How dare Li Si kill Han Fei?

All of this was only possible with Ying Zheng's tacit approval.

Did King Qin really regret it? Or is it just a show... Because he can't get it, someone needs to bear the notoriety and kill Han Fei for him to avoid raising tigers...

For a while, regarding Han Fei’s death,

There are different opinions and endless debates on the barrage...

But almost everyone regrets that Han Fei's talent and lifelong learning were not reused and disappeared on the stage of the Warring States Period.

What a pity this is.

Let Qin Wang Yingzheng and Li Si both admire Bei Zhi's talent and learning,

If given the chance, people really want to see how far he can go.


Jealous of Yingcai, he blocked Ying Zheng's footsteps.

He is like an extremely bright shooting star, his youth is gone in an instant...

But just because of him, King Qin Yingzheng slowed down the pace of destroying South Korea.

It’s enough to make people sigh, what an incredible thing this is...

And finally——

Back to the topic,

The last thing that prevented Qin from destroying South Korea also disappeared.

If Ying Zheng himself does not want to stop, then the road will never stop.

Thus, the rolling torrent that destroyed the six kingdoms rose again!

This time, South Korea's land cession and compensation could no longer satisfy Qin. By the second year,

King Yingzheng of Qin decided to attack Qin again, and this time he summoned many ministers to discuss the matter in the Xianyang Palace.

But at the last moment,

Many people hesitated...

The Warring States Period lasted for hundreds of years, with victories and defeats.

There used to be countries that were so tyrannical that they even invaded other countries' capitals.

But the Seven Kingdoms will always be the Seven Kingdoms, and this pattern has never really changed.

Under the mutual disputes, even officials and royal bloodlines of various countries have developed complicated relationships that cannot be understood.

Some people want to see Qin destroy the six kingdoms.

Naturally, some people don’t want to…

In the final analysis, the war between the seven kingdoms was basically a fight between a group of nobles and royal relatives.

It's OK to hurt, but not to kill...

Stimulated by Qin Zhen's intention to destroy South Korea, many people who had been intimidated by Ying Zheng's power,

At this time, it started jumping out and jumping around again.

Even if he is extremely frightened and afraid of death, he will still come out to stop him.

Then, people also saw an extremely classic scene——

A scene that once appeared in pv.

At the Xianyang Palace, Korean envoys came to see him and presented him with heavy gifts, just to protect Korea...from being destroyed by Qin.

Historian: "Exhibit the map!"

Historian: "Your Majesty, this is the picture of the four seas uniting into one."

Ying Zheng ignored it and just looked at the Korean envoys below who were presenting gifts: "Are you from Qin?"

Historian: "They are Koreans."

Ying Zheng: “This is it, South Korea is going to perish.

You are crying for your country. You are good people of Korea. The people of Korea are crying because your king asked them to donate a thousand horses, a hundred thousand catties of gold, and a million bundles of silk as gifts to Qin. . "

In just a few words, it was revealed how much gifts South Korea gave to please Qin.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh, Han Wangan really didn't resist at all!

Completely ruined...

It should be said whether he has vision or is too cowardly.

The fight hasn't even started yet, but it's already like this?

Then, when people saw above, Ying Zheng's tone suddenly changed, and he said: "I don't want gifts from Korean people.

These gifts should be used by Korean people themselves.

Korea is going to perish.

But you will have a bigger, much bigger country.

The visible and invisible places of Qin and the Six Kingdoms became one country.

Everyone in the world is a citizen of this country.

There is only one king in this country, a good king.

This king wanted to save the people when the six kingdoms were destroyed, and established counties everywhere for honest officials to manage.

Let the whole land be covered with millet. The people can live and work in peace and contentment, and build roads to the frontiers.

Build the Great Wall far away to block the horses of the Huns and barbarians when they invade.

Then erect the stone tablet on Mount Tai and plant the stone tree by the sea. Commemorate the unification of the world. "

He looked pitifully at the trembling and frightened Korean envoy below.

All peoples in the world are his people,

Sooner or later, in the land of these seven countries, only one country, Qin, will be left...

But such a beautiful future is not accepted by these people.

Even if what Ying Zheng is telling the truth now...

This is indeed what he intended to do.

But no one will believe it,

They will only be afraid of him because he wants to destroy the Korean people's country and their hometown.

Seeing that the Korean envoy was trembling with questions and didn't know how to answer,

At this time, there were others who couldn't sit still.

Many Qin officials stood up and said, Your Majesty... it is better not to attack Han.

South Korea sends such a generous gift,

If they still destroy Han, they may cause panic among the six countries.

If the other six countries unite, it will be troublesome.

This is to persuade Ying Zheng to give up when he sees fit...

Ying Zheng did not reply immediately.

Seeing this, the ministers who were originally a little afraid gradually became bolder and bolder, and began to let go.

Seeing that King Qin was not angry, the clowns, who thought they were in trouble, were immediately delighted and became even more elated.

It seems that I can really use this to make King Qin give up the idea of ​​destroying Qin...

In comparison,

Wouldn't Bai Nupiao be very happy to enjoy such a generous gift from South Korea without fighting?

This is much easier. It seems that the king is also tempted! !

These people thought excitedly.

Chapter 64 Brother Zheng: "The six countries must be destroyed! I said so!"

The people below were getting more and more heated,

and above, Ying Zheng said nothing,

he just waited for those people to get excited and talk like a group of monkeys, and finish what they wanted to say...

After they finished their performance, they felt good about themselves, but when they looked up and saw Ying Zheng's face without any emotional fluctuations,

the invisible power and oppression of the King of Qin made them bow their heads again.

Stared at by those eyes that overlooked the world,

these people who had the courage to advise just now suddenly felt a little afraid and backed off.


it seems that the situation is not right, it is different from what they imagined!

"... Gulp..." Someone swallowed saliva.

Gradually, people began to notice that the atmosphere was not right, and stopped talking one by one.

After an unknown amount of time, they waited for the last idiot to stop speaking.

The whole hall suddenly became quiet again.

They all looked up at the king, wanting to see what Ying Zheng was feeling at the moment, to analyze something...

But they couldn't see anything, and they became more and more flustered.

Compared to this dead silence, these people actually wanted to see Qin King Ying Zheng showing a furious look at the moment.

But he was not even angry anymore,

It always gave people a bad premonition, as if someone was going to kill someone in the next moment, and someone had to pay for the nonsense in the hall,

The storm was about to come.


Ying Zheng moved. Any slight movement on his body at this moment could trigger the reflex of everyone present.

Under the gazes of countless pairs of eyes that subconsciously gathered,

Ying Zheng slowly stood up,

"I'm done.

Come on, bring me some wine!"

Then a eunuch brought the wine.

Ying Zheng raised a glass of wine...

"This glass...

is not a toast." Ying Zheng suddenly laughed,

"——It's a penalty drink.

I want to punish myself!


Just because of that side...

Two hundred and fifty thousand soldiers, waiting for the king's order to attack the city, their eyes are bleeding!!"

The tone suddenly changed, and Ying Zheng looked at the audience with sharp eyes.

The voice exploded in the hearts of countless ministers like thunder.

His fierce eyes,

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