although this is not the first time I have seen this poem in a message about King Qin,

But every time I watch it, people get excited.

‘Speaking of the general trend of the world, if we divide for a long time, we will unite, and if we unite for a long time, we will divide.

When King Qin Yingzheng had unified the forces within the Qin State,

He finally had the energy to extend his ambitions to other more distant and vast lands.

That is the world!

In the past, the common ruler of this world was the Zhou Dynasty.

But in today's era, the Zhou Dynasty has long existed in name only.

The seven vassal states below it are the actual rulers.

There are constant wars and frictions among the seven countries.

As a result, the people live in water and fire every day, and they are in urgent need of a human king who can change the phenomenon of this century-old war.

249 BC,

Qin destroyed the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and completely ended a dynasty that lasted for more than 800 years.

But now the world is even more chaotic...

The kings of the major vassal states all want to be the one to unify the world, end this troubled world, and achieve true unification of the world.

To achieve this goal,

Peace alone cannot be achieved.

But if you want to pursue peace in the world and peace in the world, you have to learn to fight!

Those who want to end war must know how to conduct war!

Because only war can achieve unification. ’

People were a little silent when they saw this...

How contradictory and ironic,

Obviously we want a world without war, but such a world must be realized through war.

At this time, people couldn't help but think of Ying Zheng's figure.

They knew that Ying Zheng was just like this,

The one who can make all these great wishes come true.

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