This kind of barbaric existence is indeed quite dangerous to the Central Plains.

If they were allowed to enter the Central Plains, it would be another disaster.

At this time, people also knew the important responsibility Li Mu had...

But amid the crisis of the demise of Zhao and the crisis brought by the Xiongnu to countless ordinary people in the Central Plains,

Zhao chose to protect himself...

People didn't show any abnormality.

But when they next saw such a slightly meaningful sentence, they were all stunned.

‘When Zhao State’s life and death were at stake, he recalled the generals guarding the border…

No matter what the outcome is.

It is worth mentioning that there will be a dynasty in the future that will also face a similar situation.

Even after their death, their rulers left a legacy,

But he made a completely different choice. ’

It is not stated here who it is,

However, the word "dynasty" still makes many keen people stunned and thoughtful.

That completely different choice,

Let more ordinary people be in an uproar.

Similar situation to Zhao State at this time?

Isn't it time for the dynasty to fall?

And what does that completely opposite decision mean?

Could it be that...?

People's hearts were shocked and they couldn't understand it.

--Why? They asked subconsciously, but could not find a suitable reason.

And the less I can think of the reason, the more entangled I become, and I feel confused and confused.

"What's going on?!

I don’t understand. It means that in the future, some people will face the same situation as King Zhao.

But did their king choose to give up and let the border generals and soldiers return for reinforcements? "

“That’s probably not what it means.

Isn't giving up the same as accepting one's fate and going to die? "

"The ants are still greedy for life,

How could someone be willing to accept their fate without even giving it a try? "

"Can't understand..."

Many barrages passed by,

For a moment, I just thought of a word,

It caused a lot of discussion.


"I'm's because of the Huns mentioned before." When someone mentioned such words.

The barrage suddenly disappeared, and everyone fell into silence.


Confusion flashed across people's faces.

Then I saw the follow-up to that barrage.

"Perhaps we have all underestimated the so-called Huns,

A situation that requires Li Mu, one of the four famous generals of the Warring States Period, to personally guard...

A foreign nation that is labeled as cruel and loves to plunder others.

Once they are allowed to enter the territory of the Seven Kingdoms and wreak havoc,

The most ordinary people living at the bottom may be in dire straits. "

Everyone was shocked, and then thought in disbelief, could it be...! !

National justice?

People were in a daze for a moment,

What kind of courage does a king need to have to make such a decision?

People are not afraid of differences, but afraid of comparisons...

By comparison, King Zhao suddenly seemed much more ordinary.

And on the other side,

Compared with these, some people have even begun to vaguely guess who made another choice.

Zhongli was thoughtful - 'The imperial dynasty...will it be the Qin Dynasty that will dominate the world in the future? ’

But it could also be a dynasty in the longer future...

But if it was the Qin Dynasty,

With such a courageous king, isn't the Qin King Ying Zheng in front of him the same?

He never doubted whether Ying Zheng's courage was as outstanding as his personal ability.

After all, Ying Zheng had already shown his tenacity and tenacious will as early as his youth.

But it’s useless to speculate any more now, so let’s continue to read the rest of the story.

Back to the story,

‘Li Mu rushed back to Handan, Zhao State, in time.

He took over Handan's defense army and launched a fierce battle with the Qin army near Yi'an.

This battle was very fierce.

The commander-in-chief of the Qin army is Huanjue. Although Huanjue is very powerful,

But it's still not as good as Li Mu, just one move behind.

In the end, the Qin army was defeated and almost completely wiped out. Only Huanjue himself and some of his own soldiers managed to escape.

This battle also became the famous Battle of Fat in later generations. ’

Actually reversed? ! !

People didn't expect that Li Mu could actually bring the dead back to life! !

The four famous generals of the Warring States Period were not just blown away.

And what’s even more surprising is what’s coming next.

fat war,

The Qin army was defeated, and Zhao took the opportunity to attack all the way and easily recovered the occupied city.

After this battle, Li Mu decided the outcome and changed the fate of Zhao State which was almost destroyed by Qin State.


Even Li Mu only changed the fate of being destroyed by the 'first',

Rather than completely changing the future of Zhao Guoguo being destroyed by Qin.

Seeing this shock made people feel a little better.

Hiss~! ! Guitm knew that after hearing that Li Mu not only saved the capital, he even turned around and revitalized the Zhao Kingdom.

This is no less than conquering another Zhao country!

How shocked people were at that time!

It can be said that without Li Mu, there would be no Zhao State! wow! Mars! !

Good guy, everyone calls him a good guy in his heart!

This sentence about the God of War does not refer to him as a demon, but a high degree of amazement and awe for his military capabilities!

Is this something a human can do? !

And when people saw King Zhao conferring the title of ‘Wu’an Lord’ on Li Mu...

The already restless heart suddenly...'? ? ? ’

Wait, wait a minute...

This title,

This title bestowed by the King of Zhao is worthy of being compared to Bai Qi, the Wu'an Jun of Qin, right?

Everyone was trembling with fear...

This time, people seemed to have smelled a strong smell of provocation,

and the air began to be filled with gunpowder smoke.

Shocked, this Zhao State...! Not only did it turn the tables, but it was also so stubborn?

Can Qin tolerate this?

Chapter 61 South Korea: Don't come over!

Wu'an Jun... What a "Wu'an Jun"!

Is this a comparison with Bai Qi of Qin?

However, after the subsequent introduction,

people also knew that Wu'an Jun was just a title, not unique to Bai Qi.

Even so, those who deserve such a title must be a famous general.

There are very few in the entire history of the Warring States Period, just those few people...

In addition to Bai Qi and Li Mu,

the strategist Su Qin was also awarded the title of Wu'an Jun.

It's just that fate is very subtle...

People with this title seem to be very unfortunate, and none of them have a good ending.

This is exactly what the high-risk title means...

Such an ominous description also makes people feel shocked and cold.

Is it a title that will not rise?

For the people of Liyue, they also believe in things like fate.

This immediately reminded them of the horrifying incident of Bai Qi killing 450,000 Zhao soldiers before.

Let alone the immersive experience,

Just hearing that number is horrifying and dare not imagine.

Is it because Bai Qi committed too many sins of killing when he was awarded the title, making this position too fierce, so that no one can bear the title of Wu'an Jun?

People don't know who was the first person to be called Wu'an Jun,

but this does not affect their guessing the reason.

And it is also this statement that makes them realize one thing,

Will Li Mu, who is so high-spirited now, die miserably after coming?

But when people think that the six countries will definitely be destroyed in the future, they seem to understand something...

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