What even the king's first knight, Lancelot, couldn't do, this knight named Galahad did it. His personality was enough to be recognized by the Round Table!

Chapter 312 Make a wish and your wish will come true!

(The plot is accelerating——)

As time passed by, Claire and the others had already seen the part where Galahad unexpectedly sat on the empty seat of the thirteenth seat.

At this time, Galahad has experienced a series of battles and growth, and has become a well-known outstanding knight under King Arthur.

Originally drawing a red-handled sword that attracted attention, the sword was given to Galahad by the King of Knights Arthur himself.

During this time, everyone gradually learned about Galahad's pure personality and desire-free heart, and the Knights of the Round Table were very fond of him.

Even the two sun knights Gawain and Gawain, who are as serious as the iron Argonauts and full of hostility to Lancelot, cannot be hostile to him.

When everyone was surprised to see... Galahad not only sat on the thirteenth seat, but also lived in peace.

At this time, everyone finally confirmed that since the person predicted by Mellie, the Magician of Flowers, was not Lancelot or Gawain, he was actually Galahad, the descendant of Lancelot!

"The royal leopard will give birth to a mighty lion and find the Holy Grail."

...Everyone who recalled Qi Meili's prophecy suddenly understood.

——The "mighty lion" born by the royal leopard does not refer to Lancelot. (Lancelot was also originally the child of the king of another country, corresponding to the descendant of the royal leopard.)

Rather, he is a descendant of Lancelot, a member of the royal family.

The thought of finding the Thirteenth Seat raises the possibility of finding the Holy Grail.

The knights are excited!

At this time, a "mysterious woman" from the Camelot Dynasty appeared and explained the origin of the Holy Grail.

Moreover, the Holy Grail can also bring rich delicacies to the knights.

Although no one at the banquet could see or touch the Holy Grail, it was all so magical.

Immediately, a knight vowed to find the location of the Holy Grail and see its true appearance. Regardless of King Arthur's dissuasion, all the knights joined the search for the Holy Grail.

Thousands of people gathered here

"Holy Grail...?" Claire and Rhine breathed heavily, and their expressions became a little nervous.

If they remembered correctly, Mellie once said that it was after drinking the blood of the gods...

A vessel from which Jesus drank wine before his crucifixion.

Drinking the wine from the cup will rejuvenate you and lead to eternal life.

The place that the king and nobles have always been concerned about finally appeared.

Although the stories of King Arthur are very attractive, they are not as attractive to these powerful people as the words immortality.

No matter which country or culture they are in, as long as the nobles have not gotten rid of the shackles of life, old age, sickness and death on the human body, they will not stop their pursuit and desire for eternal life.

Even the former King Gilgamesh was obsessed with the wine of eternal life, not to mention the kings and nobles who were far from heroic.

The news will soon be known to these people.

But those things have nothing to do with the girls, they continue to look towards the back of the story.

The knights were divided into several groups, among which Percival, Galahad and Boss formed the Three Knights of the Holy Grail.

Together they went first to receive the sacraments of Christ from the long-dead Joseph of Arimathea. Joseph told Galahad to take a bloody spear to the "dead king"'s castle, and then use the blood on the spear to smear the "dead king"'s body and limbs.

A strange thing happened, the "dead king" actually recovered to health. Galahad also saw the manifestation of the Holy Grail as he wished.

In the process of pursuing the Holy Grail, Lancelot was also fortunate enough to witness a miracle of the Holy Grail, but he missed the Holy Grail because he fell into a coma.

The only knight who truly lifted the Holy Grail was Galahad.

The Holy Grail responded to him, and at this time, the voice of the only true God who was omnipotent, omniscient and omnipotent seemed to echo in his mind.

"You are qualified. Say your wish. And your wish will come true." No matter what wish you make, it will succeed!

——This is a miracle beyond all that even the gods can achieve!

Hiss~! That was the inhaling sound made by someone who saw this!

This time, it was not Claire and Rhine who made the sound.

Instead, he has been paying attention to a certain god in the story of King Arthur.

Even though the incarnation of a god fell into a strange autistic and self-questioning dead end due to the previous restraint setting, after learning that the eighth volume of King Arthur was released, he still honestly got a copy.

At this time, Hermitus was all disheveled, his hair was sticky with sweat, his expression was ugly and pale, and he did not look like a healthy human being at all. He was flipping through the eighth volume of King Arthur in his hand.

When he kept seeing the story of the Holy Grail responding to the knight Galahad.

This incarnation of the god of alchemy, after the inhibitory blow, Hermitus, who originally thought that there was nothing he could do to shake him anymore... took a deep breath!

The one true God who is omnipotent, and the voice that can directly grant Galahad's wishes.

At this time, the eyes of the God of Alchemy were full of horror.

The word "omniscient and omnipotent" broke into his eyes so abruptly and terrifyingly. He didn't even have time to prepare mentally.

In other words, when he plans to read Andersen's works again, he should be mentally prepared for the collapse of his three views.

The more profound you know and the more thorough you understand the world, the more random thoughts you will have.

"How can there be an omniscient and omnipotent god in this world! How is it possible!" Hermitos looked at the book in his hand and spoke. He suddenly rubbed his hair frantically, and his wide eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes.

Omniscient and omnipotent——

That means omniscient and omnipotent!

Even if it is a concept, I have never heard of such a crazy and terrifying [reason] being born.

‘No—if you think about it carefully. etc! ’

Hermitus' movements suddenly stopped.

In history, there seems to be such a powerful being who is suspected of being omnipotent.

The demon king who suppressed the abyss and all the demon pillars with one hand.

In addition, he can even accept the setting of restraint, but with the addition of an omniscient and omnipotent god, it seems that - it is not so unacceptable! ?

Surprised that he would have such an idea of ​​breaking a jar, the Alchemy God's face twitched.

However, that is the omniscient and omnipotent God!

There is no way such a powerful god would die in a battle between gods!

Even if the two major inhibitory forces control everything behind the scenes, it will never be possible to kill this kind of existence.

Since there were such terrifying gods in the past, how did the one who was the predecessor of their gods in distant time and space disappear?

Or is it that the other party is just like the flower magician Mei Li, who has been hiding in a world that cannot be observed by humans and gods, silently watching all the creatures on the earth!

Hermitos broke out in a cold sweat at the thought of this.

A chill suddenly spread throughout his body.

If the other party is still alive, isn't the god who is hiding in secret observing them just like humans looking at monkeys and gods looking at humans? Is he also looking at me and waiting for the gods?

Previously in King Arthur. Although there is a brief introduction to the functions of the Holy Grail, it only says that it can give humans eternal life and that it is a vessel that contains the blood of a powerful god.

But can anyone tell him that this god is actually "powerful" to such an appalling level? !

Chapter 313 King Solomon - Another wish-maker, using the devil? !

"You are qualified, tell your wish, and your wish will come true."

There once was a king, the son of David, the third king of ancient Israel.

The great king who created the most prosperous period of ancient Israel.

——Used the seventy-two pillars of demons to build the Temple of Israel.

As a king, he carried out wise government and was famous for his power as a magician.

After King Solomon married the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh, he encountered God in a dream and this oracle was sent to him.

"You are qualified, tell your wish, and your wish will come true."

Like Galahad now, King Solomon also had the opportunity to make a wish to this omnipotent god.

Solomon longed for wisdom more than gold and power. So he made a wish for more wisdom.

God is extremely satisfied, because this answer is the proof of being qualified to reach [real wisdom].

King Solomon woke up and found ten rings on his hands. This was the proof that he was recognized by God as a wise man. Later known as Solomon's Ring, it was also the source of magic to use angels and demons.


Galahad listened... to the same voice that the once wise king had heard.

"——A wish that will come true!"

As the Son of Man who was also loved by the all-knowing and all-powerful God, he found that he had no desires to fulfill in his heart.

Galahad is the most perfect knight in legend.

Humility, kindness, modesty, heroism, courage - all human virtues can be found in him.

His soul is as pure and perfect as his character. He thinks about problems rationally and has no desire for his own desires.

Apart from his relationship with his father Lancelot, he probably has no regrets in his life.

However, Galahad did not want to make a wish to the gods about his father Lancelot.


Galahad was confused the moment he retrieved the Holy Grail.

He has no desire to realize it, and his heart is as pure as his personality, so what is the use of pursuing miracles!

Even if he did not want to conquer the world or pray for eternal life, he did not pursue the wisdom and ultimate knowledge that King Solomon and the magicians longed for.

"No wish..."

Baling, the Knight of Two Swords, and Lancelot, the Knight of the Lake, pursued her several times, only to get a glimpse of the miracle.

Now...the Holy Grail is finally welcomed back by Galahad.

One day after being made king by King Arthur, Galahad made it clear that he had no wishes to fulfill.

The voice understood his thoughts and appeared in front of him again.

"Hold that cup! I allow it at this moment! Allow you to touch it with both hands for a moment!" Although it was not a choice that satisfied the god, he still agreed with Galahad's will.

When Galahad picked up the cup, his soul was taken to heaven, and he was saved from the body.

——The story of the Holy Grail Knight comes to an end.

What follows is the story about the final glory and end of King Arthur's dynasty!

"King Solomon...Seventy-two Demonic Pillars!!!"

"How is this possible!" Everyone lost their voice when they saw this.

"The ancestors... the demons that the heroes have been struggling to resist and defeat, were actually enslaved by humans...?!"

"The king who chose wisdom. And that omniscient god! He can make any wish come true, even this kind of thing."

"I always thought that the demons were the product of the abyss! But if the demon pillars all originated from the abyss, why would they obey Solomon's orders?"

"Oh my God! Is that god the master of all the demons?"

After reading about Galahad's brief life, everyone was left with only shock in their hearts.

And several questions have been lingering in their hearts, making their shock last for a long time.

One is the "wisdom" that Solomon prayed for. What kind of terrifying wisdom is it that allows him to command the seventy-two demon pillars.

Think about the terrible disasters that happened in history when the demon pillars invaded the earth on a large scale.

Everyone felt awe and desire for this ultimate wisdom from the bottom of their hearts.

Another question is the omniscient and almighty God whose name is not mentioned but whose power seems quite terrifying.

He gave the ten rings to King Solomon, and the wisdom of Solomon's ability to command the seventy-two demon pillars also came from that god.

Is there really such a powerful true God in the world?

If there is, even the one who created the world is no more powerful than this. Or is the God who created the world the same as this omniscient and almighty God!

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