How could she and the king blame her for these rumors! (The relationship between Lancelot and Guinevere here is based on the "version of Lancelot, the God of Disobedience, and Guinevere, the God-Ancestor King". That is, there are also rumors, but in fact the relationship between the two sides is very innocent. The two have always been loyal to the king and have never betrayed Arthur in their minds.)

The version of Arthur in Yan has no green hat on his head.

As an ideal heroic spirit, the Knight King was also like a fairy tale fantasy when he was alive - a truly perfect king.

However, whether Lancelot and Guinevere have problems is not up to them.

The knights' dissatisfaction with Lancelot has not been one or two days.

Even the Round Table is not all one faction, they are all excellent knights from all over the world.

The knights of the faction hostile to Lancelot gradually began a series of premeditated actions.

When the contradiction reached a peak.

Finally -

One day, "Agguiwen" and "Mordred" led twelve knights to sneak into the queen's palace.

They caught Lancelot and Guinevere in the act of "tryst".

The knights who came this time were all Agragwen's own men.

Even the meeting between Lancelot and Guinevere was deliberately pushed by them behind the scenes.

At this moment, they insisted that Lancelot and Guinevere were "tryst", and they were ready to arrest Lancelot before the king could react and convict her.

"——!!!" Shocked!

When everyone saw this...


"What the hell, I TM!"

"Despicable!" The people who were reading books cursed loudly.

They were shocked by the shameless faces of the round tables.

How could they still do this? ! Isn't this the thief crying "Catch the thief"?

Deliberately creating a crime scene and arresting people? !

... Everyone continued to watch anxiously.

Facing the arrest of Agragwen and his men.

Lancelot fought hard to escape from the siege. In the process, Lancelot accidentally killed Gareth, who had always admired and admired him.

This made Gareth's brothers and sisters, the knight Gawain and others hate Lancelot even more.

Guinevere was forced by the round tables led by Agrawen, and King Arthur had to be heartbroken and burn the beautiful queen at the stake.

" could it be?" The smile on Princess Chenxi's face was stagnant.

'Gareth is dead? Or was he killed by Lancelot by mistake? '

'Ahhhh! ' Countless cries.

The girls' inner anxiety was finally verified, and their glass hearts seemed to be broken!

The round tables who had always played the role of King Arthur's loyal knights, they had forgotten the glory, humility, mercy, and honor, and now became the "executioners" who forced the king to make all kinds of decisions he didn't want to make.

"Ahhhhhhh! Bastard! Bastard Agragwen! Bastard Gawain! Bastard Mordred!! And the group of Knights of the Round Table!" Claire.

Looking at the new illustrations in the book.

... After driving away everyone, King Arthur took off his dignity and supported his face with one hand.

Arthur sat on the throne silently. Under the five fingers that penetrated into his hair, was the king crying again!

In the end, Arthur just said such a sentence painfully and heavily, and that "word" turned directly into a heavy hammer and hit everyone's heart: "Forgive me, Lancelot. I lost... the friendship of the noblest knight (Lancelot)!"

The lament seemed to have passed through time and space, came out of the book, and rang in people's ears.

These words and scenes made the people who were reading the book even crazier!

Chapter 316 Are all the five knights of the round table "undercover"? ! Morgan, the witch who can give birth!

He is a king, and then a knight, and then other identities.

In order to maintain the absolute stability of Britain, Agrawen and his men deliberately drove away Sir Lancelot, who might bring stains to themselves, and even did not intend to let Guinevere go.

At this moment, the matter was done, and Arthur could not go against all the resolutions of the Round Table to support Lancelot and Guinevere.

——The people of Camelot would not understand, and the Round Table would not support it.

The citizens and ministers imposed their ideals on the king.

At this moment, there is no longer an invincible king. In this "battle", the Knight King is as fragile as a gust of wind and seems so powerless.

In any case, when he ordered Guinevere to be burned at the stake and issued a wanted warrant for Lancelot, his inner emotions made him unable to ignore his "betrayal" of the friendship between the two.

He personally ordered the execution of his friend.

Even if he did these things from the standpoint of the king, it was unforgivable in his heart.

"Gareth is dead, woooo! My little angel."

"He was killed by mistake by Sir Lancelot. Damn old Andersen, why do you have to be so cruel!"

"It's all the fault of the Round Table, especially that Agrawen, Gawain and Mordred."

As a Knight of the Round Table who had only been heard of a few times, in the previous battles, only Gawain could be seen frequently, and he was always slightly inferior when compared with Lancelot.

The people who had no feelings about these round tables saw that Lancelot, Gareth and others had suffered such a tragic experience because of the calculations of these people.

Everyone was very angry.

Just when Claire and the others were so angry about Agrawen and the others.

On the next page, there happened to be a portrait of Agrawen in the palace.

That serious face that didn't look like a good person, Agrawen's stinky face instantly made many people hate him.

Just when everyone was angry and hated this knight called "Iron Commandment".

However, there was a description in the text.

"Merry's prophecy seems to be coming true..." Arthur.

His teacher, the flower magician he loved, the respected sage -

The signs of the end of the kingdom predicted when he drew his sword have already appeared. From Tristan's death by poisoning, Galahad's ascension to heaven, to Lancelot being forced to leave by himself and the knights.

King Arthur already had a bad premonition in his heart.

Then the narration in the text confirmed King Arthur's guess. (Merry: That's the future you see!)

This made everyone's eyes red and their faces turned pale.

'No, no way! Now is -! 'At this moment, countless people had an incredible thought in their minds.

Is this the plot of Arthur's end now? !

Isn't it the eighth volume of King Arthur? Damn, is this the final volume!

Some people suddenly realized and noticed this fact in advance, but some were unwilling to believe it.

No one wants such a good series of King Arthur to end so quickly, or they don't want to see the end of the Knight King!

Then, they saw the perspective of the book shift to... the description of the knight Agguiwen in the illustration.

Agguiwen of Iron, Agguiwen who knows no pain, Iron Sword...

This is the title of this knight.

He is the sister of King Arthur, the son of the enchanting concubine Morgan, and the only child Morgan can trust.

At first, he was sent to the round table as an assassin to subvert King Arthur. Claire and others were shocked by this description, and then their faces were confused.

Could it be that——!

They widened their eyes, and a strong anger burned in their hearts in an instant.

But this anger came and went quickly.

Because the book quickly cleared up their misunderstanding of the knight Agravin.

The book explained that although the knight Agravin had the mission to assassinate King Arthur, he cared more about Britain.

He was a true knight.

He regarded the continuation of Britain as the first priority, and was impressed by the king in the process of getting along with Arthur.

Therefore, he still supported Arthur, who was most suitable for the throne.

Even when Britain was completely destroyed in the future, most of the other people at the Round Table hated him and regarded Agravin as the reason for the decline of the Round Table.

Few people discovered... In fact, the Round Table gradually fell apart after Agravin's death.

Agravin was actually the most indispensable person around the king, even more important than the flower magician and the sage Meili.

The reason for such calculations on Lancelot was to ensure that the king's perfect image in the hearts of the people was maintained, which would be more conducive to maintaining the longer rule of the kingdom that should have declined.

Arthur, Merry, and even the deceased old King Uspipangan, they worked hard and planned for two generations, just to make Britain continue.

They even personally brewed the hatred of their sister Morgan and their brother Arthur, which eventually led to a series of tragedies.

Merry may have agreed to the old king's request and calculation just because she thought it was interesting at first, but in the end she helped Arthur because she was really impressed by Arthur's charm.

——Agaguiwen is the same.

Looking at the description of Agaguiwen in the text, I didn't expect that this annoying, serious, and rigid knight was so important to Britain and King Arthur.

Everyone was silent.

"He..." Princess Chenxi and the others opened their lips slightly and wanted to say something, but they couldn't speak because they felt uncomfortable. It was as uncomfortable as if their anger was forcibly blocked in their hearts! !

Do people think that the biggest leader of the round table who persecuted Lancelot for selfish desires is so noble in his heart?

Even if they wanted to refute, the words clearly stated in the book still made everyone at a loss.

But such a guy still makes people unable to like him.

Everyone couldn't say why.

And Morgan... this woman who had not disappeared for a long time actually appeared again.

People were so angry that their teeth itched. No matter what, I... it's all Morgan's fault anyway!

Before everyone could recover.

Then the book briefly introduced several knights who had participated in the plan to harm Lancelot.

Then a shocking and trembling message appeared in front of them.

Knight Gawain, Knight Mordred... these other two leaders, plus the dead Gareth and Gareth's brother Gareth, among the knights in the first few seats at the round table, five of them were Morgan's children!

"I TM...——!" Claire was shocked!

Other readers who read this were also confused.

The huge Arthurian dynasty, King Arthur's knights, are all Morgan's children?

Are all of these undercover agents sent by Morgan to assassinate Arthur? !

Everyone gasped! Morgan is so fertile, "fertile" in every sense.

'——This woman is too powerful! 'Goosebumps rose from the little princess and the others.

Chapter 317 The five undercover agents of the Round Table are all traitors? Morgan: “???”

Horrible! That vicious woman!

…How many other shady plots have she set up behind the scenes! Everyone was terrified and panicked.

Strong! The name Morgan Le Fay simply refreshed their three views on the strongest human women!

Claire and the others continued to look back.

A brief description of the five knights appeared in the book.

First, Gawain, whose strength was second only to Lancelot and had the number of a saint—the legend of having three times the combat power under the sun.

In everyone’s opinion…

If it was daytime, even if his strength was not as good as Lancelot, the gap between this knight and the Knight of the Lake would be infinitely narrowed.

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