Is the love song beautiful? very beautiful.

Is it powerful? Very powerful.

Are you gentle and obedient to your partner? As docile as a kitten.

But she can't help but like to keep some strange pets.

A certain 666 beast calls Ai Ge "Mom".

Things don't always go smoothly.

Thinking of analyzing the root cause of the disaster in one go, he would leave without paying attention to the affairs of the Moon World.

Who would have thought...

Shatiao Aige, who has not opened the channel to the root for more than ten years since his birth, will suddenly step into the disaster of the root.


At this moment, Yan felt the boundless, infinite, and boundless power in his body, as if he was still living in a dream.

Infinite view of the universe - Gaitian, Huntian and Xuanye said that there seems to be an omniscient and omnipotent universe in his body now.

In the internal structure of the simulated star creation chart, a source of disaster named 'omniscience, omnipotence, cause of everything' was formed separately and existed aside.

In the end, Yan completed the collection of ultimate knowledge. Even after the collection was completed, the simulated innovation star map began to awaken in the true sense.

His consciousness was forcibly pulled back to his body, and he didn't even have time to say hello to the Root Princess. He could only take a final glimpse...

See a half-grown loli with a shy look on her face? Although Yan didn't know what the root princess would think after she left.

I'm afraid something terrible will happen in her world.

But Homura no longer has time to care about the affairs of other worlds...

When he returned to the mirror space, he also officially started the construction phase of [Reason].

The ultimate knowledge contained in the root disaster of the entire moon world, which is equivalent to the concept of true omniscience and omnipotence in the moon world, appeared in Homura's consciousness for the first time.

But before he could choose to deeply understand that truth and use it to sublimate himself.

The power of [Simulated Star Creation Diagram] swallowed up that truth directly.


He read it right. It really felt like he had been swallowed. He might even be a little full. If it was a simulated star creation diagram, it would also have an ideology——

Homura even wondered if it would burp.

The kind of power that is about to exceed the limit and is on the verge of endurance comes and goes quickly.

Perhaps it is because the [Simulated Star Creation Diagram] ate the [Principle] that Yan originally understood. According to the setting of this world, once Yan starts to understand and choose any [Principle], that power will completely become his. Essential power, origin.

The world itself cannot understand the concept of [Simulated Star Creation Diagram], let alone why the principle of [omniscience and omnipotence] that Homura was just born suddenly 'disappeared'.

Because there is no independent consciousness in this world, and there is no concept similar to the source of disaster——

It simply couldn't figure out what happened to Homura.

Even if there is no independent consciousness, the world will tend towards the instinct of evolution. I originally felt the concept of "omniscience, omnipotence, and the cause of everything" that Homura was born. Even if Homura completely understood it, he became the human form of the new world [the root of everything]. Disaster] Maybe.

This is extremely beneficial to the world and to Homura.

It was originally a win-win situation, and World Instinct unconsciously helped Homura, preparing to integrate this concept.

It is very dangerous to comprehend and integrate principles from different worlds. The more powerful principles you comprehend, the easier it is to be assimilated...

If you cannot understand the essence of that concept, your brain will be burned out and you will eventually become completely crazy.


With the unconscious instinct to be close to the whole world and eager for help from evolution, Homura's path to realizing omniscience and omnipotence is close at hand, maybe it won't be long...

He will become the only true god in another world and completely establish his own god system with himself as the center of the group of gods.


All this changed after the [Simulated Star Creation Diagram] swallowed up that concept.



Flame: Where’s my fucking big group of [Li]? Bah, no, no... Concepts have no form. So how on earth could such a formless thing be eaten?

Chapter 306 The end of one story is the beginning of another!

Since we can't find it, let's replace the original concept with the "right person" who caused the whole thing.

It can only be sensed that the [Simulated Star Creation Diagram] did something to the concept of omniscience and omnipotence, causing its disappearance in the [World].

Because there is no independent consciousness...even the concept of "eating" and such thinking will not be born.

In the end, the world chose to judge the [Simulated Star Creation Diagram] as the [Principle] of flames.

No matter what it is, if the concept disappears when it comes into contact with this thing, then it is a new principle.

When the world rules face a vulnerability that cannot be repaired, it usually fixes the vulnerability forcibly.

And Yan has become the hero with the strangest understanding of principles in the world? Or a magician?

Now he doesn't know what he is.

But universal life at the ladder position and life level is unmistakable.


When the second awakening of [Simulated Star Chart] becomes "reason", what is the next path?

So what is the rationale for the formation of his [Simulated Star Creation Diagram]! ?

The flames grew bigger instantly.

My own [Simulated Star Creation Chart] already has the ability to analyze mysteries and explore the unknown. This comes with it and cannot be regarded as the power of [reason].

If this was the principle of [Simulated Star Creation Diagram], then he would have mastered it long ago.

After swallowing the concept of omniscience and omnipotence, there is nothing... nothing can be worse than this!

Until Yan discovered the [World] in the [Simulated Star Creation Map].


——The source of disaster like a whirlpool, which is the prototype of a new type of universe.

Under Yan's careful perception, he was confused. He discovered that the vortex was actually the concept of omniscience and omnipotence that had just been swallowed up by the [Simulated Star Creation Diagram].

The power of omniscience and omnipotence has not disappeared, but has been accommodated in this infinite universe in another form.

The concept created after thoroughly analyzing the root disaster of the entire Xingyue world has only turned into an inner universe in the infinite cosmology.


Only then did Yan realize how terrifying the true power of his [Simulated Star Diagram] was.

Reproduce the ultimate knowledge and formed concepts of a world into the form of [Source of Disaster], and build a small universe? ! !

Damn it! Homura was stunned.

What's Avesta, what's Xu Xing. Tai Sui, other simulated creation star diagrams are simply weaker than this!

Although it is also the power that Yan calls the simulated star creation diagram, that is only a description that Yan can understand and recognize.

In essence, this power should probably be something more terrifying and profound.

It's just that Yan can't explain its essence at all——

"The power of omniscience and omnipotence can still be used. Is it just realized in a different way?"

After discovering this, Homura breathed a sigh of relief.

This is equivalent to the fact that after mastering the simulated star creation diagram, he also mastered the power of the concept of [omniscience and omnipotence]!

This is definitely not an exception! ——Yan Qiang suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Since a universe and principle can be formed that represent the root cause of disaster.

So does this mean that he can still have a second and third worldview?

Then comprehend the second and third principles, and use them to the same terrifying level as your own principles! ?

A concept is a universe…

This made Homura think of the simulated creation star chart "Avatāra"

It means "incarnation (reincarnation)", which contains ten different universes. It is a power that transcends the existing laws of the universe and is called "the ultimate omniscience and omnipotence". ——That represents "wisdom that humans cannot reach, arm strength that humans cannot reach, and starlight that humans cannot reach."

Conceptually, his universe is much scarier than that.

The universe that was born from the ultimate knowledge of the moon world was obtained from the source of disaster, and contains the universal laws of the entire moon world.

If only we could find a concept on the same level as Xingyue's root disaster.

The ten universes with worlds of heroic spirits, gods and Buddhas, and the "omniscience and omnipotence" of the ten ordinary worlds cannot be confused at all.

Not to mention that Homura has an infinite view of the universe——

"Is it the ultimate in omniscience and omnipotence? It represents the wisdom that humans cannot reach, the arm strength that humans cannot reach, and the starlight that humans cannot reach. Now I seem to be able to do it!"

Homura muttered.

Then I just thought about wanting to look like the unknown king, whether it was the Sun Spear, the King of Storms, or even the incarnation of the Flower Magician made of magic power.

These things that he originally thought were impossible or impossible to do in a short period of time were now accomplished with ease! Done!

Then came the arrival of the unknown king in the sound of bells, and his subsequent trial of the dragon-slaying army.

The memory ends here...

Homura thought about perfecting the cosmology, the concepts of other worlds that might be analyzed.

There are very few that can compete with the level of the source of disaster.

Most of the world observed by the "armillary sphere" in recent times is just an ordinary, daily world.

If we could observe the world where gods and Buddhas such as God Killers, Demon High School, and Saint Seiyas roamed the earth, it would be helpful to Homura.

Whether it is the mythical river that can give birth to the god of disobedience, the infinite dragon god Orpheus who possesses infinite principles and symbolizes reincarnation, or the true red dragon god emperor who controls dreams...

Then to the Saint Seiya's small universe, the wonderful system of the seventh sense, the eighth sense, and the ninth sense that are constantly increasing.

These are quite rare specialties in those worlds.

If we could analyze the special powers and knowledge of other universes just like we analyze their roots.

In essence, apart from these unique features, the worldviews of many universes are mostly the same.

As long as Homura understands the most unique parts of those universes, he can form a new universe in the simulated star chart. This is the true infinite universe view.

"[World] - I drew a trump card!" Yan said, thinking of the cards in the Tarot that represented world nouns.

A card that symbolizes permanent, sustained success!

‘——All dreams will become reality, and nothing is impossible to obtain. ’ Maybe one day, he will be strong enough to incorporate the cosmology of all worlds into his own simulated star creation chart!


Hakoba is the center of countless parallel worlds and the stage for gods and Buddhas! There’s also the board world Disbod in Game of Life!

In Yan's view, these can all be accommodated in his own concept of [Simulated Star Creation Diagram].

"Forget it... I'm thinking too far ahead." Shaking his head, Yan finished refining the last volume of King Arthur and drew many illustrations.

He should finish the current work first.

As the final work of a series, Yan hopes that "The Story of King Arthur" can draw a perfect curtain for it...

And the end of King Arthur will eventually become the beginning of another story.

Chapter 307 Loli: Is there any way to get Jin Ke La without any effort?

"It's so boring..." The little vampire Loli Tina said weakly in the capital.

It was sunny outside.

For a vampire who is a noble of the dark night, even if the True Ancestor is no longer afraid of the sun, the feeling of basking in the sun is not very comfortable for her.

I really want to soak in the bookstore and read books for a day.

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